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Dialectical indignation: Passion and resistance in Maria Helena Souza Patto’s work

This paper discusses the work of Maria Helena Souza Patto, not for the purpose of dating and reifying an author and her thought, but to revive her critical content on psychology in an era when the mediocritization of the courses meets the shallowest sense of the term ‘formation’. In this context, the purpose of this paper is to support the author’s work as the opposition of what is imposed, as resistance that is still possible. Nevertheless, it analyzes how the author’s thoughts contributed to bequeath us a totally different psychology from the one that she found herself. It addresses topics studied in depth by the author, such as the history of psychology, school failure, school psychology, psychology applied to children, critique of psychology, and the relationship between psychology and politics - topics always connected due to their denunciation of the hegemonic ideology and the indignation concerning new ideological movements that aim to keep conditions of domination intact. It is understood that the final result allows critical thinking and dialectical thinking according to the methods of reflection of the author herself.

History of Psychology - Brazil; School psychology; Political psychology; Critical thinking

Instituto de Psicologia da Universidade de São Paulo Av. Prof. Mello Moraes, 1721 - Bloco A, sala 202, Cidade Universitária Armando de Salles Oliveira, 05508-900 São Paulo SP - Brazil - São Paulo - SP - Brazil