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Estimative by DSC data of the sublimation enthalpies for ethyleneurea and propyleneurea: some empirical correlations with amides and tioamides

By using DSC data, the enthaplies of sublimation for ethyleneurea and propyleneurea, are calculated as 84 and 89 kJ mol-1 respectively. Using the vaporization enthalpy values for dimethylethyleneurea and dimethylprophyleneurea, as obtained from literature, the empirical relation: <FONT FACE="Symbol">D</font>crg Hmo (1)/ <FONT FACE="Symbol">D</font>crg Hmo (2) = <FONT FACE="Symbol">D</font>lg Hmo (1)/ <FONT FACE="Symbol">D</font>lg Hmo(2) = constant, that relate sublimation or vaporization enthalpies of two different substances and of its methylated derivatives, is obtained. Correlations like that are found to another ureas and thioureas.

amides; sublimation enthalpy; vaporization enthalpy

Sociedade Brasileira de Química Instituto de Química, Universidade Estadual de Campinas (Unicamp), CP6154, 13083-0970 - Campinas - SP - Brazil