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Glasses coated with transparent thin layers of SnO2

SnO2 thin layers, prepared from aqueous colloidal suspensions by the sol-gel process, have been dip-coated on commercial borosilicate glasses. The effect of the conditions of deposition on the optical and structural characteristics of the thin layers was analysed by UV-Vis spectroscopy, x-ray reflectometry and electron scanning microscopy. Layers prepared with withdrawal speed in between 0.1 and 10cm/min show thickness smaller than 90nm, roughness of the order of 2nm and transmittance higher than 80%, resulting in good optical quality samples. The roughness increases from 2 to 11nm as the withdrawal speed increases from 10 to 80cm/min, what seems to be associated to the enlargement of the layers thickness (> 90nm). The measurements of mass loss, done after etching with fluoridric acid show that the coated samples are more corrosion resistant than the uncoated borosilicate glass.

SnO2 thin layers; corrosion resistant; coated borosilicate glass

Sociedade Brasileira de Química Instituto de Química, Universidade Estadual de Campinas (Unicamp), CP6154, 13083-0970 - Campinas - SP - Brazil