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Chemical constituents of Ipomoea subincana Meisn. (Convolvulaceae)

The chloroform extract of aerial parts of Ipomoea subincana was submitted to different chromatographic procedures which afforded methyl caffeate, ethyl caffeate, methyl 3,4-dimethoxycinnamate, lupeol, alpha-amyrin, beta-amyrin, 3-beta-O-beta-D-glycopiranosyl-sitosterol, beta-sitosterol, stigmasterol, scopoletin, aromadendrane-4beta,10alpha-diol, n-docosyl-cis-p-coumarate and n-icosyl-trans-p-coumarate, vanilin, cinamic acid and vanillic acid. However, from the ethyl acetate extract besides quercetin and 3-O-beta-D-glycopiranosyl-quercetin were isolated methyl 4-O-E-feruloyl-5-O-E-caffeoyl-quinate, methyl 3,5-di-O-E-caffeoyl-quinate and methyl 4-O-E-caffeoyl-quinate. The structures of the compounds were established on the basis of spectral data.

Ipomoea subincana; caffeoyl quinates; aromadendrane-4beta,10alpha-diol

Sociedade Brasileira de Química Instituto de Química, Universidade Estadual de Campinas (Unicamp), CP6154, 13083-0970 - Campinas - SP - Brazil