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Paint samples preparation methods for metals and methaloids determination by atomic spectrometry techniques

This work deals with paint decomposition methods for major, minor and trace elements determination. Three methods were investigated: (1) decomposition in closed quartz vessel and heating in microwave oven; (2) decomposition in open vessel using HNO3 and ashing, following the ASTM D 3335-85a method; and (3) decomposition in open vessel using HNO3 + HF and ashing. Paints of different types and colours were analyzed, in which several elements were determined using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) and inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP OES). It was observed that method (1) is appropriate for trace, minor and major elements determination, while method (3) is appropriate for Ti.

paints; elements determination; plasma techniques

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