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Strategies for the synthesis of γ-alkilidenebutenolides

α,β-unsaturated lactones possessing an alkylidene appendage group at the γ-position, are frequently termed γ-alkylidenebutenolides. Over the past decades, an increasing number of these compounds have been isolated from various natural sources. Members of this class of substances vary greatly in structural complexity and functionality. Besides that, many of them have been shown to display a wide range of biological activities. The γ-alkylidenebutenolides has attracted the attention of the organic synthetic chemists resulting in the development of a variety of process to synthesize them. This article review is concerned with the different approaches that can be utilized to prepare γ-alkylidenebutenolides.

γ-alkylidenebutenolides; α,β-unsaturated lactones; butenolides

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