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Geochemical evaluation of occluded biomarkers in asphaltenic structures

Asphaltenes from two Brazilian crude oils were submitted to mild oxidation to disrupt their structure, releasing the occluded oil. The released hydrocarbons were compared with those from the original crude oil, and used to evaluate the alteration of the oils, especially as a result of biodegradation, but also thermal maturity. The crude oils used are depleted in n-alkanes, which are usually related to biodegradation. However, the released products from the corresponding asphaltenes have n-alkane distributions from nC10 to nC40, suggesting a protection effect from biodegradation. The m/z 191 mass chromatograms showed higher relative intensities for tricyclic terpanes than the hopanes in the crude in comparison with the released ones.

asphaltenes; biodegradation; occluded biomarkers

Sociedade Brasileira de Química Instituto de Química, Universidade Estadual de Campinas (Unicamp), CP6154, 13083-0970 - Campinas - SP - Brazil