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The weighty potentiality of nitrogenated basic centers in inorganic polymers and biopolymers for cation removal

This review reports the application of inorganic and organic polymeric materials for cation removal by using nitrogenated basic centers. The data demonstrate the importance of the desired groups when free or immobilized on natural or synthesized inorganic polymers through silanol groups. Thus, the most studied silica gel is followed by natural crysotile and talc polymers, and the synthesized mesopore silicas, talc-like, silicic acids, phosphates and phyllosilicates. The organic natural biopolymeric chitin and cellulose were chemically modified to improve the availability of the amine groups or the reactivity with desirable molecules to enlarge the content of basic centers. The cation removal takes place at the solid/liquid interface and some interactive effects have their thermodynamic data determined.

inorganic polymer; biopolymer; cation removal

Sociedade Brasileira de Química Instituto de Química, Universidade Estadual de Campinas (Unicamp), CP6154, 13083-0970 - Campinas - SP - Brazil