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Development of an algorithm for identification and correction of spikes in Raman imaging spectroscopy

Raman imaging spectroscopy is a highly useful analytical tool that provides spatial and spectral information on a sample. However, CCD detectors used in dispersive instruments present the drawback of being sensitive to cosmic rays, giving rise to spikes in Raman spectra. Spikes influence variance structures and must be removed prior to the use of multivariate techniques. A new algorithm for correction of spikes in Raman imaging was developed using an approach based on comparison of nearest neighbor pixels. The algorithm showed characteristics including simplicity, rapidity, selectivity and high quality in spike removal from hyperspectral images.

Raman imaging; spikes filter; algorithm development

Sociedade Brasileira de Química Instituto de Química, Universidade Estadual de Campinas (Unicamp), CP6154, 13083-0970 - Campinas - SP - Brazil