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Química Nova, Volume: 22, Número: 1, Publicado: 1999
  • Editorial Editorial

  • Síntese do anti-helmíntico praziquantel,a partir da glicina Artigo

    Novaes, Maria Rita Carvalho Garbi; Souza, João Pedro de; Araújo, Hugo Clemente de

    Resumo em Inglês:

    This paper deals mainly with the synthesis of praziquantel, a powerful anti-helminthic used against schistosomiasis, an endemic disease which infest millions of people around the world.
  • Separação de espectros simulados e de luminescência total através do método generalizado de anulação do posto (GRAM) Artigo

    Reis, Marlon Martins dos; Ferreira, Márcia M. C.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    A multivariate curve resolution method, "GENERALIZED RANK ANNIHILATION METHOD (GRAM)", is discussed and tested with simulated and experimental data. The analysis of simulated data provides general guidelines concerning the condition for uniqueness of a solution for a given problem. The second-order emission-excitation spectra of human and animal dental calculus deposits were used as an experimental data to estimate the performance of the above method. Three porphyrinic spectral profiles, for both human and cat, were obtained by the use of GRAM.
  • Sistema automático para análise direta de ligas metálicas por eletrodissolução anódica e espectrometria de absorção atômica Artigo

    Silva, José Bento B.; Giacomelli, Maria B. O.; Lehmkuhl, Arilson; Curtius, Adilson J.; Queiróz, Roldão R. U.; Souza, Ivan G. de

    Resumo em Inglês:

    An automatic system for the direct determination of lead and tin by atomic absorption spectrometry is described. The on-line treatment of the metallic samples was obtained by anodic electrodissolution in a flow injection system. Lead was determined by flame atomic absorption spectrometry (FAAS) and tin by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry (GFAAS). A computer program managed the current source and the solenoid valves that direct the fluids. Good linear correlations between absorbance and current intensity for lead and tin were observed. Results were in agreement with the certified values. Precision was always better than 5%. The recommended procedure allows the direct determination of 60 or 30 elements/h using FAAS or GFAAS, respectively.
  • Estudo químico-computacional da reatividade de aziridinona e diaziridinona através de cálculos semi-empíricos Artigo

    Cunha, Silvio do Desterro; Momesso, Melchior Antônio

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The results of semiempirical molecular orbital calculations performed on aziridinone and diaziridinone employing the MNDO, AM1, and PM3 molecular models are presented. The AM1 method, which best reproduces ground-state molecular properties, is used to calculate electronic parameters and the use of these parameters for the evaluation of reactivity is discussed.
  • Novos derivados do sistema heterocíclico 1H-pirazolo[3,4-b]piridina: síntese e assinalamentos de hidrogênios e carbonos por RMN 1D e 2D Artigo

    Mello, Heloisa de; Silva, Edson Fernandes da; Echevarria, Aurea; Carvalho, Mário Geraldo de; Bernardino, Alice Maria Rolim

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The synthesis and NMR analysis of seven new 4-(aryl)amino-5-carboethoxy-1,3-dimethyl-1H-pyrazolo[3,4- b]pyridines (7-13) are described. The synthetic approach used involved the preparation of intermediates 5-aminopyrazol (4), the enamine derivative (5) and the 4-chloro-1H-pyrazolo[3,4-b]pyridine (6). Compounds (7-13) were obtained by treatment of 6 with the desired aniline. The structures of new heterocyclic compounds and their precursors intermediates were assigned on the basis of spectral analysis including 1D and 2D NMR experiments [¹H; 13C{¹H} and DEPT; ¹H x ¹H - COSY; ¹H x13C - COSY, nJ CH, n = 1, 2 or 3 (HETECOR and COLOC)].
  • Principais substâncias responsáveis pelo aroma de mangas comerciais brasileiras identificadas por cromatografia gasosa de alta resolução/olfatometria/espectrometria de massas Artigo

    Lopes, Diógenes C.; Fraga, Sandra Regina; Rezende, Claudia M.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Six Brazilian commercial mangoes were analysed by HRGC-O-AEDA-MS, viz., Carlota, Haden, Espada, Coração de boi, Rubi and Tommy Atkins. All them showed ethyl butanoate as the main aroma character impact compound by AEDA evaluation. The ethyl esters of 2 and 3-methylbutanoic acids are also important, the main contribution in Carlota variety being 2(S) enantiomer. In Rubi variety, both 2(R) enantiomer and 3-methyl isomer contributes to the caprylic fruity note observed. In four varieties, viz., Haden, Espada, Rubi and Tommy Atkins, d-3-carene showed to be the second impact aroma compound presented. In Tommy Atkins variety, a-pinene also has a significant contribution, mainly due to its (1R,5R)(+)-enantiomer.
  • Identificação de componentes de óleos voláteis: Análise espectroscópica de misturas de sesquiterpenos Artigo

    Brochini, Cláudia B.; Núñez, Cecilia V.; Moreira, Isabel C.; Roque, Nidia F.; Chaves, Mariana H.; Martins, Dirceu

    Resumo em Inglês:

    This paper describes a chromatographic method to fractionate volatile oils and to identify their sesquiterpenic constituents. The fractionation process includes flash chromatography over silica gel and chromatography over silica gel/AgNO3, utilising pentane, CH2Cl2 and/or acetone as eluents. GC chromatograms were obtained in order to get the relative percentage of each constituent in the volatile oils, to get the retention time value of them as well as to analyse and combine the fractions eluted from the columns. Such procedure afford mixtures of sesquiterpenes which are analysed by GC/MS, 13C and ¹H NMR.
  • Preparation and thermal decomposition of copper(II), zinc(II) and cadmium(II) chelates with 8-hydroxyquinoline

    Crespi, Marisa S.; Ribeiro, Clóvis A.; Greenhalf, Valentina C. M.; Zorel Jr., Henrique E.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    When the compounds are heated in an inert atmosphere it can be verified the consecutive partial sublimation, fusion, partial volatilization and partial thermal decomposition of the anhydrous complexes. When in an oxidating atmosphere the above process is only verified to Cu(II) chelates. Anhydrous copper(II) complexes present a monoclinic structure in the b form and the volatilized compound in a a form. Zinc(II) and cadmium(II) hydrated complexes are isomorphous and they present different cell dimensions from those reported previously.
  • Contaminação por crômio de águas de rios proveniente de curtumes em Minas Gerais Artigo

    Jordão, Cláudio Pereira; Silva, Alessandro Costa da; Pereira, José Luiz; Brune, Walter

    Resumo em Inglês:

    In order to evaluate the chromium contamination from tannery discharges into rivers in the State of Minas Gerais, samples of water and suspended material were collected and submitted to chemical analysis. The total content of chromium in the samples was measured by flame atomic absorption spectrophotometry. Water samples were analysed by standard addition method, while chromium concentration in suspended materials was determined by calibration curves. Localities investigated were Ipatinga, Matias Barbosa, Dores de Campo, Ressaquinha, Ubá and Juiz de Fora. Samples from a not-industrialized area were also analysed to obtain regional background values. Metal inputs were related to effluent discharges into the rivers. Suspended material transported Cr downriver. Chromium concentration in river water exceeded 656 times the value of the Brazilian Environmental Standards, while its concentration in suspended material ranged from 15 to 11066 µg g-1.
  • Titulador potenciométrico automatizado baseado em sistema de fluxo monossegmentado Artigo

    Ganzarolli, Edgard Moreira; Lehmkuhl, Arilson; Queiróz, Roldão Rosevelt R. de; Souza, Ivan Gonçalves de

    Resumo em Inglês:

    A new automated system for acid-base flow titrations is proposed. In the operation mode, several sample to titrant volumetric ratios are injected in an air segmented plug. Five three way solenoid valves and three acrilic junctions, assembled in a hidrodynamic injection system, were accountable for the monosegmented reagents plug formation. A turbulent flow reactor was used for a perfect mix of reagents in the plug. The detector system employed a glass combined electrode fitted in an acrilic holder. Titrations of hydrochloric, nitric and acetic acids, in several concentrations, were performed with standard sodium hidroxide, for evaluation of the efficiency of the system. The relative standard deviation of the determinations was about ±0,5% and each titration was carried out in 3-4 minutes. A Quick BASIC 4.5® program was developed for the titrator control.
  • Comportamento dos herbicidas atrazina e alaclor aplicados em solo preparado para o cultivo de cana-de-açucar Artigo

    Javaroni, Rita de Cássia A.; Landgraf, Maria Diva; Rezende, Maria Olímpia O.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Atrazine and alachlor herbicides are widely and extensively used in agriculture for the control of a variety of weeds. These herbicides are quite mobile in soil and there is a concern that they may contaminate the environment, specially surface and ground water and soils. The results suggest that alachlor and atrazine present similar behavior in the environment, but alaclhor dissipates with greater rate.
  • A qualidade do ar de interiores e a química Revisão

    Brickus, Leila S. R.; Aquino Neto, Francisco R. de

    Resumo em Inglês:

    In Brazil, very little experimental work on measurements of indoor air pollutant levels has been done. Nowadays, increasing attention is being given to indoor air quality and the health problems associated with buildings and the indoor work environment. The scope of this paper is to review the major pollutants found in indoor environments and their sources. Subsequently, exposure to indoor air pollutants and health effects are considered. The review concludes by briefly addressing assessment of indoor air quality in Brazil and research needs.
  • O processo de latenciação no planejamento de fármacos Revisão

    Chung, Man Chin; Ferreira, Elizabeth Igne

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Short review about the main aspects of prodrug design, as its objectives, applicability and importance, showing the new trends in the research for selective latent forms, namely targeted drugs.
  • Dimetildioxirano. 1. Oxidação de compostos de enxofre Revisão

    Curi, Denise; Pardini, Vera L.; Viertler, Hans

    Resumo em Inglês:

    A brief review of the chemistry of dimethyldioxirane is presented. This article specifically foccus on the preparation of dimethyldioxirane, its chemical reactivity, and specially on the oxidation of sulfur compounds.
  • Métodos para avaliação do grau de oxidação lipídica e da capacidade antioxidante Revisão

    Silva, Francisco A. M.; Borges, M. Fernanda M.; Ferreira, Margarida A.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    In this work several methods for evaluation of the degree of lipid oxidation and antioxidant activity are reviewed. Some aspects related to the recent advances mentioned in the literature are also reported.
  • Argilas pilarizadas - uma introdução Divulgação

    Luna, Fernando J.; Schuchardt, Ulf

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The synthesis, characterization and some applications in catalysis of pillared clays are described at an introductory level. The use of x-ray diffraction, surface area measurements, thermal analysis, IR spectrophotometry and solid-state NMR in the characterization of pillared clays is briefly discussed. Pillarization followed by doping or introduction of metal clusters into clays could lead to the development of selective heterogeneous catalysts.
  • A química dos liquens Divulgação

    Honda, Neli Kika; Vilegas, Wagner

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Lichens are symbiotic associations between fungi and algae and/or cyanobacteria. They produce common intracellular products including proteins, amino acids, polyols, carotenoids, polysaccharides and vitamins. The secondary metabolites found in lichens are phenolics which accumulate either on the cortex or on the cell walls of medullary hyphae and they are mainly acetyl-polimalonyl pathway derivatives. Polysaccharides, proteins and secondary metabolites produced by lichens have attracted the attention of investigators due their biological activities. This revision coments about the biosynthetic origin and structures of the principal classes of compounds produced by these organisms.
  • Ciência de espumas - aplicação na extinção de incêndios Divulgação

    Figueredo, Rita C. R.; Ribeiro, Fabiana A. L.; Sabadini, Edvaldo

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The structural characteristics of foams are responsible for a broad range of applications of this system. Foams produced by aqueous solutions of surfactant concentrates are used in fire-fighting due to their special properties as extinguishing agents. In the present paper we discuss the main aspects involved in fire-fighting, based on some properties of foams. Thermal and chemical stability, good wetting of surfaces, cooling effect by water drained from the bubbles, isolation of the air from the burning surface and suppression of flammable vapors are some of the factors involved in the extinguishment of fire by foams.
  • Desenvolvimento de um detector piezelétrico para cromatógrafo a gás interfaceado a microcomputador Nota Técnica

    Jesus, Dosil P. de; Medeiros, Gilberto A. de; Lago, Claudimir L. do

    Resumo em Inglês:

    A piezoelectric detector based on a commercial quartz crystal of 3.57MHz is shown. A PTFE cell attached to the GC-column outlet holds the polymer-coated crystal, whose terminals were removed. Two TTL oscillators (reference and sensor) are used and the beating of their frequencies is monitored through a home-made counter card inserted in a microcomputer. The original thermal conductivity detector was also interfaced, but through a 12-bit analog-to-digital converter. In spite of the well-known fact that QCM has low sensitivity at high temperatures, results show significant peak deformation for low temperatures. In addition, the phenomenon is also dependent on the chemical composition of the absorbent film besides instantaneous partial pressure and chemical composition of the analyte.
  • Sistema de termostatização para aplicação em análise por injeção em fluxo Nota Técnica

    Lehmkuhl, Arilson; Ganzarolli, Edgard Moreira; Souza, Ivan Gonçalves de; Nome, Faruk

    Resumo em Inglês:

    A on-line thermostatization system that use simples materials, for flow injection and continuous flow analysis is described. The proposed system showed good performance between 10 to 40ºC.
  • The use of mini-projects in an undergraduate laboratory course in chemistry

    Vianna, José F.; Sleet, Ray J.; Johnstone, Alex H.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    This paper reports the results of a three-year study of the effectiveness of mini-projects in a first year laboratory course in chemistry at a Scottish university. A mini-project is a short, practical problem which requires for its solution the application of the knowledge and skills developed in previously completed set experiments. A number of recommendations have been made about the most appropriate ways of introducing mini-projects into undergraduate laboratory course. The main hypothesis of this survey was concerned with the value of mini-projects in laboratory courses formulated within the context of Information Processing Theory.
  • Classificação e definição dos métodos de análises em fluxo (Recomendações - IUPAC 1994) Assuntos Gerais

    Zagatto, Elias A. G.; Oliveira, Cláudio C.; Collins, Carol H.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The aim of this report is to classify analytical methods based on flowing media and to define (standardize) terminology. After the classification and a discussion of terms describing the systems and component parts, a section is devoted to terms describing the performance of flow systems. The list of terms included is restricted to the most relevant ones; especially "self-explanatory" terms are left out. It is emphasised that the usage of terms or expressions that do not adequately describe the processes or procedures involved should be strongly discouraged. Although belonging to the category of methods based on flowing media, chromatographic methods are not comprised in the present document. However, care has been taken that the present text is not in conflict with definitions in that domain. In documents in which flow methods are described, it should be clearly indicated how the sample and/or reagent is introduced and how the sample zone is transported. When introducing new techniques in the field, or variants of existing techniques, it is strongly recommended that descriptive terms rather than trivial or elaborate names are used.
  • A química no Brasil de hoje Opinião

    Filgueiras, Carlos A. L.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    This article surveys the birth and development of the chemical community in Brazil in the last 50 years. Starting from humble beginnings, a vigorous community developed and rapidly expanded the scope of its activities across the country. Many problems remain unsolved, however, and to these have now been added dismal government policies which threaten to dwarf many of the accomplishments obtained thus far. Brazilian Chemistry is at the threshold of a new age which will be far different from the previous half-century.
  • In memorian Opinião

    Campos, Marcello de Moura
Sociedade Brasileira de Química Instituto de Química, Universidade Estadual de Campinas (Unicamp), CP6154, 13083-0970 - Campinas - SP - Brazil