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Química Nova, Volume: 23, Número: 1, Publicado: 2000
  • Editorial Editorial

    Galembeck, Fernando
  • Adsorção de íons Cu2+ em latossolo vermelho-amarelo húmico Artigo

    Jordão, Cláudio Pereira; Alves, Neusa Maria; Pereira, José Luiz; Bellato, Carlos Roberto; Alvarez V., Victor Hugo

    Resumo em Inglês:

    In environmental studies it is necessary to know the adsorption behavior of metals by soils, since the unfavorable effects of heavy metals and even the micronutrients at high concentrations in the environment are related to these adsorbents' ability to immobilize them. A sample of a humic yellow red oxisol from Araponga region in the State of Minas Gerais, Brazil, was used to verify the adsorption behavior of Cu2+ ions in this substrate. The mathematical model described by Langmuir's adsorption equation in its linearized form was applied and the values of the maximum capacity b and those of the constant related to the bonding energy a were obtained. Aliquots of copper nitrate solutions containing several concentrations of this metal were added to soil samples, the pH being predetermined for developing the adsorption experiments. The chemical and physical characterization of soil sample were performed by determining the organic carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations, cation exchange capacity (CEC), pH, concentration of metals (Al, Fe, K, Mg, Ca, Zn, Cu, Ni, Cr, Co, Pb, and Cd), granulometric analysis and X-ray diffraction. Langmuir isotherms presented two distinct adsorption regions at both pH 4 and pH 5, showing that the adsorptive phenomenon occurs in two distinct stages. The adsorption sites for the lower part presented greater bonding energy and low adsorption capacity compared with the adsorption sites of the part of the curve corresponding to higher Cu concentrations in the equilibrating solution.
  • Processo alternativo para remoção de cobre (II) e níquel (II) de soluções aquosas utilizando cápsulas de quitosana - Álcool Polivinílico Artigo

    Valentini, Antoninho; Laranjeira, Mauro C. M.; Fiori, Simone; Fávere, Valfredo T. de; Klug, Marilene

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Capsules were prepared from chitosan (QTS)-poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA) blend by saline coacervation and then by formalization. A adsorbent based on chitosan, insoluble on acid solution, was obtained. The morphology, average diameters of QTS/PVA capsules and their pores were studied by using scanning electron microscopy. The entrapment-adsorption of dimethylglioxime and ethylenediaminetetracetate by the capsules were studied. The removal of the ion nickel (II) and copper (II), was more effective than by using unloaded capsules.
  • Propriedades fotofísicas de Eu3+ e Tb3+ imobilizados em sílica gel funcionalizada com beta-Dicetonas Artigo

    Nassar, Eduardo José; Serra, Osvaldo Antonio

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Synthetic procedures, characterization and luminescent properties of Eu3+ and Tb3+ ions supported on silica gel functionalized with beta-diketones are presented. The functionalization with propyl benzoyltrifluoroacetone (BPG), dibenzoylmethane (DBM) and hexafluoroacetone (HPG), leads to new luminescent materials which photophysical properties depend on the group substituent in the beta-diketone. These systems were evaluated in terms of luminescence and lifetime of the Eu3+ and Tb3+ ions. Silica functionalization was confirmed by TGA and Elemental Analysis. The sample contents of ions were from 0,2 to 0,3 % (w/w).
  • Síntese de 1,3,5-triazinas substituídas e avaliação da toxicidade frente a Artemia Salina leach Artigo

    Cavalcante, Márcia Ferreira; Oliveira, Márcia Cristina Campos de; Velandia, Javier Rincón; Echevarria, Aurea

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The synthesis of ten symmetrically and unsymmetrically substituted 1,3,5-triazines by Phase Transfer Catalysis (PTC) method is described. Their toxicities were determined against Artemia salina Leach. The LD50 values have also been obtained for these compounds.
  • Sistema automático para determinação seqüencial de cianeto livre e total empregando eletrodo tubular íon-seletivo de membrana homogênea Artigo

    Marin, Maria Angélica Bonadiman; Silva, Reinaldo Carvalho da; Lehmkuhl, Arilson; Silva, José Bento Borba da; Ganzarolli, Edgard Moreira; Queiróz, Roldão Roosevelt Urzêdo de

    Resumo em Inglês:

    This study presents an automated system for potentiometric determination of free and total cyanide which employs a homogeneous membrane tubular ion-selective electrode. After the electrode is assembled, it is connected to a system composed of 3 three-way solenoid valves, sample line, carrier line, acid stream, and gas diffusion chamber. A Turbo Pascal® computer program, developed specifically for this task, automatically performs all the steps involved in data acquisition and processing. The proposed analytical procedure offers operational simplicity, since detection is performed by a tubular electrode, whose assembly is fast and easy. The system has shown reproducibility (r.s.d. < 0.5%, n=6) and high speed (30 readings/hour); it is efficient for determination of free and total cyanide in waste waters of starch processing plants. The detection limit was 1.2x10-5 and 1.5x10-5 mol L-1, for determination of free and total cyanide, respectively. The linear response range was between 1.2x10-5 and 1.0x10-2 mol L-1 for free cyanide and between 1.5x10-5 and 1.0x10-2 for total cyanide.
  • Geração eletroquímica do hidreto de selênio em sistema de injeção em fluxo com detecção por espectrometria de absorção atômica com chama Ar-Glp Artigo

    Machado, Luís Fernando Rebel; Jacintho, Antonio Octavio; Giné, Maria Fernanda

    Resumo em Inglês:

    This paper presents a system for electrochemical hydride generation using flow-injection and atomic absorption spectrometry to determine selenium in biological materials. The electrolytic cell was constructed by assembling two reservoirs, one for the sample and the other for the electrolytic solution separated by a Nafion membrane. Each compartment had a Pt electrode. The sample and electrolyte flow-rates, acidic media, and applied current were adjusted to attain the best analytical performance and ensure the membrane lifetime. The atomisation system used a T quartz tube in an air-LPG flame. The composition of the flame, the observation height, and the argon flow rate used to carry the hydrides were critically investigated. The system allowed to perform thirty determinations per hour with a detection limit of 10 mug L-1 of Se. Relative standard deviations were in general lower than 1.5% for a solution containing 20.0 and 34.0 mug L-1 of Se in a typical sample digest. Accuracy was assessed analysing the certified materials: rice flour (NIST-1568) from National Institute of Standard and Technology and dried fish (MA-A-2), whole animal blood (A-2/1974) from the International Atomic Energy Agency.
  • Solubilidade do SrO em NaCl-Kcl fundido a 727ºC Artigo

    Combes, Richard Louis; Koeller, Sérgio Luiz

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The solubility product value of SrO has been found to be equal to 10-4,2 (molality scale) in molten equimolar mixture of NaCl and KCl at 727ºC, using a potentiometric method involving a calcia stabilized zirconia membrane electrode. This value, which is in a logical agreement with other alkaline-earth oxide determined solubilities, is compared to those of 10-5,8, 10-3,0 and 10-3,08 (molality scale) found in the litterature 33, 22 and 5 years ago, respectively. Such discrepencies have called the attention of the authors, their possible reasons (methodology, titrating agent) are analyzed and a theoretical discussion, for considering the authors' value as more reliable, is given in this paper.
  • Síntese de aminoglicosídeos, precursores de pseudo-dissacarídeos potencialmente ativos Artigo

    Carvalho, Ivone; Haines, Alan H.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    This work describes the syntheses of O-protected aminoglycosides as an important block building for the preparation of potential bioactive pseudodisaccharide. The new O-protected methyl 3-amino-3-deoxy-alpha-D-glycopyranoside 4 and methyl 2-amino-2-deoxy-alpha-D-glycopyranoside 5 were prepared, respectively, in five and four steps. All compounds were obtained in good yield and characterized by spectral data (¹H and 13C NMR, MS, IR) and elemental analysis.
  • Constituintes químicos das raízes de Pyrostegia Venusta e considerações sobre a sua importância medicinal Artigo

    Ferreira, Dalva Trevisan; Alvares, Paulo Sérgio M.; Houghton, Peter J.; Braz-Filho, Raimundo

    Resumo em Inglês:

    This paper describes the chemical constituents isolated from roots of Pyrostegia venusta. From ethanol extract of the roots allantoin, beta-sitosterol, 3b-O-beta-D-glupyranosylsitosterol and hesperedin were isolated. The structures of these natural products were identified on the basis of spectral data, including 2D NMR of the peracetyl derivative of hesperidin.
  • Gênero Physalis - uma revisão sobre vitaesteróides Revisão

    Tomassini, Therezinha C. B.; Barbi, Nancy S.; Ribeiro, Ivone M.; Xavier, Deise C. D.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    This review describes results on the chemistry and spectroscopic data of some ergostane derivatives named withasteroids which have been obtained from Physalis genus. The main aim of this report is concerned with the description and characterization of Physalins. These natural product substances are C28 seco steroid lactone type compounds that have been shown biological activities against human illness such as immuno-deficiency, neoplasic tumors, inflammatory process and tropical endemic diseases. Physalins appear to be a source for new drugs to be apply as medicine.
  • Especiação de Arsênio - uma revisão Revisão

    Barra, Cristina Maria; Santelli, Ricardo Erthal; Abrão, Jorge João; Guardia, Miguel de la

    Resumo em Inglês:

    This paper provides a review on separation methods and analytical techniques for the determination of several species of organic and inorganic arsenic in different matrices. Arsenic is an element whose speciation is of particular interest due to the great variation of toxicity levels exhibited for its different chemical forms. Arsenic (III) and As (V) are the most toxic species while organic compounds such as arsenobetaine (AsB), produced by methylation of inorganics species (carcinogenics) are relatively less toxic, hence the great importance of arsenic speciation in the determination of the degree of contamination of an environmental or biological system.
  • Corantes têxteis Revisão

    Guaratini, Cláudia C. I.; Zanoni, Maria Valnice B.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    A dye is a colored substance used to impart permanent color to other substances. Its most important use is in coloring textile fibers and fabrics. The removal of colour from dyehouse waste waters is currently a major problem in the textile sector. This paper provides an overview of the treatment technologies that can currently be used by the textile processor and the developments over the past decade with respect to the toxicological and ecotoxicological properties of synthetic organic dyes.
  • Uma visão das tendências e perspectivas em eletrocromismo: a busca de novos materiais e desenhos mais simples Revisão

    Oliveira, Silvio C. de; Torresi, Roberto M.; Torresi, Susana I. Córdoba de

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Some aspects of electrochromism phenomena are presented in this review paper. A deep literature revision about the subject dealing with materials and device configurations developed in the last years, is presented. Great efforts of the scientific community have been done in this field. On the other hand, new electrochomic devices based on reversible deposition of metals are specially emphasized here. These devices present many advantages such as simple operation and construction and they have also shown high cycling rates. These factors make them suitable for application in display industry. In this way, many concepts used in the developement of electrodeposition baths are very useful for the improvement of these new devices; specially, all knowledge about the use of additives for modifying films microstructure and morfology.
  • Síntese e reatividade de sílica lamelar Divulgação

    Farias, Robson Fernandes de; Airoldi, Claudio

    Resumo em Inglês:

    An overview of the experimental procedures to prepare lamellar samples of silica, as well as the reactivity and possible applications of this kind of material is presented. Special attention is focused on the obtained materials by using neutral dialkylamine route through sol-gel process.
  • Extração e pré-concentração de compostos orgânicos voláteis por permeação em membrana para análise cromatográfica Divulgação

    Rocha, Eduardo Carasek da; Valente, Antonio Luiz Pires; Augusto, Fabio

    Resumo em Inglês:

    This work discusses sample preparation processes for gas chromatography (GC) based on the technique of extraction through membrane permeation (MPE). The MPE technique may be easily coupled to GC via a relatively simple device, which is a module that holds the membrane and is directly connected to the GC column. The possibility of operational errors due to sample handling is substantially reduced in an MPE-GC system because the sample preparation and the chemical analysis are accomplished as a one-step process. The MPE technique is of relatively wide application as it can be used for aqueous samples, solid samples and gaseous samples. Depending on the type of sample the extraction is performed with the membrane in direct contact with the sample or in contact with its headspace. The MPE-GC technique is very useful in trace analysis, due to the time-dependent enrichment of the analyte. A typical application of MPE-GC is the analysis of VOCs present in water that may be accomplished with detection limits at the low ppb (mugL-1) level.
  • Reação de Baylis-Hillman: uma estratégia para a preparação de intermediários multifuncionalizados para síntese orgânica Divulgação

    Coelho, Fernando; Almeida, Wanda P.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The Baylis-Hillman reaction has significantly advanced in the last ten years as demonstrated by a number of applications described in the literature. In this report we show some aspects of this reaction, including scope, limitations and perspectives.
  • Síntese orgânica limpa Divulgação

    Sanseverino, Antonio Manzolillo

    Resumo em Inglês:

    An introduction to the fundamental concepts and main aspects of organic clean synthesis is given, and relevant industrial examples which have implemented the philosophy of cleaner synthesis are also presented. Recent trends in organic synthesis which are environmentally friendly are also discussed.
  • Fundamentals of beer and hop chemistry

    De Keukeleire, Denis

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Beer brewing is an intricate process encompassing mixing and further elaboration of four essential raw materials, including barley malt, brewing water, hops and yeast. Particularly hops determine to a great extent typical beer qualities such as bitter taste, hoppy flavour, and foam stability. Conversely, hop-derived bitter acids account for an offending lightstruck flavour, which is formed on exposure of beer to light. These various processes are presented in detail, while due emphasis is placed on state-of-the-art hop technology, which provides brewers with efficient means to control bitterness, foam, and light-stability thereby allowing for the production of beers with consistent quality.
  • Ilustração da influência da razão de aquecimento nos resultados de termogravimetria Nota Técnica

    Matos, Jivaldo do Rosário; Miyano, Miriam Hisami; Siqueira, Lilian; Moura, Maria de Fátima Vitória de; Luiz, José Marques

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The effects of the heating rate on a TG curve of a sample have been widely discussed in the literature. This paper shows the influence of heating rate (beta) in thermogravimetry results when stoichiometry determinations are studied. For this purpose the compound Sm(CH3SO3)3.2(3-picNO) was considered beta of 2,5; 5; 10; 20 and 40°C min-1 in dynamic air atmosphere were obtained. The results are in agreement with proposed stoichiometry for beta equal to 2,5 and 5°C min-1. However, using a higher beta the same results were not obtained resulting in false stoichiometry determinations.
  • Construção de uma cela de fluxo para medidas por espectrofotometria em fase sólida Nota Técnica

    Reis, Boaventura F.; Rocha, Fábio R. P.; Teixeira, Leonardo Sena Gomes; Costa, Antônio Celso Spinola; Korn, Mauro

    Resumo em Inglês:

    A simple and low cost flow cell is proposed for measurements by solid-phase spectrophotometry employing a conventional spectrophotometer. The flow cell geometry allows the employment of a large amount of the solid support without causing both excessive attenuation of the radiation beam and increasing of the back-pressure. The adaptation of the flow cell in the optical path of the spectrophotometer in order to increase the precision is discussed. The flow cell characteristics were demonstrated by measurements of Co(II), employing 1-(2-tiazolylazo)-2-naphthol (TAN) immobilized on C18 bonded silica as solid support. The apparent molar absorptivity and coefficient of variation were estimated as 1.86 x 10(5) L mol-1 cm-1 and 1.4 % (n=15). A sample throughput of 40 determinations per hour and a detection limit of 15 mug L-1 (99.7 % confidence level) were achieved.
  • Experimentos didáticos utilizando sistema de análise por injeção em fluxo Educação

    Rocha, Fábio Rodrigo Piovezani; Martelli, Patrícia Benedini; Reis, Boaventura Freire dos

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Didactic experiments are proposed in order to demonstrate the characteristics of flow injection analysis and to extend the applications of FIA to the determination of physical chemistry parameters in undergraduate labs. All experiments can be performed with the same flow manifold by employing usual FIA devices. Analytical characteristics are presented by means of the determination of iron in river water, employing 1,10-phenantroline as chromogenic reagent. Physical chemistry applications were the determination of reaction stoichiometries by continuous variation and mole-ratio methods and the evaluation of the pH and ionic strength effects on the kinetic of the reduction of hexacianoferrate(III) by ascorbic acid.
  • O ensino de aspectos históricos e filosóficos da Química e as teorias ácido-base do século XX Educação

    Chagas, Aécio Pereira

    Resumo em Inglês:

    In this paper, an overview about philosophy of science, the concept of "theory" and some characteristics of a"good"theory (1- ordination and explanation of the facts, 2- proposal of problems, and 3- simplicity and funcionality) are initialy introduced. Following, some historical landmarks of acidity and basicity and a summary of the main acid-base theories of the XX century (Arrhenius, solvent systems, protonic, electronic, Lux, Usanovich and ionotropic) are presented. Historical and conceptual relations between these theories are discussed and the three characteristics of a "good" theory are applied. The results showed that the protonic and eletronic theories are the "best". Some discussion of the implications to chemical education are presented too.
  • A química medicinal na próxima década Assuntos Gerais

    Montanari, Carlos A.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Medicinal chemistry is multi, trans and inter disciplinary on its essence. It has a great deal of challenging Brazilian chemists in the next decade. The pharmacy school is essentially attached and has an important role in the development on the field that is still in domain of big pharmaceutical industries. This work shows the challenges to face and directions to jointly follow for a myriad of researchers throughout the country. The unnamed science has to work out through specific objectives in order to diminish the problems associated with human being health. A brief history is presented where the main goal is to devise chemistry, as a natural science, and many other interfaced disciplines.
  • Carta ao editor

    Keukeleire, Denis De
Sociedade Brasileira de Química Instituto de Química, Universidade Estadual de Campinas (Unicamp), CP6154, 13083-0970 - Campinas - SP - Brazil