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Química Nova, Volume: 27, Número: 6, Publicado: 2004
  • Editorial

    Vieira, Paulo Cezar; Andrade, Jailson Bittencourt de
  • Adsorção/dessorção do explosivo tetril em turfa e em argissolo vermelho amarelo Artigo

    Falone, Sandra Zago; Vieira, Eny Maria

    Resumo em Inglês:

    This paper presents the study of adsorption/desorption of the explosive tetryl (2,4,6-trinitrophenylmethyl-nitramine) in different matrices, such as in natura soil, roasted soil, humic acid of soil, in natura peat, roasted peat and humic acid of peat. The aim of the study is to evaluate the interaction capacity of those matrices with the explosive. The analytic technique used was HPLC (high performance liquid chromatography), with UV-detection at 230 nm. The Freundlich isotherms were utilized for the mathematical treatment of the data. The results indicated that in natura soil and in natura peat (with organic substances) are excellent matrices for the retention of tetryl, adsorbing it and keeping it immovable, preventing it from contaminating the groundwater. The largest adsorption of the explosive ocurred in in natura soil, while the smallest desorption was observed in in natura peat. After the calcination of the matrices, the smallest adsorption was observed, indicating that the retention occurs in the organic substance.
  • Composição iônica majoritária de águas de chuva no centro da cidade de São Paulo Artigo

    Leal, Tatiana F. M.; Fontenele, Anna P. G.; Pedrotti, Jairo J.; Fornaro, Adalgiza

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The chemical composition of rainwater samples collected from March 2002 to February 2003 in downtown São Paulo city (Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie) is presented. Potentiometric and conductimetric measurements were used to evaluate the [H+] and the total ionic content. Major anions and cations were determined by ion chromatography with conductivity detection. The rainwater was acidic with a mean pH of 4.99. The volume weighted means, VWM, of the anions nitrate, acetate and sulfate were, respectively, 21.2, 16.9 and 12.4 µmol L-1. Ammonium was the most abundant ion with a VWM of 37.6 µmol L-1. The contribution of each anion to the free acidity potential decreases in the following order: SO4(2-) (28.8%), CH3COO- (24.7%), NO3- (22.8%), Cl- (13.4%), HCOO- (7.7%) and C2O4(2-) (2.5%). The relative contribution of the weak organic acids to the free acidity was significant, 34.9%.
  • Fotoluminescência e adsorção de CO2 em nanopartículas de CaTiO3 dopadas com lantânio Artigo

    Gonçalves, Rosana F.; Carreño, Neftalí L. V.; Escote, Márcia Tsuyama; Lopes, Kírian Pimenta; Valentini, Antoninho; Leite, Edson R.; Longo, Elson; Machado, Marco A.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Ca1-xLa xTiO3 powders were prepared by the polymeric precursor method. X-ray diffraction (XRD), FT-Raman spectroscopy, transmission electron microscopy (TEM), and N2 and CO2 adsorption were used for the microstructural and surface characterization of the powders. Room temperature photoluminescence (PL) was observed in Ca1-xLa xTiO3 amorphous particles. The PL intensity of these powders was found to be dependent on the lanthanum molar concentration.
  • Estudo de efeito dos sais precursores sobre as propriedades eletrocatalíticas de eletrodos de Ti-SnO2/Sb preparados por decomposição térmica Artigo

    Andrade, Leonardo Santos; Rocha-Filho, Romeu C.; Bocchi, Nerilso; Biaggio, Sonia R.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The physical and electrochemical properties of Ti-SnO2/Sb electrodes obtained by the thermal decomposition of solutions of the precursor salts SnCl2×2H2O/SbCl3 and SnSO4/Sb2(SO4)3 were investigated. The reversibility of the cyclic voltammetric response of the Fe(CN)6(4-)/Fe(CN)6(3-) redox couple was assessed using the obtained electrodes. Their catalytic activity for the oxygen-evolving reaction and maximum capacity for electronic transfer were also evaluated by potential and current linear scans in 0.5 mol L-1 H2SO4. Additionally, scanning electron microscopy analyses allowed the visualization of the morphology of the oxide films obtained. The best results were presented by the electrodes obtained from the chloride salt precursors.
  • Espectrofotometría de absorción atómica con tubo en la llama: aplicación en la determinación total de cadmio, plomo y zinc en aguas frescas, agua de mar y sedimentos marinos

    González, Elizabeth; Ahumada, Ramón; Medina, Valentina; Neira, José; González, Urcesino

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Thermospray flame furnace Atomic Absorption Spectrometry (TS-FF-AAS) was used for the total determination of Cd, Pb and Zn in fresh water and seawater samples at µg L-1 levels, and in marine sediment samples at µg g-1 levels. Using a sample loop of 50 µL and a peristaltic pump the samples were transported into the metallic tube placed over an air/acetylene flame, through a ceramic capillary (o.d. = 3.2 mm) containing two parallel internal orifices (i.d = 0.5 mm). The detection limits determined for Cd, Pb and Zn using a synthetic water matrix (2.5% m/v NaCl, 0.5% m/v MgCl2 and 0.8% m/v CaCl2) were 0.32 µg L-1; 2.6 µg L-1 and 0.21 µg L-1 respectively. The methodology by TS-FF-AAS was validated by determination of Cd, Pb and Zn in certified reference materials of water and marine sediment, and the t-test for differences between means was applied. No statistically significant differences were established in fresh water and seawater (p>0.05), whereas differences became apparent in marine sediment (p<0.03).
  • Determinação por RMN das configurações relativas e conformações de alcalóides oxindólicos isolados de Uncaria guianensis Artigo

    Carbonezi, Carlos Alberto; Hamerski, Lidilhone; Flausino Jr., Otavio Aparecido; Furlan, Maysa; Bolzani, Vanderlan da Silva; Young, Maria Claudia Marx

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Phytochemical studies with leaves of Uncaria guianensis resulted in the isolation of the oxindole alkaloids isomitraphylline (1), 3-isoajmalicine (2) mitraphylline (3), and isomitraphylinic acid (4). Structural assignments of these alkaloids, including relative configurations and conformations, were performed through spectral data and physical properties. 1D and 2D homonuclear and heteronuclear NMR spectroscopy was a valuable tool for the establishment of the relative stereochemistry of those compounds.
  • Análise estrutural de ciclodextrinas: um estudo comparativo entre métodos teóricos clássicos e quânticos Artigo

    Britto, Marta A. F. O.; Nascimento Jr., Clebio S.; Santos, Hélio F. dos

    Resumo em Inglês:

    In the present work, we analyzed the accuracy of distinct theoretical methods to reproduce the solid state structures of cyclodextrins. The a, b and g-cyclodextrins (CD) were considered and also their hydrates with included water molecules: a-CD.2H2O, b-CD.10H2O and g-CD.12H2O. The geometries were fully optimized using Molecular Mechanics (MM2), semiempirical (AM1 and PM3) and ab initio (HF/3-21G) methods and quantitatively compared with experimental data from X ray diffraction. The results obtained from the classical MM2 method were in best agreement with the experiment. The semiempirical and ab initio structures were also in satisfactory accordance with the experimental data. In general, the PM3 method was found to be more suitable than the AM1 to describe the CD geometries, mainly when the intramolecular hydrogen bonds are considered.
  • Aplicação da calorimetria exploratória diferencial no estudo da cinética de transição alfa -> delta HMX Artigo

    Silva, Gilson da; Mattos, Elizabeth da Costa; Nakamura, Nanci Miyeko; Iha, Koshun

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Octahydro-1,3,5,7-tetranitro-1,3,5,7-tetrazocine (HMX) or octogen is a white crystalline substance which occurs in four polymorphous forms. It is used in a wide variety of military and industrial formulations owing to its suitable properties. Researchers have demonstrated the usefulness of this energetic material in explosive components. In the present work we apply differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) to measure the a ® d solid-solid phase transition energy of HMX. The results obtained by Kissinger's and Ozawa's methods were 487 and 495 kJ/mol, respectively.
  • Aplicação da técnica de dispersão da matriz em fase sólida (DMFS) na análise de pesticidas em quiabo por CG-EM Artigo

    Dórea, Haroldo Silveira; Lopes, Waneide Gomes

    Resumo em Inglês:

    A matrix solid phase dispersion and gas chromatography-mass selective detection method for the simultaneous determination of monocrotophos, methyl parathion, cypermethrin and deltamethrin in okra is described. Analyses of 2 g of fortified okra (0.05-0.75 mg kg-1) showed an average recovery of 96.2% (71.4-128.4%) and average relative standard deviation of 11.7% (1.4-37.1%). The cypermethrin recovery at the lower level was above 130%. The limit of detection ranged from 0.02 to 0.15 mg kg-1. The procedure was applied to the okra samples and has found 0.56 mg kg-1 of cypermethrin-cis, 0.75 mg kg-1 of cypermethrin-trans and 2.71 mg kg-1 of deltamethrin.
  • Estudo químico e perfil cromatográfico das cascas de Aspidosperma parvifolium A. DC. ("pau-pereira") Artigo

    Jácome, Rose Lisieux R. Paiva; Oliveira, Alaíde Braga de; Raslan, Délio S.; Wagner, Hildebert

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Four known alkaloids, uleine, epiuleine, apparicine and desmethyluleine, besides the isoprenoids lupeol and stigmasterol were isolated from the stem bark of Aspidosperma parvifolium. Their identification was based on spectroscopic analysis (UV, IR, ¹H-NMR, 13C-NMR, MS). The chromatographic profile of the ethanolic extract was obtained by HPLC and uleine, epiuleine and apparicine were identified in the extract.
  • Eletrodo íon-seletivo para determinação potenciométrica de alumínio(III) em meio de fluoreto Artigo

    Piccin, Evandro; Fatibello-Filho, Orlando; Ramos, Luiz Antonio

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The construction and analytical evaluation of a coated graphite Al(III) ion-selective electrode, based on the ionic pair formed between the Al(F)n3-n anion and tricaprylylmethylammonium cation (Aliquat 336S) incorporated on a poly(vinylchloride) (PVC) matrix membrane are described. A thin membrane film of this ionic pair and dibutylphthalate (DBPh) in PVC was deposited directly on a cylindric graphite rod (2 cm length x 0.5 cm diameter) attached to the end of a glass tube using epoxy resin. The membrane solution was prepared by dissolving 40% (m/m) of PVC in 10 mL of tetrahydrofuran following addition of 45% (m/m) of DBPh and 15% (m/m) of the ionic pair. The effect of membrane composition, fluoride concentration, and several concomitants as potential interferences on the electrode response were investigated. The aluminium(III) ion-selective electrode showed a linear response ranging from 1.4 x 10-4 to 1.0 x 10-2 mol L-1, a detection limit of 4.0 x 10-5 mol L-1, aslope of -54.3±0.2mV dec-1 and a lifetime of more than 1 year (over 3000 determinations for each membrane). The slope indicates that the ion-selective electrode responds preferentially to the Al(F)4- species. Application of this electrode for the aluminium(III) determination in stomach anti-acid samples is reported.
  • Síntese e atividade antiedematogênica de derivados N-triptofil-5-benzilideno-2,4-tiazolidinadiona e N-triptofil-5-benzilideno-rodanina Artigo

    Góes, Alexandre José da Silva; Lima, Waldir Tavares de; Nagy, Helena Juliana; Alves, Antônio José; Faria, Antônio Rodolfo de; Lima, José Gildo de; Maia, Maria Bernadete de Souza

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Derivatives of N-tryptophyl-5-benzylidene-2,4-thiazolidinedione (7a-c) and N-tryptophyl-5-benzylidene-rhodanine (7d-f) were prepared by condensation of the intermediates 5 and 6 with different benzaldehydes, respectively. Their structural elucidation was carried through by IR, ¹H NMR and MS. The acute toxicity and antiedematogenic activity of the compounds 7b,c and 7e,f were evaluated. The data did not reveal any sign of toxicity, and no mortality was registered. As indomethacin (10 mg/kg; v.o.), the antiedematogenic activity of the compounds 7b (50 mg/kg; v.o.) and 7e, 7f (50 or 100 mg/kg; v.o.) against carrageenan-induced paw edema was verified at time intervals of 180 min.
  • Quantificação do pesticida diclorvos por voltametria de onda quadrada em águas puras e naturais Artigo

    Oliveira, Robson T. S.; Machado, Sergio A. S.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    This work reports the use of square wave voltammetry (SWV) to analyse the electrochemical reduction of dichlorvos (2, 2-dichlorovinyl-dimethylphosphate) in spiked pure and natural waters. SWV measurements were carried out in 0.5 mol L-1 Na2SO4 aqueous solutions at pH 5, prepared with water originated from three different sources, namely, one sample of purified water and others from two urban creeks in São Carlos County. In all cases, two reduction peaks were observed, at potentials of -0.15 and -1.05 V vs Ag/AgCl, with both current and potential being dependent on pesticide concentration. This allowed the calculation of the following detection limits: 1.0, 2.5 and 3.0x10-8 mol L-1 for purified, Gregorio creek and Monjolinho creek waters, respectively, in a working range between 2.0x10-7 and 1.4x10-6 mol L-1. Recovery measurements found values higher than 80% in all cases, for an added concentration of 4.0 x 10-7 mol L-1 of dichlorvos in each solution. All analytical experiments were performed in triplicate and showed a standard deviation always less than 3%.
  • Óleos voláteis de espécies de Myrcia nativas do Rio Grande do Sul Artigo

    Limberger, Renata P.; Sobral, Marcos; Henriques, Amélia T.; Menut, Chantal; Bessière, Jean-Marie

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Essential oils from M. richardiana, M. arborescens, M. selloi, M. oligantha, M. rostrata, M. lajeana, M. obtecta, M. pubipetala and M. hatschbachii were obtained by hydrodistillation and analyzed by GC and GC/MS. Sixty-seven compounds have been identified ranging from 90-99% of the oil contents. All analyzed species were rich in cyclic sesquiterpenes (66-99%), mainly those from the cadinane, caryophyllane and germacrane cyclization pathway, among them b-caryophyllene, germacrene D, bicyclogermacrene, d-cadinene, spathulenol, caryophyllene oxide, globulol and a-cadinol. The acyclic sesquiterpene series was well represented by M. lajeana (32.1%), with 25,3% of (E)-nerolidyl acetate.
  • Efecto de solvente sobre la descomposición térmica de trans-3,6-dimetil-3,6-difenil-1,2,4,5-tetraoxaciclohexano en solución

    Eyler, Gladys N.; Cañizo, Adriana I.; Mateo, Carmen M.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The thermal decomposition reaction of trans-3,6-dimethyl-3,6-diphenyl-1,2,4,5-tetraoxacyclohexane (acetophenone cyclic diperoxide, DPAF), in different solvents (methanol, 1,4-dioxane, acetonitrile and 2-propanol/benzene mixtures) in the initial concentration and temperature ranges of (4.2-10.5) x 10-3 M and 140.0 to 185.0 ºC, respectively, follows a pseudo first order kinetic law up to at least 70% DPAF conversion. An important solvent effect on the rate constant values, activation parameters (DH# and DS#) and reaction products obtained in different solvents is detected, showing that the reaction is accelerated in alcohols.
  • Emprego de catalisadores à base de níquel para homo- e copolimerização de estireno Revisão

    Ferreira Jr., Luis Carlos; Costa, Marcos A. S.; Santa Maria, Luiz Claudio de; Coutinho, Fernanda M. B.; Guimarães, Pedro I. C.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    This review deals with the homo- and copolymerization of styrene with nickel catalysts. The catalytic activity, polymer stereoregularity, polymer molecular weight and polydispersity are dependent upon nickel ligands and reaction parameters. Catalysts supported on silica, treated with methylaluminoxane (MAO), have shown higher stereospecificity and activity compared to homogeneous ones. The influence of these parameters is discussed focusing on the elucidation of some aspects of the polymerization mechanism.
  • Polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDD), dibenzofurans (PCDF) and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB): main sources, environmental behaviour and risk to man and biota

    Pereira, Márcia de Souza

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDD) and dibenzofuranes (PCDF) and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB) are types of persistent and bioaccumulating organic pollutants with enhanced chronic toxicity and carcinogenic properties and can be considered as environmental indicators of anthropogenic activities since their occurrence in the environment can always be linked to anthropogenic activities. The present paper reviews the main sources and behaviour of these compounds in the environment as well as the risks they represent to man and biota.
  • Cucurbitacinas e suas principais características estruturais Revisão

    Valente, Ligia Maria Marino

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The cucurbitacins are highly oxygenated triterpenoid compounds found in several botanical families that show high toxicity and varied biological activities. This review presents the main cucurbitacins so far isolated and their key structural characteristics. It complements and updates the existing reviews on this subject.
  • Agentes dopaminérgicos e o tratamento da disfunção erétil Revisão

    Neves, Gilda; Rates, Stela M. K.; Fraga, Carlos A. M.; Barreiro, Eliezer J.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The understanding of the scientific basis of the erectile function expanded rapidly the range of therapies for treating erectile dysfunction in recent years. This article reviews the role of dopamine on the erection mechanisms and its importance for new pro-erectile drug design. The ability of dopaminergic agents to elicit penile erection has been described since 1975 and successively confirmed by numerous studies. The development of apomorphine SL (dopaminergic non selective agonist) to enhance erectile function represents a new pharmacological approach to the management of erectile dysfunction using CNS drugs. The search for selective D4 dopaminergic agents is being explored by some research groups and pharmaceutical companies.
  • Conformações distorcida e planar do anel porfirínico em complexos e hemoproteínas: propriedades físico-químicas e implicações espectroscópicas Revisão

    Moreira, Leonardo M.; Ribelatto, Julio C.; Imasato, Hidetake

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The different conformations of porphyrin rings are strongly related with the electronic configurations of the metallic center in the ferriheme coordination compounds and heme proteins. The usual electronic configuration, (d xy)²(d xz,d yz )³ presents a planar conformation of the porphyrin ring and the less common electronic configuration (d xz,d yz)4(d xy )¹ occurs in the case of a strongly ruffled ring. These states are responsible for distinct chemical and spectroscopic properties of the porphyrin systems. The importance of the ring conformations, their characteristics, implications and applications are discussed.
  • Eletrodos de pasta de carbono modificados com ácidos húmicos: estudo e determinação de metais em meio aquoso Revisão

    Crespilho, Frank Nelson; Rezende, Maria Olímpia Oliveira

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Since 1992, the carbon paste electrodes modified with humic acids have been used for studying the behavior of metals in aqueous solutions. Many parameters influence the performance of the electrodes, such as the humic acid ratio, the nature of the humic acid, the accumulation time, the pH, the scan rate, and the preparation of the electrodes itself. There are various methos of preparing the electrodes. The goal of this paper is to review some of them. The advantages of using electrodes modified with humic acids as electrochemical sensors for evaluating metals in aqueous solution are stressed.
  • Aplicações de QCM, EIS e SPR na investigação de superfícies e interfaces para o desenvolvimento de (bio)sensores Divulgação

    Damos, Flavio Santos; Mendes, Renata Kelly; Kubota, Lauro Tatsuo

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The use of the quartz crystal microbalance process, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy and surface plasmon resonance for characterizing thin films and monitoring interfaces is presented. The theorical aspects of QCM, EIS and SPR are introduced and the main application areas are outlined. Future prospects of the combined applications of QCM, EIS and SPR methods in the studies of interfacial processes at surfaces are also discussed.
  • Determinação eletroquímica da capacidade antioxidante para avaliação do exercício físico Divulgação

    Gandra, Paulo Guimarães; Alves, Armindo Antônio; Macedo, Denise Vaz de; Kubota, Lauro Tatsuo

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Physical training can adapt or cause injury to skeletal muscles implicating metabolic alterations, which can be detected by biochemical analysis. Apparently the increase in the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) is involved in both processes. Enzymatic and low molecular weight antioxidants (LMWA) minimize ROS's deleterious action through redox reactions. Cyclic voltammetry (CV) has been suggested as a tool to quantify the antioxidant capacity conferred by LMWA. The use of CV to evaluate the modulation of the antioxidant capacity conferred by LMWA in response to physical exercise is discussed here.
  • Tecnologia dos nanotubos de carbono: tendências e perspectivas de uma área multidisciplinar Divulgação

    Herbst, Marcelo Hawrylak; Macêdo, Maria Iaponeide Fernandes; Rocco, Ana Maria

    Resumo em Inglês:

    An overview of the properties of carbon nanotubes is presented as a function of the structural characteristics and of the method of synthesis of these novel advanced materials. Emphasis is given to the catalytic decomposition of hydrocarbons over metal-supported catalysts and also the role of the support in obtaining homogeneous carbon nanotubes in high yelds is discussed. Some potential and real applications of carbon nanotubes are presented in a perspective view.
  • O papel dos programas interlaboratoriais para a qualidade dos resultados analíticos Divulgação

    Chui, Queenie Siu Hang; Bispo, João Marcos de Almeida; Iamashita, Célia Omine

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Interlaboratorial programs are conducted for a number of purposes: to identify problems related to the calibration of instruments, to assess the degree of equivalence of analytical results among several laboratories, to attribute quantity values and its uncertainties in the development of a certified reference material and to verify the performance of laboratories as in proficiency testing, a key quality assurance technique, which is sometimes used in conjunction with accreditation. Several statistics tools are employed to assess the analytical results of laboratories participating in an intercomparison program. Among them are the z-score technique, the elypse of confidence and the Grubbs and Cochran test. This work presents the experience in coordinating an intercomparison exercise in order to determine Ca, Al, Fe, Ti and Mn, as impurities in samples of silicon metal of chemical grade prepared as a candidate for reference material.
  • Validação de modelos de calibração multivariada: uma aplicação na determinação de pureza polimórfica de carbamazepina por espectroscopia no infravermelho próximo Nota Técnica

    Braga, Jez Willian B.; Poppi, Ronei Jesus

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The application of analytical procedures based on multivariate calibration models has been limited in several areas due to requirements of validation and certification of the model. Procedures for validation are presented based on the determination of figures of merit, such as precision (mean, repeatability, intermediate), accuracy, sensitivity, analytical sensitivity, selectivity, signal-to-noise ratio and confidence intervals for PLS models. An example is discussed of a model for polymorphic purity control of carbamazepine by NIR diffuse reflectance spectroscopy. The results show that multivariate calibration models can be validated to fulfill the requirements imposed by industry and standardization agencies.
  • Experimentos didáticos envolvendo radiação microondas Educação

    Rosini, Fabiana; Nascentes, Clésia C.; Nóbrega, Joaquim A.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Theoretical and practical aspects of the use of microwave-assisted strategies in chemistry are introduced for students using simple and safe experiments employing a domestic oven. Three procedures are proposed for evaluating the distribution of microwave radiation inside the microwave oven cavity: (1) variation of the volume of marshmallows; (2) drying of filter paper wetted with Co(II) solution, and (3) variation of water temperature, after microwave-assisted heating. These experiments establish the position with the highest incidence of microwave radiation in the oven cavity, which was chosen for the synthesis of salicylic acid acetate. This synthesis was performed in 5 min of heating and the yield was around 85%. All experiments can be carried out in a 4 h lab-session using low-cost instrumentation.
  • Por que todos os nitratos são solúveis? Educação

    Silva, Luciana Almeida; Martins, Cláudia Rocha; Andrade, Jailson Bittencourt de

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The solubility rules presented in the majority of introductory texts of chemistry usually do not comprise a systematic analysis of the dissolution processes, neither from a microscopic nor from a macroscopic point of view. The solubility of nitrates in aqueous solution is discussed in this article, focusing on the thermodynamic data and the properties of the nitrate ion.
  • A evolução da balança analítica Assuntos Gerais

    Afonso, Júlio Carlos; Silva, Raquel Medeiros da

    Resumo em Inglês:

    This work intends to describe the historical evolution of the balance based on its technical improvement. This instrument has always been used for commercial and industrial purposes, but its value in research and chemistry was only recognized much later. The classical balance was the two-pan model for about 40 centuries, but when its importance in chemistry was established, particularly beginning at the end of the XVIIIth century, many improvements were made in order to increase sensitivity and shorten the weighing procedure. The balance design greatly changed along the XXth century: the classical two-pan models were replaced by one-pan balances that were replaced by electronic instruments.
  • Nanotecnologia e o meio ambiente: perspectivas e riscos Carta Ao Editor

    Quina, Frank H.
Sociedade Brasileira de Química Instituto de Química, Universidade Estadual de Campinas (Unicamp), CP6154, 13083-0970 - Campinas - SP - Brazil