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Química Nova, Volume: 30, Número: 7, Publicado: 2007
  • Química Nova, percepções de alguém de fora: numa encruzilhada? Editorial

    Meneghini, Rogerio
  • Estudo da capacidade de complexação e sua relação com algumas variáveis ambientais em cinco represas do Rio Tietê/Brasil Artigo

    Borges, Elisangela C. L.; Mozeto, Antonio Aparecido; Neves, Eduardo F. Almeida; Borges Neto, Waldomiro; Bezerra, José Mauro

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The copper and cadmium complexation properties in natural sediment suspensions of reservoirs of the Tietê River were studied using the solid membrane copper and cadmium ion-selective electrodes. The complexation and the average conditional stability constants were determined under equilibrium conditions at pH=6.00 ± 0.05 in a medium of 1.0 mol L-1 sodium nitrate, using the Scatchard method. The copper and cadmium electrodes presented Nernstian behavior from 1x10-6 to 1x10-3 mol L-1 of total metal concentration. Scatchard graphs suggest two classes of binding sites for both metals. A multivariate study was done to correlate the reservoirs and the variables: complexation properties, size, total organic carbon, volatile acid sulfide, E II and pH.
  • Própolis do sudeste e nordeste do Brasil: influência da sazonalidade na atividade antibacteriana e composição fenólica Artigo

    Castro, Myrella Léssio; Cury, Jaime Aparecido; Rosalen, Pedro Luiz; Alencar, Severino Matias; Ikegaki, Masaharu; Duarte, Simone; Koo, Hyun

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The composition and biological activities of propolis, a resinous hive product collected by honeybees from various plant sources, depends on various factors such as season and vegetation of the area. The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of the seasonal effect on the ethanolic extracts of Brazilian propolis (EEP) type 6 and type 12, collected during 6 months in terms of antibacterial activity and phenolic composition. The antimicrobial properties were evaluated by MIC and MBC on S. mutans Ingbritt 1600 and the profile of chemical composition by UV-visible spectrophotometry, HPLC-RF and GC-MS. The results demonstrated that the season in which propolis is collected influences its chemical composition, resulting in modifications in its antibacterial activity.
  • Propriedades estruturais e microestruturais de manganitas dopadas com cobre Artigo

    Victor, Rodolfo Araujo; Orlando, Marcos Tadeu D'Azeredo; Freitas, Jair C. C.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    We report a structural study on polycrystalline La0.86Sr0.14Mn1-y Cu yO3+delta samples (y = 0, 0.05, 0.10, 0.15, 0.20) using refinement of powder X-ray diffraction data and analysis of scanning electron microscopy images. It is found that the structure remains rhombohedral through the whole series, with a decrease in the average Mn-Mn bond distances, slight variations in Mn-O-Mn angle and reduction in the unit cell volume with increasing Cu amounts. The values of Mn-Mn distances suggest compact structures with d within ±1%. Scanning electron microscopy images reveal homogeneous microstructure in all samples, besides a trend for smaller grains and larger porosity with increasing Cu content.
  • Avaliação da eficiência de uma célula a combustível estacionária de ácido fosfórico Artigo

    Camparin, Rafael H.; Meleiro, Luiz A. C.; Jorge, Regina M. M.; Cantão, Mauricio P.; Impinnisi, Patricio R.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Operation and performance of a commercial PAFC power plant were analyzed. Processes influencing energy conversion efficiency were studied in each module of the fuel cell power plant. The main processes were simulated using mass and energy balance equations, and the results were validated by means of experimental data. It was concluded that the electrical efficiency is higher in comparison with microturbines. The main result achieved is a better understanding of balance of plant processes, knowledge necessary for fuel cell power plant development.
  • Comparison of GC and HPLC for quantification of organic acids in two jaboticaba (Myrciaria) fruit varieties

    Jham, Gulab N.; Fernandes, Sergio A.; Garcia, Clerverson F.; Palmquist, Debra

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Gas chromatography (GC) with trimethylsilyl derivative formation was compared to high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) for quantification of organic acids (OAs) in two jaboticaba (Myrciaria) fruit (pulp and pericarp) varieties (Sabará and Açu Paulista). Succinic and citric acids were the major OAs found in all the samples analyzed. Besides being much more tedious, the results obtained with GC were significantly lower than HPLC (p<0.05) when the data (acids, variety, two parts and flowering days) were considered together. The presence of both acids was confirmed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS).
  • Composição centesimal do leite humano e caracterização das propriedades físico-químicas de sua gordura Artigo

    Silva, Roberta Claro da; Escobedo, Jonas Peixoto; Gioielli, Luiz Antonio; Quintal, Virgínia Spinola; Ibidi, Silvia Maria; Albuquerque, Edna Maria

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Human milk fat is essential for development of newborn infants. Many studies detail chemical characteristics of human milk fat; however there are no studies about its physical properties. The objective of this work was to analyze the centesimal composition of human milk and to compare the calculated energy value with the estimated energy by the creamatocrit method. Chemical composition and physical properties of human milk lipids and Betapol - a structured lipid - were also studied. The results showed that energy values of human milk estimated by creamatocrit and calculated by the centesimal composition didn't present significant correlation. Human milk lipids and Betapol presented distinct physico-chemical properties.
  • Contaminação de aqüífero por hidrocarbonetos: estudo de caso na Vila Tupi, Porto Velho - Rondônia Artigo

    Forte, Elcimar Juarez; Azevedo, Mariangela Soares; Oliveira, Ronaldo Cavalcante de; Almeida, Ronaldo de

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Underground storage tanks (UST) are widely used in the Porto Velho area. A large number of these USTs are in bad condition due to corrosion processes causing groundwater contamination. A large number of these leaking underground fuel tanks (LUFT) are in urban areas but due to the lack of water quality monitoring, they are only detected when there is a high contamination level. This study identified petroleum hydrocarbons, derived from a LUFT, by a silica gel/petroleum ether partitioning gravimetric method and by gas chromatographic analysis of samples collected in wells dug in a gas station and in houses in the aforementioned neighborhood.
  • Detailed crystallization study of co-precipitated Y1.47Gd1.53Fe5O12 and relevant magnetic properties

    Serra, Rogério Arving; Ogasawara, Tsuneharu; Ogasawara, Angélica Soares

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The crystallization process of co-precipitated Y1.5Gd1.5Fe5O12 powder heated up to 1000 ºC at rate of 5 °C min-1 was investigated. Above 810 ºC crystalline Y1.47Gd1.53Fe5O12 was obtained with a lattice parameter of 12.41 Å and a theoretical density of 5.84 g cm-3. Dry pressed rings were sintered at 1270 and 1320 ºC, increasing the grain-size from 3.1 to 6.5 µm, the theoretical density by 87.6 to 95.3% and decreasing Hc from 2.9725 to 1.4005 Oe. Additionally, Hc increased when the frequency of the hysteresis graph varied from 60 Hz to 10 kHz, the curie temperature was 282.4 ºC and Ms equalled 9.25 emu g-1 (0.17 kG) agreeing well with the Bs-value of the hysteresis graph and literature values.
  • Características ópticas e morfológicas de nanoestruturas de ouro Artigo

    Pereira, Francisco Claudece; Zanoni, Maria Valnice Boldrin; Moretto, Ligia Maria; Ugo, Paolo

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The present study describes a new procedure to obtain gold nanoparticles, directly in the pores of polycarbonate membranes commonly used in ultrafiltration. The dimensions of the particles may be controlled through the reduction time of the ions in the channels of the harbor matrix. The dissolution of the metallized polymer enables an investigation of the optical and morphologic properties of these elements.
  • Assessment of air quality in Viana do Castelo, Portugal, in the scope of the polis programme

    Alves, Célia; Tomé, Mário

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The present paper constitutes a synthesis of the results gotten during the five campaigns of air quality measurement in the years of 2003 and 2004 carried out in the Portuguese city of Viana do Castelo to characterise the reference situation and to accompany the Polis Programme, an urban re-qualification and environmental valorisation plan. The main objective of the monitoring programme consisted of the evaluation of atmospheric pollutants whose levels were susceptible of enhancement in the course of the urbanistic public works. The presented results refer to measurements performed in two distinct places of this city, comprising various consecutive days of acquisition that include, at least, one day of weekend.
  • Antimycobacterial and cytotoxicity activity of synthetic and natural compounds

    Souza, Ana O. de; Galetti, Fabio C. S.; Silva, Célio L.; Bicalho, Beatriz; Parma, Márcia M.; Fonseca, Sebastião F.; Marsaioli, Anita J.; Trindade, Angela C. L. B.; Gil, Rossimíriam P. Freitas; Bezerra, Franciglauber S.; Andrade-Neto, Manoel; Oliveira, Maria C. F. de

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Antimycobacterial and cytotoxicity activity of synthetic and natural compounds. Secondary metabolites from Curvularia eragrostidis and Drechslera dematioidea, Clusia sp. floral resin, alkaloids from Pilocarpus alatus, salicylideneanilines, piperidine amides, the amine 1-cinnamylpiperazine and chiral pyridinium salts were assayed on Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv. N-(salicylidene)-2-hydroxyaniline was the most effective compound with a minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) of 8 µmol/L. Dihydrocurvularin was moderately effective with a MIC of 40 µmol/L. Clusia sp. floral resin and a gallocatechin-epigallocatechin mixture showed MIC of 0.02 g/L and 38 µmol/L, respectively. The cytotoxicity was evaluated for N-(salicylidene)-2-hydroxyaniline, curvularin, dihydrocurvularin and Clusia sp. floral resin, and the selectivity indexes were > 125, 0.47, 0.75 and 5, respectively.
  • Fenilsilicato dopado com Eu III obtido pelo método sol-gel Artigo

    Nassar, Eduardo J.; Ávila, Lilian R.; Pereira, Paula F. S.; Nassor, Evelisy C. O.; Cestari, Alexandre; Ciuffi, Katia J.; Calefi, Paulo Sergio

    Resumo em Inglês:

    In this work, we report the synthesis and the photoluminescence features of a Eu(III)-doped modified silica matrix obtained by the sol-gel method. The matrix was prepared by reaction between tetraethylorthosilicate and phenyltriethoxysilane alkoxide. The hydrolysis occurred using basic catalysis. The solids were treated at 100, 200 and 300 ºC during 4 h and the structure was determined by thermogravimetric analysis (TG/DTG), nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR 29Si and 13C), infrared spectroscopy (IR) and photoluminescence (PL). The PL spectra display the Eu(III) lines characteristic of the ion, 5D0 -> 7F J (J=0, 1, 2, 3, 4), the blue emission as ascribed in the silica matrix. The NMR and TG showed the stability of hybrid silica.
  • Analytical investigation of chromium and zinc in sweet, sour and bitter tasting fruits, vegetables and medicinal plants

    Tirmizi, Syed Ahmad; Wattoo, Muhammad Hamid Sarwar; Mazhar, Muhammad; Wattoo, Feroza Hamid; Memon, Allah Nawaz; Iqbal, Javed

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Sweet, sour and bitter tasting fruits, vegetables and medicinal plants are an important component of human diet. The role of chromium and zinc in carbohydrate metabolism for control of diabetes is highlighted in selected commodities. Average levels of chromium and zinc in sweet taste were 0.69 ± 0.48 mg kg-1 and 4.81 ± 4.31 mg kg-1 respectively with correlation of 0.545, while in sour taste the values were 22.5 ± 22.0 mg kg-1 and 24.5 ± 11.8 mg kg-1 respectively with the correlation of 0.239 and in bitter taste, 0.61 ± 0.33 mg kg-1 and 4.70 ± 3.54 mg kg-1 respectively with correlation of 0.343. Overall, sour tasting commodities were found higher in levels of chromium and zinc and are recommended as food supplement for diabeties. None of these species contain metals above the toxic level.
  • Efecto de la naturaleza del precursor sobre las caracteristicas de las nanoparticulas de SnO2 sintetizadas

    Ararat-Ibarguen, Carlos E.; Montenegro, Alejandra; Rodríguez-Páez, Jorge E.; Urresta Aragón, Julián

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Tin oxide (SnO2) is widely used in industry as raw material for electronic devices, plating of different types of materials, for dyes and pigments, for electroplating, heterogeneous catalysis, etc. In this work SnO2 was obtained by a controlled precipitation method with special attention to the effects the tin precursor has on the microstructure of the final product. The most appropriate pH for obtaining SnO2 with the rutile structure as the main phase is 6.25 for SnCl2 and 6.40 for SnSO4. After heat treatment at 600 °C, particles of nanometric order (~10 - 30 nm approx) were obtained. The characterization of the solid phase was made by X-ray diffraction (XRD), thermal analysis (DTA/TG), transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and Fourier transformed infrared spectroscopy (FTIR).
  • Estudo das propriedades e biodegradabilidade de blendas de poliéster/amido submetidas ao ataque microbiano Artigo

    Vinhas, Glória M.; Almeida, Yêda M. B. de; Lima, Maria Alice Gomes de Andrade; Santos, Lívia Almeida

    Resumo em Inglês:

    This work deals with the biodegradation of blends of poly(beta-hydroxybutyrate)/starch and poly(beta-hydroxybutyrate-co-hydroxyvalerate)/starch. The blends were obtained by evaporation of the solvent in the mixture of the polymers in chloroform. Tests were carried out in presence of micro-organisms which acted as biodegradation agents. The blends were consumed as carbon substrate and the production of CO2 was evaluated in the process. In addition, the polyesters' mechanical properties were reduced by the incorporation of starch in its structure. (¹H) NMR and infrared spectroscopy detected some characteristic polyester degradation groups in the polyesters' chemical structure, thus confirming the alteration suffered by it.
  • Metabólitos secundários de Esenbeckia almawillia Kaastra (Rutaceae) Artigo

    Barros-Filho, Bartholomeu A.; Nunes, Fátima M.; Oliveira, Maria da Conceição F. de; Andrade-Neto, Manoel; Mattos, Marcos C. de; Barbosa, Francisco G.; Mafezoli, Jair; Pirani, José R.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The phytochemical investigation of the roots of E. almawillia is reported for the first time. Chromatographic fractionation of the methanol extract allowed the isolation of the alkaloids 3,3-diisopentenyl-N-methyl-2,4-quinoldione (1), maculine (2) and 3'-methoxygraveoline (3), (E)-N-isobutyl-3-methoxy-4,5-methylenedioxicinnamoyl amide (4), the flavones gardenine B (5) and nevadensin (6), and the sesquiterpene intermediol (7). Structure elucidation was based on the analysis of their spectrometric data (uni- and bidimensional ¹H and 13C NMR, MS and IR) and comparison with literature data. Compounds 3-7 are being reported as constituents of Esenbeckia species for the first time.
  • Determinação voltamétrica do herbicida glifosato em águas naturais utilizando eletrodo de cobre Artigo

    Garcia, Andresa Fabiana; Rollemberg, Maria do Carmo

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The aim of this work was to investigate the copper electrode behavior in the voltammetric determination of glyphosate. The best conditions for this determination are phosphate buffer 0.05 mol L-1 and pH 7.3, and the peak potential is observed at 187 mV. LD and LQ values are 59 µg L-1 e 196 µg L-1, respectively. A water sample was analysed for glyphosate and identical results were obtained by using the analytical curve and the standard addition method. The comparison with a voltammetric method with Hg electrode, after a reaction with nitrite, showed quite concordant results for the analysis of the surface water sample. Therefore, the proposed method can be applied to direct determinations of the herbicide in waters, decreasing the time of analysis; besides, the method is in agreement with the "green chemistry" concept.
  • Mapeamento das interações proteína-ligante através de técnicas de RMN de ¹H utilizando detecção do ligante Artigo

    Figueiredo, Isis Martins; Marsaioli, Anita Jocelyne

    Resumo em Inglês:

    NMR is a valuable screening tool for the binding of ligands to proteins providing structural information on both protein and ligands and is thus largely applied to drug-discovery. Among the recent NMR techniques to probe weak binding protein-ligand complexes we have critically evaluated the advantages and disadvantages of STD (Saturation Transfer Difference), WaterLOGSY (Water Ligand Observation with Gradient Spectroscopy), NOE pumping and DOSY-NOESY (Diffusion-Ordered NOESY) using a mixture of BSA (bovine serum albumin) plus salicylic acid, caffeine, citric acid, adipic acid and D-glucose.
  • Determinação do coeficiente de atividade na diluição infinita (<FONT FACE=Symbol>g¥</FONT>) através da micro-extração em fase sólida (SPME) Artigo

    Fonseca, Douglas B.; Coelho, Gerson L. V.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    In this study a new approach, solid phase micro extraction (SPME), is used in the evaluation of the infinite dilution activity coefficient of the solute in a given solvent. It is the purpose of the current work to demonstrate a different approach to obtain the data needed for studying the solution thermodynamics of binary liquid mixtures as well as for designing multi-component separations. The solutes investigated at the temperature 298.15 K were toluene, ethyl benzene and xylene in the solvent methanol.
  • Utilização de modelagem numérica para o estudo da dispersão de poluentes emitidos pela usina termoelétrica Presidente Médici Artigo

    Paz, Sheila Radann; Alves, Rita Cássia Marques; Teixeira, Elba Calesso; Dallarosa, Juliana Braga

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The purpose of the present study is to evaluate the atmospheric behavior in the dispersion of the pollutants SO2, PM10 and NOx emitted by the President Medici power plant in Candiota, RS. The RAMS atmospheric model was applied and the simulations were conducted from april in 20 to 24, 2004. The concentrations of the pollutants simulated by RAMS were compared with the data measured at the air quality monitoring stations. The results showed significant influence of the emissions generated by the power plant on the concentration of the pollutants.
  • Métodos de extração para quantificação de manganês disponível em fertilizantes Artigo

    Bastos, Ana Rosa Ribeiro; Carvalho, Janice Guedes de; Ferreira, Eric Victor de Oliveira; Faria Júnior, Leilson Antônio de; Alcarde, José Carlos

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The solubility of Mn in different fertilizers (MnSO4.H2O-p.a., MnO2-p.a.+MnO-Ind., MnO2-Ind.+MnO-Ind., MnO2-p.a., MnO2-Ind. and MnO-Ind.) was determined using different methodologies: total content and soluble contents in water, 10% H2SO4, citric acid at 20 g L-1, diluted neutral ammonium citrate, (1+9) and DTPA at 0.005 mol L-1. The Mn solubilities in the latter three extractors were assessed after agitation of the sample for one hour and after boiling for 5 minutes. The extraction procedure using neutral ammonium citrate (1+9), at 1:100, with agitation for one hour, was shown to be the most adequate to assess the availability of Mn in fertilizers.
  • Caracterização física, química e ecotoxicológica de efluente da indústria de fabricação de explosivos Artigo

    Barreto-Rodrigues, Marcio; Silva, Flavio Teixeira da; Paiva, Teresa Cristina Brazil de

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The production and use of nitroaromatic explosives have resulted in their dissemination into the environment, where their presence in waterways and soil represents an ecological and health hazard. The hazardous characteristics of these compounds need to be carefully studied, so that the impact of their discharge on the environment can be better evaluated. This work presents the characterization of wastewater from Brazilian TNT industry using as analytical techniques mass spectroscopy, chromatography, toxicity assays and other physico-chemical analyses.
  • Tratamento de água subterrânea contaminada com compostos organoclorados usando ferro elementar e o reagente de Fenton Artigo

    Arruda, Tatiana Langbeck de; Jardim, Wilson F.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The remediation of groundwater containing organochlorine compounds was evaluated using a reductive system with zero-valent iron, and the reductive process coupled with Fenton's reagent. The concentration of the individual target compounds reached up to 400 mg L-1 in the sample. Marked reductions in the chlorinated compounds were observed in the reductive process. The degradation followed pseudo-first-order kinetics in terms of the contaminant and was dependent on the sample contact time with the solid reducing agent. An oxidative test with Fenton's reagent, followed by the reductive assay, showed that tetrachloroethylene was further reduced up to three times the initial concentration. The destruction of chloroform, however, demands an additional treatment.
  • Estabilidad de la glucosa oxidasa en sistemas amorfos formados por los disacáridos sacarosa, maltosa y trehalosa

    Valenzuela, Hans L. D.; Ortíz, Reynaldo L. R.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Glucose-oxidase (GOD), suffers conformational change during freeze-drying. In order to determine the protection level granted by amorphous matrices (AM) of saccharose, maltose, trehalose and their combinations, the thermal inactivation constants (K D) of GOD trapped in these systems were determined. For its evaluation, GOD samples were balanced at different water activities and heated up to 30, 50 and 70 ºC. The best AM found for GOD stability was saccharose-trehalose (5/10% p/v). The K D values (K D.10-4) at a w = 0.0 were 3 at 30 ºC and 6 at 70 ºC. For non-protected GOD under the same conditions these values were 48 at 30 ºC and 257 at 70 ºC.
  • Aplicação de métodos de calibração multivariada para a determinação simultânea de riboflavina (VB2), tiamina (VB1), piridoxina (VB6) e nicotinamida (VPP) Artigo

    Barthus, Rosângela C.; Mazo, Luiz H.; Poppi, Ronei J.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    In this work, the artificial neural networks (ANN) and partial least squares (PLS) regression were applied to UV spectral data for quantitative determination of thiamin hydrochloride (VB1), riboflavin phosphate (VB2), pyridoxine hydrochloride (VB6) and nicotinamide (VPP) in pharmaceutical samples. For calibration purposes, commercial samples in 0.2 mol L-1 acetate buffer (pH 4.0) were employed as standards. The concentration ranges used in the calibration step were: 0.1 - 7.5 mg L-1 for VB1, 0.1 - 3.0 mg L-1 for VB2, 0.1 - 3.0 mg L-1 for VB6 and 0.4 - 30.0 mg L-1 for VPP. From the results it is possible to verify that both methods can be successfully applied for these determinations. The similar error values were obtained by using neural network or PLS methods. The proposed methodology is simple, rapid and can be easily used in quality control laboratories.
  • Influência de M/C (M = Mo, Cu, Fe e W) incorporado à camada difusora do eletrodo de difusão de gás frente à reação de oxidação de hidrogênio na presença de CO Artigo

    Pereira, Luis Gustavo da Silva; Pereira, Maristela Elisabete; Ticianelli, Edson Antonio

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The performance of proton exchange membrane fuel cells (PEMFC) with Pt-based anodes is drastically lowered when CO-containing hydrogen is used to feed the system, because of the strong adsorption of CO on platinum. In the present work the effects of the presence of a conversion layer of CO to CO2 composed by several M/C materials (where M = Mo, Cu, Fe and W) in gas diffusion anodes formed by Pt catalysts were investigated. The diffusion layers formed by Mo/C e W/C show good CO-tolerance, and this was attributed to the CO removal by parallel occurrence of the water-gas shift reaction and the so-called bifunctional mechanism.
  • Resistência mecânica de hidrogéis termo-sensíveis constituídos de Alginato-Ca2+ / PNIPAAm, tipo Semi-IPN Artigo

    Campese, Gilsinei Marques; Tambourgi, Elias Basile; Guilherme, Marcos Rogério; Moura, Márcia Regina de; Muniz, Edvani Curti; Youssef, Elza Youssef

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Thermosensitive hydrogels were synthesized using alginate-Ca2+ in association with a thermosensitive polymer, such as PNIPAAm. The mechanical properties of the hydrogels were determined measuring the maximum tension of deformation. With the increase of the temperature by 25 to 40 ºC above the LCST the chains of PNIPAAm collapsed, dragging the alginate net and diminishing the size of the pores. The decrease in the size of the pores of the hydrogel was followed by an increase in the mechanicals resistance of the material.
  • Physicochemical composition of Apis mellifera honey samples from São Paulo State, Brazil

    Marchini, Luís Carlos; Moreti, Augusta Carolina de Camargo Carmello; Otsuk, Ivani Pozar; Sodré, Geni da Silva

    Resumo em Inglês:

    This research, developed with Apis mellifera honey samples from producers of São Paulo State, Brazil, has the objective of verifying how eucalyptus, wild flower, and orange honey samples would be clustered, based on physicochemical characteristics. All the orange honey samples and some wild flower ones formed distinct groups, thus confirming that the floral source interferes with honey characteristics. Eucalyptus and some of the wild flower honey samples were clustered together because of the great floral source variation in the latter ones. The characteristics that influence sample clustering are acidity and electric conductivity on the X axis, and total sugars and pH on the Y axis.
  • Terpenos e ácidos graxos de Dipteryx lacunifera Ducke Artigo

    Vieira Júnior, Gerardo Magela; Silva, Hilris Rocha e; Bittencourt, Thaís Chaves; Chaves, Mariana H.; Simone, Carlos Alberto de

    Resumo em Inglês:

    This paper describes the isolation of the furanocassane-type diterpene, named vinhaticoic acid, along with beta-farnesene and spatulenol from fruit shells of D. lacunifera. Structural determinations were accomplished by chemical derivatization and spectral analysis, including 1D and 2D NMR and X-ray crystallography. The fatty portion was extracted from the fruit kernels, transesterfied and analysed by HRGC/MS. Oleic acid (75.8 ± 4.3%) was the major component. Essential oil extracted from the fruit shells of D. lacunifera was analysed by HRGC/MS and nine sesquiterpenes were identified; beta-farnesene (48.6%) and spatulenol (21.61%) were the major constituents.
  • Preparação e caracterização de carvão ativado quimicamente a partir da casca de arroz Artigo

    Schettino Jr., Miguel A.; Freitas, Jair C. C.; Cunha, Alfredo G.; Emmerich, Francisco G.; Soares, Ana B.; Silva, Paulo R. N.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    This work consists in a study about the chemical activation of charred rice hulls using NaOH as the activation agent. The influence of the naturally-occurring silica was particularly evidenced. X-ray diffraction patterns showed the formation of sodium carbonate and silicates in the activated samples, whereas thermogravimetric curves revealed a strong reduction in the ash content of these samples after washing with water. Nitrogen adsorption data indicated a microporosity development only in the washed samples, with BET surface area values of 450 and 1380 m²/g achieved for the samples activated at 800 °C starting from the precursor with or without silica, respectively.
  • Composição química de um resíduo alcalino da indústria de papel e celulose (DREGS) Artigo

    Almeida, Henrique Cesar; Silveira, Cristian Berto da; Ernani, Paulo Roberto; Campos, Mari Lucia; Almeida, Denice

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Dregs is an alkaline solid by-product generated in the cellulose manufacturing industry that could be used to correct soil acidity. The present study aimed to evaluate the chemical composition of this product and some of its properties. The dregs presented 354 g kg-1 of calcium, neutralization capacity of 80.3%, and pH 10.7, besides low concentration of sodium (10.2 g kg-1), lead (62.9 mg kg-1) and cadmium (5.6 mg kg-1). Thus, it is a product that can safely be used to increase the soil pH.
  • Determinação voltamétrica por redissolução anódica de Cu(II) em águas residuárias empregando um eletrodo de pasta de carbono modificado com quitosana Artigo

    Janegitz, Bruno Campos; Marcolino Junior, Luiz Humberto; Fatibello-Filho, Orlando

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The electrochemical applications of a CPE modified with chitosan for the determination of Cu(II) in wastewater samples using anodic stripping voltammetry are described. The best voltammetric response was observed for a paste containing 25% m/m of chitosan. A 0.10 mol L-1 NaNO3 solution (pH 6.5) as supporting electrolyte, a pre-concentration potential of -0.20 V, pre-concentration time of 270 s and a scan rate of 25 mV s-1 were selected. The calibration graph was linear in the Cu(II) concentration range from 2.0 x 10-7 to 7.4 x 10-6 mol L-1, with a detection limit of 8.3 x 10-8 mol L-1.
  • Alternative technique for biodiesel quality control using an optical fiber long-period grating sensor

    Falate, Rosane; Nike, Karen; Costa Neto, Pedro Ramos da; Cação Jr., Eduardo; Muller, Marcia; Kalinowski, Hypolito José; Fabris, José Luís

    Resumo em Inglês:

    We report the use of an optical fiber sensor to measure the soybean oil concentration in samples obtained from the mixture of pure biodiesel and commercial soybean oil. The operation of the device is based on the long-period grating sensitivity to the surrounding medium refractive index, which leads to measurable modifications in the grating transmission spectrum. The proposed analysis method results in errors in the oil concentration of 0.4% and 2.6% for pure biodiesel and commercial soybean oil, respectively. Techniques of total glycerol, dynamic viscosity, density, and hydrogen nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy were also employed to validate the proposed method.
  • Efeito das interações hiperconjugativas na constante de acoplamento ¹J CH da hexametilenotetramina e do adamantano: estudo teórico e experimental Artigo

    Santos, Francisco P. dos; Ducati, Lucas C.; Tormena, Cláudio F.; Rittner, Roberto

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The objective of this work was to determine the influence of hyperconjugative interactions on the ¹J CH coupling constant for hexamethylenetetramine (1) and adamantane (2). For this end, theoretical and experimental ¹J CH were obtained and hyperconjugative interactions were investigated using NBO. It was observed, theoretically and experimentally, that ¹J CH in 1 is 20 Hz larger than in 2, mainly due to the nN<FONT FACE=Symbol>®s</FONT>*C-H hyperconjugative interaction. This interaction occurs only in 1, with an energy of 9.30 kcal mol-1. It increases the s-character of the carbon atom in the C-H bond and the occupancy of the sigma*C-H orbital in (1).
  • A aplicação da fotoquímica inorgânica nas diversas áreas da ciência Revisão

    Carlos, Rose Maria

    Resumo em Inglês:

    This article provides an overview of the current status of research involving the photochemical behavior of transition metal complexes in the following important areas: medicine, biology and materials science including some of the experiences of the writer. Coverage is selective, generally focusing on highlights and the most recent developments, with the broad aim of showing the interdisciplinary field of inorganic photochemistry.
  • Funcionalização de nanotubos de Carbono Revisão

    Souza Filho, Antônio Gomes de; Fagan, Solange Binotto

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Carbon nanotubes are very stable systems having considerable chemical inertness due to the strong covalent bonds of the carbon atoms on the nanotube surface. Many applications of carbon nanotubes require their chemical modification in order to tune/control their physico-chemical properties. One way of achieving this control is carrying out functionalization processes where atoms and molecules interact (covalent or non-covalent) with the nanotubes. We review some of the progress that has been made in chemical functionalization of carbon nanotubes. Emphasis is given to chemical strategies, the most used techniques, and applications.
  • Reações de acoplamento cruzado de organossilanos catalisadas por paládio: aspectos históricos, sintéticos e mecanísticos Revisão

    Teixeira, Róbson R.; Barbosa, Luiz C. A.; Piló-Veloso, Dorila

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The development of the palladium catalyzed cross-coupling reactions employing organosilicon compounds is described. Important synthetic methods utilized to prepare organosilicons and different types of cross-coupling reactions involving these compounds are presented. Mechanistic aspects are also discussed.
  • Catálise assimétrica na ciclopropanação de olefinas Revisão

    Leão, Raquel A. C.; Ferreira, Vítor F.; Pinheiro, Sergio

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The main methodologies in the asymmetric cyclopropanation of alkenes with emphasis on asymmetric catalysis are covered. Exemples are the Simmons-Smith reaction, the use of diazoalkanes and reactions carried out by decomposition of alpha-diazoesters in the presence of transition metals.
  • Produção biotecnológica de poli-hidroxialcanoatos para a geração de polímeros biodegradáveis no Brasil Revisão

    Silva, Luiziana Ferreira da; Gomez, José Gregório Cabrera; Rocha, Rafael Costa Santos; Taciro, Marilda Keico; Pradella, José Geraldo da Cruz

    Resumo em Inglês:

    In recent years, several studies have been developed in Brazil to produce biodegradable materials. A particular family of bacterial polymers, the polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA), has received special attention. PHAs are thermoplastic, biodegradable, biocompatible, are synthesised from renewable resources and can substitute petrochemical plastics in some applications. Different aspects have been focused to increase productivity and to reduce the cost of PHA production: bacterial improvement, use of industrial by-products as raw material, bioreactor design, process operation strategies, downstream process, mathematical modelling, polymer characterisation, application and biodegradability of blends. A production process was transferred to industry and studies to produce new PHA by controlling monomer composition are in progress. All these aspects are presented in this review.
  • A low-cost ultrasonic spray dryer to produce spherical microparticles from polymeric matrices

    Luz, Priscilla Paiva; Pires, Ana Maria; Serra, Osvaldo Antonio

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The spray-drying technique has been widely used for drying heat-sensitive foods, pharmaceuticals, and other substances, because it leads to rapid solvent evaporation from droplets. This method involves the transformation of a feed from a fluid state into a dried particulate, by spraying the feed into a hot medium. Despite being most often considered a dehydration process, spray drying can also be used as an encapsulation method. Therefore, this work proposes the use of a simple and low-cost ultrasonic spray dryer system to produce spherical microparticles. This equipment was successfully applied to the preparation of dextrin microspheres on a laboratory scale and for academic purposes.
  • Um espalhador de baixo custo de fase estacionária em placas para cromatografia em camada delgada Nota Técnica

    Santos, Marcelo Henrique dos; Mégda, Jozyclécio; Cruz, Priscilla Bento Matos; Martins, Felipe Terra; Moreira, Maria Eliza de Castro

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Chromatography is a means of separating mixtures into their several components. TLC, mainly a liquid/solid process, is one of the separation techniques most often used. It is indispensable in laboratories dealing with natural products, organic and analytical chemistry. Commercial chromatography plates are offered at relatively high cost. In this work the construction of a hand-operated plate coater of stationary phases of low cost and good reproducibility is described to be used in teaching laboratories and research.
  • Emprego de planejamento fatorial no desenvolvimento de uma metodologia para extração de zinco de resíduos galvânicos Nota Técnica

    Olivier, Samantha; Silva, Valdinete Lins da; Motta, Maurício da; Silva, José Edson da

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The plating process generates solid waste rich in heavy metals and aiming to reduce environmental impact of such waste, this work suggests a methodology for zinc reduction, through a 2(4) factorial planning, studying the influence of the following variables: acid concentration (15, 20 or 30% v/v), acid type (sulfuric or hydrochloric), acid volume (15, 20 or 25 mL) and extraction time (12, 24 or 36 h). Through this methodology it is possible to establish the optimal conditions (15 mL of a 30% hydrochloric acid concentration during 12 h) to get a 100% efficiency in zinc extraction.
  • Uso da pressão gerada por uma coluna de água para controle da vazão em sistemas de análises em fluxo Nota Técnica

    Santos, Wallans T. P. dos; Ceolin, Marselha P.; Albuquerque, Yaico D. T. de; Richter, Eduardo M.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    This work presents a new approach to control the flow rate in hydrodynamic flow experiments. The combination of air pressure generated by an aquarium air pump and the pressure generated by a water column were used for this purpose. This device supports a stable flow rate without pulsation for a long period of time. Furthermore, the flow rate can be easily controlled at various values in one or more streams. The performance of this approach was investigated using Fe(CN)6(4-) solutions in flowing systems using amperometric and voltammetric detection in wall-jet configuration. The results showed that the performance of the proposed device was better than a commercial peristaltic pump. It suggests that this approach can be used successfully in flow analysis systems.
  • Simulação do equilíbrio: o método de Monte Carlo Educação

    López-Castillo, Alejandro; Souza Filho, José Cândido de

    Resumo em Inglês:

    We make several simulations using the Monte Carlo method in order to obtain the chemical equilibrium for several first-order reactions and one second-order reaction. We study several direct, reverse and consecutive reactions. These simulations show the fluctuations and relaxation time and help to understand the solution of the corresponding differential equations of chemical kinetics. This work was done in an undergraduate physical chemistry course at UNIFIEO.
  • Determinação experimental dos raios cristalográficos dos íons sódio e cloreto Educação

    Tubino, Matthieu; Simoni, José de Alencar

    Resumo em Inglês:

    This experiment, where very common materials and equipments are used, conducts to good and interesting results related to the ionic radii of sodium and chloride ions. It also offers an excellent opportunity to discuss the crystalline arrangement of solids and to apply simple mathematical tools for calculations. Other important concepts such as density, solubility and saturated solution are also used. The simplicity of the experiment creates an excellent opportunity for reasoning with the students about the technique.
  • Inserção C-H de carbenóides de ródio em água e reutilização do catalisador Educação

    Candeias, Nuno R.; Gois, Pedro M. P.; Afonso, Carlos A. M.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    A five-session laboratory experiment is described for the synthesis of a beta-lactam via Rh(II) catalysed intramolecular C-H insertion of a alpha-diazo-alpha-ethoxycarbonylacetamide. The metallo-carbene, responsible for the C-H bond activation, was generated from the diazo substrate and the catalyst Rh2(OAc)4. The high stability and solubility of the catalyst and the exclusive C-H insertion of the Rh-carbene allows the synthesis of this important heterocycle in water and the catalyst reutilization.
  • Uma introdução à espectroscopia atômica: o átomo de hidrogênio Educação

    Sala, Oswaldo

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The Balmer equation is obtained from the hydrogen spectrum in an empirical way, using a graphic method; from this equation the energy level terms are derived. Emphasis is given to concepts in order to make clear the meaning of quantum numbers, eigenvalues and eigenfunctions in the Schrödinger equation.
  • Cristais líquidos colestéricos: a quiralidade revela as suas cores Educação

    Ely, Fernando; Hamanaka, Marcos H. Mamoru Otsuka; Mammana, Alaide Pellegrini

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Chirality deeply impacts the macroscopic properties on all scales of the universe from elemental particles through biological structures up to astronomic systems. Specifically, chiral liquid crystals give rise to self-organized macrostructures with unparalleled properties. Here we present easy experiments with a special class of chiral liquid crystals that show temperature-induced selective reflection of light (thermochromic effect). Understanding this thermochromic effect allows undergraduate students better realize important properties of super and supramolecular systems.
  • Origens da Universidade Brasileira Assuntos Gerais

    Barreto, Arnaldo Lyrio; Filgueiras, Carlos A. L.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Higher education was precariously installed in Brazil in colonial times, and during that period it led a difficult life. From the early nineteenth century on several institutions were founded and developed in different parts of the country. Those institutions were kept independent from one another without forming full universities until the beginning of the twentieth century, in a peculiar historical process that sets the country apart in this respect. This article examines this unique development and searches the past for the earliest origins of the nation's present university network.
  • Profa. Dra. Helena M. C. Ferraz

    Silva Jr., Luiz Fernando da
Sociedade Brasileira de Química Instituto de Química, Universidade Estadual de Campinas (Unicamp), CP6154, 13083-0970 - Campinas - SP - Brazil