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In this issue, we present the articles selected for the call titled “Impacts of COVID-19 on organizations”. Although research strategies in business administration during the pandemic had to be revised, since many investigations in the area are conducted in loco in organizations, the number of submissions for this call showed that research is alive and vibrant amid the pandemic. Organizations have been deeply impacted and, in the coming years, research will increase on new organizational formats, mental health in organizations, logistics and operations, consumer marketing, and we hope those will be new forms for the common good. The guest editors’ article, “Impacts of COVID-19 on organizations”, presents the main issues that emerged in this special call.

However, when it comes to scientific output during the pandemic period, we have some questions that need to be debated. First, while on the one hand, the pandemic has brought about the need for urgent research on a new reality that calls for quick responses on vital issues, on the other, it has affected academic publications, since there has been an increased concern about the review process by peers, who have had to speed up their work, thus increasing chances of error and, consequently, of fraud, as presented by Fabricio Marques in Revista Pesquisa FAPESP, in August 2020. In that text, a warning is made about the need to preserve research quality, since published articles do not always bring contributions that maintain research integrity, as pointed out by Marques (2020)Marques, F. (2020, agosto). Integridade em meio à emergência sanitária. Revista Pesquisa FAPESP, ano 21(294), seção Boas Práticas, 8-9., based on various studies and measures adopted around the world.

But it was not only research directly linked to COVID-19 that suffered during the pandemic. Article evaluation and publication processes also had to be readjusted, due to difficulties faced by several researchers and reviewers regarding telework; such processes during the pandemic period should be considered by scientific journals’ editorial evaluation bodies.

Secondly, in addition to publications, the ways of exchanging knowledge within the scientific community have also undergone changes in this period. We are now presenting works at virtual congresses, with the advantages - and hindrances - brought about by this type of interaction. Sidinei Santos de Oliveira (2020Oliveira, S. S. de. (2020, outubro). Encontros científicos on-line delineiam nova maneira de compartilhar conhecimento. Revista Pesquisa FAPESP, ano 21(296), 95-97.) shows that, with virtual congresses, air ticket and accommodation costs have decreased, thus allowing large attendances and worldwide reach. The lack of experience in this modality brought about technical snags that may be revised for the coming years, since the online modality will likely continue. However, these meetings definitely do not allow the talks, information exchange and potential new research networks that take place informally during coffee-breaks. Interactions at online conferences need to be scheduled and require specific etiquette “to look good on video”, as Oliveira (2020)Oliveira, S. S. de. (2020, outubro). Encontros científicos on-line delineiam nova maneira de compartilhar conhecimento. Revista Pesquisa FAPESP, ano 21(296), 95-97. argues. Researchers need to offer, in addition to their research, adequate lighting, a good presentation script and strict time control in conferencing platforms. Not easy for those who have honed themselves over the years as researchers, rather than movie actors and actresses or TV show writers.

Those aspects, along with the funds allocated to research and the definition on what projects should be supported, need to undergo changes in the coming years. We must be cautious not to throw the baby out with the bathwater. Undoubtedly, advances are needed in research, especially in themes linked to the UN Sustainable Development Goals. But, as always, the progress of science calls for democracy as a principle.

Speaking of future, next year, the RAE celebrates its 60th anniversary, and we are preparing a special issue to celebrate the anniversary of the longest running journal in the field of ​​Business Administration, considering its six decades of uninterrupted publication. This is a milestone in the history of academic-scientific publications in the country. For the celebrations RAE’s 60 years, we will have several new aspects to be presented throughout 2021, which include, for starters, the publication of articles on a continuous basis as of the next issue.

We wish you all a happy 2021, with respect for research and with health!

Enjoy your reading!

Boa leitura!

  • Translated version


  • Marques, F. (2020, agosto). Integridade em meio à emergência sanitária. Revista Pesquisa FAPESP, ano 21(294), seção Boas Práticas, 8-9.
  • Oliveira, S. S. de. (2020, outubro). Encontros científicos on-line delineiam nova maneira de compartilhar conhecimento. Revista Pesquisa FAPESP, ano 21(296), 95-97.

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    11 Jan 2021
  • Date of issue
    Nov-Dec 2020
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