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Tecnologia, instrumentalidade e poder nas organizações


Derivadas de Maquiavel ou Hobbes, as teorias modernas de poder pressupõem que este emana da tecnologia. Conseqüentemente, elas prevêem que a adoção de novas tecnologias aumenta o controle de poder da administração e a marginalização da mão-de-obra. O presente artigo argumenta que o erro de tais previsões é inerente aos limites dessas teorias, à luz de Foucault; expõe os recentes debates sobre a especialização flexível; finalmente, conclui que mudanças nas técnicas de trabalho engedram resultados distintos. Afinal, tanto o poder quanto as empresas têm contigências complexas e interdependentes, e, até certo ponto, são passíveis de mudança.

Poder e tecnologia; especialização flexível; teorias modernas de poder; poder organizacional; novas tecnologias nas empresas

Either Hobbessian or Machiavellian in their provenance, modern theories of power assume that all power flows through technology. Thus, they predict that the adoption of new technologies will increase control of power by organizations and marginalization by labor. This article argues that their error is inherent to the limits of these theories, according to Foucault; exposes the recent debates on flexible specialization; at last, it is argued that changes in work techniques have distinct results. After all, the contingencies of both power and organizations are complex, interdependent and, to a point, potentially capable of change.

Power and technology; flexible specialization; modern theories of power; organizational power; new technologies in organizations


Tecnologia, instrumentalidade e poder nas organizações

Stewart R. Clegg

Professor do Departamento de Administração da Universidade de St. Andrews, Escócia


Derivadas de Maquiavel ou Hobbes, as teorias modernas de poder pressupõem que este emana da tecnologia. Conseqüentemente, elas prevêem que a adoção de novas tecnologias aumenta o controle de poder da administração e a marginalização da mão-de-obra. O presente artigo argumenta que o erro de tais previsões é inerente aos limites dessas teorias, à luz de Foucault; expõe os recentes debates sobre a especialização flexível; finalmente, conclui que mudanças nas técnicas de trabalho engedram resultados distintos. Afinal, tanto o poder quanto as empresas têm contigências complexas e interdependentes, e, até certo ponto, são passíveis de mudança.

Palavras-chave: Poder e tecnologia, especialização flexível, teorias modernas de poder, poder organizacional e novas tecnologias nas empresas.


Either Hobbessian or Machiavellian in their provenance, modern theories of power assume that all power flows through technology. Thus, they predict that the adoption of new technologies will increase control of power by organizations and marginalization by labor. This article argues that their error is inherent to the limits of these theories, according to Foucault; exposes the recent debates on flexible specialization; at last, it is argued that changes in work techniques have distinct results. After all, the contingencies of both power and organizations are complex, interdependent and, to a point, potentially capable of change.

Key words: Power and technology, flexible specialization, modern theories of power, organizational power and new technologies in organizations.

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Artigo recebido pela redação da RAE em janeiro/91, aprovado para publicação em março/91.

Tradução de Geni Garcia Golschmidt, revista por Vera Cecília Machline.

1. CLEGG, S.R. "Radtcal Revisions: power, discipline and organization", Organization studies. 10(1):97-115,1989.

2. LUKES, S. Power: A Radical view. Londres, MacMillan, 1974.

3. DAHL, R.A. ·Power·, in International Encyclopédia of the Social Sciences. Nova Iorque, Macmillan, pp.405-15,1968.

4. WOODWARD, J. Industrial Organization: behaviour and control. Londres, Oxford University Press, 1965.

5.HARVEY, E. "Technology and structure of organizations", American Sociological Review, 35 :247-59, 1968; ZWERMAN, W. New perspectives on organizational theory. Westport, Conn., Greenwood, 1970.

6. Como em: BLAU, P. M.; FALBE, C.M.; MCKINLEY, W. & TRACY, P.K. "Technology and organization in manufacturing", Administrative Science Quaterly. 21 :20-40, 1976; HICKSON, D.J.; PUGH,D.S. & PHEYSEY, D.C. "Operations Technology and Organization Structure: an empirical appraisal", Administrative Science Quarterly. 14: 378-97, 1969; PERROW, C. "A framework for the comparative analysls of complex organizations", American Sociological Review. 32:194-208, 1967; THOMPSON, J.D. Organizations in action. Nova Iorque, McGraw HiII, 1967; VAN DE VEN, A.H. & DELBECQ. "A task-contingent model of work-unit structure", Administrative Science Quarterly. 19:183-97,1974.

7. MARSH, R.M. & MANNARI, H. "Technology and size as determinants of the organizational structure of Japanese factories", Administrative Science Quarterly. 26(1 ):33-57, 1981; TAYEB, M. Organizations and national culture. Londres, Sage,1988.

8. WOODWARD, W. Op. cit.

9. JACQUES, E. The Changing culture of a factory. Londres, Tavistock,1951.

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26. NICHOLS, T. & BEYNON, H. Living with capitalism. Londres, Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1977.

27. MARGLIN, S. A. Op. cit.

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30. CLEGG, S.R. "Organization and control", Administrative science quarterly. 26(4):545-62, 1981.

31. Ver os colaboradores do volume publicado por KNIGHTS, D. & WILMOTT, H. Labour process theory. Basingstoke, Mac­Millan Press, 1990.

32. STOREY, J., "The means of management control", Sociology. 19 (2): 193-212, 1985.

33. MARCUSE, H. One dimensional man. Londres, Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1964.

34. CLEGG, S.R. Frameworks of power. Londres, Sage, 1989.

35. STOREY, J. Op. cit.

36. BAUMAN, Z. Legislators and interpreters. Cambridge, Polity Press, 1987.

37. BAUMAN, Z. Op, cit., p.2.

38.GRAMSCI, A. Selection from tne prison notebooks. HOARE, Q. & SMITH, G.N.(Org. e trad.), Londres, Lawrence and Wishart, 1971.

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43. LACLAU, E. & MOUFFE, C. Op. cit.

44. ANDERSON, P. Imagined Communities: reflections on the origins and spread of nationalism. Londres, Verso, 1983.

45. CLEGG, S.R. Manufacturing Consent: changes in tne labor process under capitalism. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 1979.

46. PARSONS, T. Op. cit.

47.CLEGG, S.R. Framework of power. Op. cit.

48. FOUCAUL T, M. The History of Sexuality: an introduction. Harmonsworth, Peregrine, 1984. (Edição brasileira traduzida em três volumes por ALBUQUERQUE, Maria T. da Costa & ALBUQUERQUE, J. A. História da sexualidade. Rio de Janeiro, Graal. )

49. WEEDON, C. Faminist practice and poststructuralist theory. Oxtord, Blackwell, 1987, p.123.

50. FOCAULT, M. The history of sexuality. Op. cit. p.92

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52. FOCAUL T, M. Power/Knowledge: selected interviews and other writings 1972-1977. Brighton, Harvester Press, 1980. (Organização de GORDON, C. )

53. BRAVEMAN, H. Op. cit.; MARGLIN, S.A. Op. cit.

54. WEBER, M. From Max Weber: essays in sociology. Londres, Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1948. (Tradução e organização de GERTH, H. H. & MILL, C.W. )

55. CLEGG, S.R.; BORENHAM, P. & DOW G. Class, politics and the economy. Londres, Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1986; O'NEILL, J. "The Disciplinary society: from Weber to Foucault", British Journal of Sociology. 37(1 ):42-60, 1987.

56. CLEGG, S. R. & DUNKERLY, D. Organization, class and control. Londres, Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1980.

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64. LANDES, S. The Unbound Prometheus: technological change and industrial development in Western Europe from 1750 to the present. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1969; MARGLIN, S.A. Op. cit.

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66. SMELSER, N. Social change in the industrial revolution. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 1959.

67. BURAWOY, M. "Towards a Marxist Theory of the Labour Process: Braverman and Beyond", Politics and Society. Op. cit.; CLAWSON, D. Bureaucracy and the Labor Process: the transformation of U. S. industry 1860-1920. Nova Iorque, Monthly Review Press, 1980; EDWARDS, R. Contested Terrain: the transformation of the workplace in the twentieth century. Nova Iorque, Basic Books, 1979; LITTLER,C.R. The development of the labour process in capital societies. Londres, Heinemann Educational Books, 1982.

68. CLEGG, S. R. & DUNKERLY, D. Op. cit.

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71. ARMSTRONG, P."Management Control Strategies and Inter-professional Competition: the cases of accountancy and personnel management". In KNIGHTS, D. & WILMONTT, H. Managing the Labour Process. Aldershot, Gower, capítulo 2, 1986.

72. STOREY, J. Op. cit.

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78. CLEGG, S.R. Power, Rule and Domination: a critical and empirical understanding of power in sociological theory and organizational life. Londres, Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1975.

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81. CLEGG, S.R. Modem organizations, organization studies in the modem world. Londres, Sage, 1990.

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109. EDWARDS, P. K. Op. cit.

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118. CHILD, J. "Information technology, organization and the response to strategy challenge". Trabalho apresentado na sessão de abertura do 8º Colóquio do EGOS (European Group of Organization Studies), Antuérpia, julho 1987.

119. BADHAM, R. & MATTHEWS. J. Op. cit.

120. SHAIKEN. H.; HERZENBERG. S. & KUHN. S. Op. cit.

121. Ver JAIKUMAR, R. Op. cit.

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123. BADHAM, R. & MATTHEWS, J. Op. Cit.

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129. KERN, H. & SCHUMANN, M. Op. cit.

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144. Ver CLEGG, S.R.; BOREHAM, P. & DOW, G. Op. cit. Cap.9.

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  • 1. CLEGG, S.R. "Radtcal Revisions: power, discipline and organization", Organization studies. 10(1):97-115,1989.
  • 2. LUKES, S. Power: A Radical view. Londres, MacMillan, 1974.
  • 3. DAHL, R.A. ·Power·, in International Encyclopédia of the Social Sciences. Nova Iorque, Macmillan, pp.405-15,1968.
  • 4. WOODWARD, J. Industrial Organization: behaviour and control. Londres, Oxford University Press, 1965.
  • 5.HARVEY, E. "Technology and structure of organizations", American Sociological Review, 35 :247-59, 1968;
  • ZWERMAN, W. New perspectives on organizational theory. Westport, Conn., Greenwood, 1970.
  • 6. Como em: BLAU, P. M.; FALBE, C.M.; MCKINLEY, W. & TRACY, P.K. "Technology and organization in manufacturing", Administrative Science Quaterly. 21 :20-40, 1976;
  • HICKSON, D.J.; PUGH,D.S. & PHEYSEY, D.C. "Operations Technology and Organization Structure: an empirical appraisal", Administrative Science Quarterly. 14: 378-97, 1969;
  • PERROW, C. "A framework for the comparative analysls of complex organizations", American Sociological Review. 32:194-208, 1967;
  • THOMPSON, J.D. Organizations in action. Nova Iorque, McGraw HiII, 1967;
  • VAN DE VEN, A.H. & DELBECQ. "A task-contingent model of work-unit structure", Administrative Science Quarterly. 19:183-97,1974.
  • 7. MARSH, R.M. & MANNARI, H. "Technology and size as determinants of the organizational structure of Japanese factories", Administrative Science Quarterly. 26(1 ):33-57, 1981;
  • TAYEB, M. Organizations and national culture. Londres, Sage,1988.
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    13 Jun 2013
  • Data do Fascículo
    Dez 1992


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    Mar 1991
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    Jan 1991
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