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Gestão de pessoas e as universidades corporativas: dois lados da mesma moeda?

This article describes the corporative university model of a financial institution and deals with its implications for the area of Human Resources management. Is consists of a qualitative/descriptive research in the form of a case study. The results show that the corporative university is part of a political and marketing strategy, presenting two distinct axis of operation and generation of value. As for the employees development there is significant evolution under some aspects and it reiterates old difficulties found in T&D (training and development), showing the gap separating discourse and practice. However from a value chain perspective the practice has been proactive, integrating business and aggregating value, as it intensifies the relationship tying clients and partners. Thus, HR management has been experiencing a greater internal and external recognition, and strengthening of its political situation within the company.

Corporate university; corporate education; professional education; human resources management; financial institution

Fundação Getulio Vargas, Escola de Administração de Empresas de S.Paulo Avenida Nove de Julho, 2.029, Bela Vista, CEP: 01313-902, Telefone: +55 (11) 3799-7718 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil