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Relacionamentos entre compradores e vendedores: origens e perspectivas no marketing de relacionamento


Relacionamentos entre compradores e vendedores: origens e perspectivas no marketing de relacionamento

Angela da RochaI; Fernando Bins LuceII

IProfessora do Instituto Coppead de Administração – UFRJ E-mail:

IIProfessor da Escola de Administração da UFRGS E-mail:

Texto completo disponível apenas em PDF.

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ACHROL, R. S. Changes in the theory of interorganizational relations in marketing: toward a new network paradigm. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, v. 25, n. 1, p. 56-71, 1997.

ACHROL, R. S.; REVE, T.; STERN, L. W. The environment of marketing channel dyads: a framework for comparative analysis. Journal of Marketing, v. 47, n. 4, p. 55-67, 1983.

AGUSTIN, C.; SINGH, J. Curvilinear effects of consumer loyalty determinants in relational exchanges. Journal of Marketing Research, v. 42, n. 1, p. 96-108, 2005.

ALMEIDA, S. O.; LOPES, T. C.; PEREIRA, R. C. F. A produção científica em marketing de relacionamento no Brasil entre 1990 e 2004. In: EMA – Encontro de Marketing Anpad. Rio de Janeiro. Anais. Rio de Janeiro: Anpad, 2006.

ANDERSON, J. C.; NARUS, J. A. A model of distributor firm working partnerships. Journal of Marketing, v. 54, p. 42-58, 1990.

ARMSTRONG, R. W.; YEE, S. M. Do Chinese trust Chinese? A study of Chinese buyers and sellers in Malaysia. Journal of International Marketing, v. 9, n. 3, p. 63-86, 2001.

BOYLE, B.; DWYER, F. R.; ROBICHEAUX, R. A.; SIMPSON, J. T. Influence strategies in marketing channels: measures and use in different relationship structures. Journal of Marketing Research, v. 29, p. 462-473, 1992.

BREI, V. A.; ROSSI, C. A. Confiança, valor percebido e lealdade em trocas relacionais de serviço: um estudo com usuários de internet banking no Brasil. Revista de Administração Contemporânea, v. 9, n. 2, p. 145-168, 2005.

BUVIK, A.; ANDERSEN, O. The impact of vertical coordination on ex post transaction costs in domestic and international buyer-seller relationships. Journal of International Marketing, v. 10, n. 1, p. 1-24, 2002.

CANNON, J. P.; PERREAULT JR., W. Buyer-seller relationships in business markets. Journal of Marketing Research, v. 36, n. 4, p. 439-460, 1999.

CASOTTI, L.; SUAREZ, M. (Org.). Relações com os consumidores: experiências brasileiras. Rio de Janeiro, Mauad, 2003.

DONEY, P. M.; CANNON, J. P. An examination of the nature of trust in buyer-seller relationships. Journal of Marketing, v. 61, p. 35-51, 1997.

DU GAY, P.; SALAMAN, G. The cult[ure] of the customer. Journal of Management Studies, v. 29, n. 5, p. 614-633, 1992.

DWYER, F. R.; SCHURR, P. H.; OH, S. Developing buyer-seller relationships. Journal of Marketing, v. 51, n. 2, p. 11-27, 1987.

FORD, D. (Org.). Understanding business markets. San Diego: Academic Press, 1990.

FRAZIER, G. L.; KALE, S. H. Manufacturer-distributor relationships: a sellers' versus buyers' market perspective. International Marketing Review, v. 6, n. 6, p. 7-26, 1989.

FRAZIER, G. L.; RODY, R. C. The use of influence strategies in interfirm relationships in industrial product channels. Journal of Marketing, v. 55, n. 1, p. 52-69, 1991.

GANESAN, S. Determinants of long-term orientation in buyer-seller relationships. Journal of Marketing, v. 58, n. 2, p. 1-19, 1994.

GRÖNROOS, C. Quo vadis, marketing? Toward a relationship marketing paradigm. Journal of Marketing Management, v. 10, n. 5, p. 347-360, 1994.

GRÖNROOS, C. Relationship marketing: the Nordic school perspective. In: SHETH, J. N.; PARVARTIYAR, A. (Org). Handbook of relationship marketing. Thousand Oaks: Sage, 2000, p. 95-117.

GUNDLACH, G. T.; ACHROL, R. S.; MENTZER, J. T. The structure of commitment in exchange. Journal of Marketing, v. 59, n. 1, p. 78-92, 1995.

HAKANSSON, H. (Org.) International marketing and purchasing of industrial goods. Chichester: Wiley, 1982.

HEDAA, L.; RITTER, T. Business relationships on different waves: paradigm shift and marketing orientation revisited. Industrial Marketing Management, v. 34, n. 7, p. 714-721, 2005.

HEIDE, J. B.; STUMP, R. L. Performance implications of buyer-seller relationships in industrial markets: a transaction cost explanation. Journal of Business Research, v. 32, p. 57-66, 1995.

HOGAN, J. E. Expected relationship value. Industrial Marketing Management, v. 30, n. 4, p. 339-351, 2001.

HUNT, S.; MORGAN, R. The commitment-trust theory of relationship marketing. Journal of Marketing, v. 58, n. 3, p. 20-38, 1994.

IACOBUCCI, D.; OSTROM, A. Commercial and interpersonal relationships: using the structure of interpersonal relationships to understand individual-to-individual, individual-to-firm, and firm-to-firm relationships in commerce. International Journal of Research in Marketing, v. 13, n. 1, p. 53-72, 1996.

JANDA, S.; MURRAY, J. B.; BURTON, S. Manufacturer-supplier relationships: an empirical test of a model of buyer outcomes. Industrial Marketing Management, v. 31, p. 411-420, 2002.

JÜTTNER, U.; WEHRLI, H. P. Relationship marketing from a value system perspective. International Journal of Service Industry Management, v. 5, n. 5, p. 54-73, 1994.

KALAFATIS, S. P. Buyer-seller relationships along channels of distribution. Industrial Marketing Management, v. 31, n. 3, p. 215-228, 2000.

KALE, S. H.; BARNES, J. W. Understanding the domain of cross-national buyer-seller interactions. Journal of International Business Studies, v. 23, n. 1, p. 101-132, 1992.

KALWANI, M. U.; NARAYANDAS, N. Long-term manufacturer-supplier relationships: do they pay-off for supplier firms? Journal of Marketing, v. 59, n. 1, p. 1-16, 1995.

KAMP, B. Formation and evolution of buyer-seller relationships: conceiving dynamism in actor composition of business networks. Industrial Marketing Management, v. 34, n. 7, p. 658-668, 2005.

KEEP, W. W.; HOLLANDER, S. C.; DICKINSON, R. Forces impinging on long-term business-to-business relationships in the United States: an historical perspective. Journal of Marketing, v. 62, p. 31-45, 1998.

LAPLACA, P. Letter for the special issue on relationship marketing. Industrial Marketing Management, v. 26, n. 2, p. 85-86, 1997.

MENON, Q.; SHETH, J. (Org.). Contemporary knowledge of relationship marketing. 1998 Research Conference Proceedings. Atlanta: Center for Relationship Marketing, Roberto C. Goizueta Business School, Emory University, 1998.

METCALF, L. E.; FREAR, C. R.; KRISHNAN, R. Buyer-seller relationships: an application of the IMP interaction model. European Journal of Marketing, v. 26, n. 2, p. 27-46, 1992.

MÖLLER, K.; HALINEN-KAILA, A. Consumer versus interorganizational relationship marketing: a meta-theoretical analysis. In: MENON, Q.; SHETH, J. (Org.). Contemporary Knowledge of Relationship Marketing. 1998 Research Conference Proceedings. Atlanta: Center for Relationship Marketing, Roberto C. Goizueta Business School, Emory University, 1998, p. 42-47.

NARAYANDAS, D.; RANGAN, K. Journal of Marketing, v. 68, n. 3, p. 6377, 2004.

NIELSON, C. C. An empirical examination of “closeness” in industrial buyer-seller relationships. European Journal of Marketing, v. 32, n. 5/6, p. 411-462, 1998.

NOORDEWIER, T. G.; JOHN, G.; NEVIN, J. R. Performance outcomes of purchasing arrangements in industrial buyer-vendor relationships. Journal of Marketing, v. 54, n. 4, p. 80-94, 1990.

OLIVER, R. L. Satisfaction: a behavioral perspective on the consumer. Boston: McGraw-Hill, 1997.

PARVARTIYAR, A.; SHETH, L. N. The domain and conceptual foundations of relationship marketing. In: SHETH, J. N.; PARVARTIYAR, A. (Org). Handbook of relationship marketing. Thousand Oaks: Sage, 2000, p. 3-38.

PAYNE, A.; FROW, P. A strategic framework for customer relationship management. Journal of Marketing, v. 69, n. 4, p. 167-176, 2005.

PILAI, K. G.; SHARMA, A. Mature relationships: why does relational orientation turn into transaction orientation? Industrial Marketing Management, v. 32, n. 8, p. 643-51, 2003.

PEREIRA, R. C. F; LUCE, F. B. Identificando lacunas e perspectivas para a pesquisa de marketing de relacionamento no Brasil. In: EMA – Encontro de Marketing Anpad. Anais. Rio de Janeiro: Anpad, 2006.

ROSEN, D.; BONSU, S.; CURRAN, J. M.; PURINTON, E. F. Exploring the dynamic nature of relationship marketing through key constructs. In: MENON, Q.; SHETH, J. (Org.). Contemporary knowledge of relationship marketing. 1998 Research Conference Proceedings. Atlanta: Center for Relationship Marketing, Roberto C. Goizueta Business School, Emory University, 1998, p. 82-95.

ROSLIN, R. M.; MELEWAR, T. C. Discovering relational bonds in channel relationships: a case study of Malaysia. Journal of Global Marketing, v. 14, n. 3, p. 49-76, 2000.

SHARMA, A.; SHETH, J.N. Relationship marketing: an agenda for inquiry. Industrial Marketing Management, v. 26, p. 87-89, 1997.

SHARMA, A.; TZOKAS, N.; SAREN, M. Antecedents and consequences of relationship marketing: insights from business salespeople. Industrial Marketing Management, v. 28, n. 6, p. 601-611, 1999.

SHETH, J. N. Buyer-seller interaction: a conceptual framework. Advances in Consumer Research, v. 3, p. 382-386, 1976.

SHETH, J. N. et al. Till death do us part… but not always: six antecedents to a customer's relational preference in buyer-seller exchanges. Industrial Marketing Management, v. 32, n. 8, p. 627-631, 2003.

SLONGO, L. A.; LIBERALI, G. Marketing de relacionamento. São Paulo: Atlas, 2004.

SLONGO, L. A.; MÜSSNICH, R. Serviços ao cliente e marketing de relacionamento no setor hoteleiro de Porto Alegre. Revista de Administração Contemporânea, v. 9, n. 1, p. 149-170, 2005.

STERN, L. W.; REVE, T. Distribution channels as political economies: a framework for comparative analysis. Journal of Marketing, v. 44, p. 52-64, 1980.

ULAGA, W. Customer value in business markets. Industrial Marketing Management, v. 30, n. 4, p. 315-319, 2001.

ULAGA, W.; EGGERT, A. Developing a standard scale of relationship value in business markets. Working paper ISBM Report 2. University Park, PA: Institute for the Study of Business Markets. The Pennsylvania State University, 2003, 41 p.

WALTER, A.; RITTER, T.; GEMÜNDEN, H. G. Value creation in buyer-seller relationships: theoretical considerations and empirical results from a supplier's perspective. Industrial Marketing Management, v. 30, n. 4, p. 365-377, 2001.

WILEY, J.; WILKINSON, I.; YOUNG, L. The nature, role and impact of connected relations: a comparison of European and Chinese suppliers' perspective. Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, v. 21, n. 1, p. 3-13, 2006.

WILSON, D. T. An integrated model of buyer-seller relationships. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, v. 23, n. 4, p. 335-345, 1995.

Artigo convidado.

Aprovado em 08.06.2006.

  • ACHROL, R. S. Changes in the theory of interorganizational relations in marketing: toward a new network paradigm. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, v. 25, n. 1, p. 56-71, 1997.
  • ACHROL, R. S.; REVE, T.; STERN, L. W. The environment of marketing channel dyads: a framework for comparative analysis. Journal of Marketing, v. 47, n. 4, p. 55-67, 1983.
  • AGUSTIN, C.; SINGH, J. Curvilinear effects of consumer loyalty determinants in relational exchanges. Journal of Marketing Research, v. 42, n. 1, p. 96-108, 2005.
  • ALMEIDA, S. O.; LOPES, T. C.; PEREIRA, R. C. F. A produção científica em marketing de relacionamento no Brasil entre 1990 e 2004. In: EMA Encontro de Marketing Anpad. Rio de Janeiro. Anais Rio de Janeiro: Anpad, 2006.
  • ANDERSON, J. C.; NARUS, J. A. A model of distributor firm working partnerships. Journal of Marketing, v. 54, p. 42-58, 1990.
  • ARMSTRONG, R. W.; YEE, S. M. Do Chinese trust Chinese? A study of Chinese buyers and sellers in Malaysia. Journal of International Marketing, v. 9, n. 3, p. 63-86, 2001.
  • BOYLE, B.; DWYER, F. R.; ROBICHEAUX, R. A.; SIMPSON, J. T. Influence strategies in marketing channels: measures and use in different relationship structures. Journal of Marketing Research, v. 29, p. 462-473, 1992.
  • BREI, V. A.; ROSSI, C. A. Confiança, valor percebido e lealdade em trocas relacionais de serviço: um estudo com usuários de internet banking no Brasil. Revista de Administração Contemporânea, v. 9, n. 2, p. 145-168, 2005.
  • BUVIK, A.; ANDERSEN, O. The impact of vertical coordination on ex post transaction costs in domestic and international buyer-seller relationships. Journal of International Marketing, v. 10, n. 1, p. 1-24, 2002.
  • CANNON, J. P.; PERREAULT JR., W. Buyer-seller relationships in business markets. Journal of Marketing Research, v. 36, n. 4, p. 439-460, 1999.
  • CASOTTI, L.; SUAREZ, M. (Org.). Relações com os consumidores: experiências brasileiras Rio de Janeiro, Mauad, 2003.
  • DONEY, P. M.; CANNON, J. P. An examination of the nature of trust in buyer-seller relationships. Journal of Marketing, v. 61, p. 35-51, 1997.
  • DU GAY, P.; SALAMAN, G. The cult[ure] of the customer. Journal of Management Studies, v. 29, n. 5, p. 614-633, 1992.
  • DWYER, F. R.; SCHURR, P. H.; OH, S. Developing buyer-seller relationships. Journal of Marketing, v. 51, n. 2, p. 11-27, 1987.
  • FORD, D. (Org.). Understanding business markets San Diego: Academic Press, 1990.
  • FRAZIER, G. L.; KALE, S. H. Manufacturer-distributor relationships: a sellers' versus buyers' market perspective. International Marketing Review, v. 6, n. 6, p. 7-26, 1989.
  • FRAZIER, G. L.; RODY, R. C. The use of influence strategies in interfirm relationships in industrial product channels. Journal of Marketing, v. 55, n. 1, p. 52-69, 1991.
  • GANESAN, S. Determinants of long-term orientation in buyer-seller relationships. Journal of Marketing, v. 58, n. 2, p. 1-19, 1994.
  • GRÖNROOS, C. Quo vadis, marketing? Toward a relationship marketing paradigm. Journal of Marketing Management, v. 10, n. 5, p. 347-360, 1994.
  • GRÖNROOS, C. Relationship marketing: the Nordic school perspective. In: SHETH, J. N.; PARVARTIYAR, A. (Org). Handbook of relationship marketing Thousand Oaks: Sage, 2000, p. 95-117.
  • GUNDLACH, G. T.; ACHROL, R. S.; MENTZER, J. T. The structure of commitment in exchange. Journal of Marketing, v. 59, n. 1, p. 78-92, 1995.
  • HAKANSSON, H. (Org.) International marketing and purchasing of industrial goods Chichester: Wiley, 1982.
  • HEDAA, L.; RITTER, T. Business relationships on different waves: paradigm shift and marketing orientation revisited. Industrial Marketing Management, v. 34, n. 7, p. 714-721, 2005.
  • HEIDE, J. B.; STUMP, R. L. Performance implications of buyer-seller relationships in industrial markets: a transaction cost explanation. Journal of Business Research, v. 32, p. 57-66, 1995.
  • HOGAN, J. E. Expected relationship value. Industrial Marketing Management, v. 30, n. 4, p. 339-351, 2001.
  • HUNT, S.; MORGAN, R. The commitment-trust theory of relationship marketing. Journal of Marketing, v. 58, n. 3, p. 20-38, 1994.
  • IACOBUCCI, D.; OSTROM, A. Commercial and interpersonal relationships: using the structure of interpersonal relationships to understand individual-to-individual, individual-to-firm, and firm-to-firm relationships in commerce. International Journal of Research in Marketing, v. 13, n. 1, p. 53-72, 1996.
  • JANDA, S.; MURRAY, J. B.; BURTON, S. Manufacturer-supplier relationships: an empirical test of a model of buyer outcomes. Industrial Marketing Management, v. 31, p. 411-420, 2002.
  • JÜTTNER, U.; WEHRLI, H. P. Relationship marketing from a value system perspective. International Journal of Service Industry Management, v. 5, n. 5, p. 54-73, 1994.
  • KALAFATIS, S. P. Buyer-seller relationships along channels of distribution. Industrial Marketing Management, v. 31, n. 3, p. 215-228, 2000.
  • KALE, S. H.; BARNES, J. W. Understanding the domain of cross-national buyer-seller interactions. Journal of International Business Studies, v. 23, n. 1, p. 101-132, 1992.
  • KALWANI, M. U.; NARAYANDAS, N. Long-term manufacturer-supplier relationships: do they pay-off for supplier firms? Journal of Marketing, v. 59, n. 1, p. 1-16, 1995.
  • KAMP, B. Formation and evolution of buyer-seller relationships: conceiving dynamism in actor composition of business networks. Industrial Marketing Management, v. 34, n. 7, p. 658-668, 2005.
  • KEEP, W. W.; HOLLANDER, S. C.; DICKINSON, R. Forces impinging on long-term business-to-business relationships in the United States: an historical perspective. Journal of Marketing, v. 62, p. 31-45, 1998.
  • LAPLACA, P. Letter for the special issue on relationship marketing. Industrial Marketing Management, v. 26, n. 2, p. 85-86, 1997.
  • MENON, Q.; SHETH, J. (Org.). Contemporary knowledge of relationship marketing. 1998 Research Conference Proceedings. Atlanta: Center for Relationship Marketing, Roberto C. Goizueta Business School, Emory University, 1998.
  • METCALF, L. E.; FREAR, C. R.; KRISHNAN, R. Buyer-seller relationships: an application of the IMP interaction model. European Journal of Marketing, v. 26, n. 2, p. 27-46, 1992.
  • MÖLLER, K.; HALINEN-KAILA, A. Consumer versus interorganizational relationship marketing: a meta-theoretical analysis. In: MENON, Q.; SHETH, J. (Org.). Contemporary Knowledge of Relationship Marketing. 1998 Research Conference Proceedings. Atlanta: Center for Relationship Marketing, Roberto C. Goizueta Business School, Emory University, 1998, p. 42-47.
  • NARAYANDAS, D.; RANGAN, K. Journal of Marketing, v. 68, n. 3, p. 6377, 2004.
  • NOORDEWIER, T. G.; JOHN, G.; NEVIN, J. R. Performance outcomes of purchasing arrangements in industrial buyer-vendor relationships. Journal of Marketing, v. 54, n. 4, p. 80-94, 1990.
  • OLIVER, R. L. Satisfaction: a behavioral perspective on the consumer Boston: McGraw-Hill, 1997.
  • PARVARTIYAR, A.; SHETH, L. N. The domain and conceptual foundations of relationship marketing. In: SHETH, J. N.; PARVARTIYAR, A. (Org). Handbook of relationship marketing Thousand Oaks: Sage, 2000, p. 3-38.
  • PAYNE, A.; FROW, P. A strategic framework for customer relationship management. Journal of Marketing, v. 69, n. 4, p. 167-176, 2005.
  • PILAI, K. G.; SHARMA, A. Mature relationships: why does relational orientation turn into transaction orientation? Industrial Marketing Management, v. 32, n. 8, p. 643-51, 2003.
  • PEREIRA, R. C. F; LUCE, F. B. Identificando lacunas e perspectivas para a pesquisa de marketing de relacionamento no Brasil. In: EMA Encontro de Marketing Anpad. Anais Rio de Janeiro: Anpad, 2006.
  • ROSEN, D.; BONSU, S.; CURRAN, J. M.; PURINTON, E. F. Exploring the dynamic nature of relationship marketing through key constructs. In: MENON, Q.; SHETH, J. (Org.). Contemporary knowledge of relationship marketing. 1998 Research Conference Proceedings. Atlanta: Center for Relationship Marketing, Roberto C. Goizueta Business School, Emory University, 1998, p. 82-95.
  • ROSLIN, R. M.; MELEWAR, T. C. Discovering relational bonds in channel relationships: a case study of Malaysia. Journal of Global Marketing, v. 14, n. 3, p. 49-76, 2000.
  • SHARMA, A.; SHETH, J.N. Relationship marketing: an agenda for inquiry. Industrial Marketing Management, v. 26, p. 87-89, 1997.
  • SHARMA, A.; TZOKAS, N.; SAREN, M. Antecedents and consequences of relationship marketing: insights from business salespeople. Industrial Marketing Management, v. 28, n. 6, p. 601-611, 1999.
  • SHETH, J. N. Buyer-seller interaction: a conceptual framework. Advances in Consumer Research, v. 3, p. 382-386, 1976.
  • SLONGO, L. A.; LIBERALI, G. Marketing de relacionamento. São Paulo: Atlas, 2004.
  • SLONGO, L. A.; MÜSSNICH, R. Serviços ao cliente e marketing de relacionamento no setor hoteleiro de Porto Alegre. Revista de Administração Contemporânea, v. 9, n. 1, p. 149-170, 2005.
  • STERN, L. W.; REVE, T. Distribution channels as political economies: a framework for comparative analysis. Journal of Marketing, v. 44, p. 52-64, 1980.
  • ULAGA, W. Customer value in business markets. Industrial Marketing Management, v. 30, n. 4, p. 315-319, 2001.
  • ULAGA, W.; EGGERT, A. Developing a standard scale of relationship value in business markets. Working paper ISBM Report 2. University Park, PA: Institute for the Study of Business Markets. The Pennsylvania State University, 2003, 41 p.
  • WALTER, A.; RITTER, T.; GEMÜNDEN, H. G. Value creation in buyer-seller relationships: theoretical considerations and empirical results from a supplier's perspective. Industrial Marketing Management, v. 30, n. 4, p. 365-377, 2001.
  • WILEY, J.; WILKINSON, I.; YOUNG, L. The nature, role and impact of connected relations: a comparison of European and Chinese suppliers' perspective. Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, v. 21, n. 1, p. 3-13, 2006.
  • WILSON, D. T. An integrated model of buyer-seller relationships. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, v. 23, n. 4, p. 335-345, 1995.

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