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Motivação: mitos, crenças e mal-entendidos

Motivation is one word used in many different ways, with too many different meanings. So, it is important to distinguish between the behavior that is knozvn as conditionated and that one seen as the real motivated behavior. Tins article has the main purpose of delimitating each one of these two heterogeneous concepts. First: the conditioned behavior thai comes out of the action of extrinsic variables existing in the environment and the motivated behavior that emerges from intrinsic forces existing inside each person. It seems crucial to distinguish these two different ways of behavior if one wants to work with really motivated people. These people seem to engage themselves in work for their own sake, and not because these activities might lead to external rewards. The motivated activities appear as having aims in themselves rather than being means to an objective.

Motivation; conditioning; behavior; extrinsic variables; intrinsic variables; motivational style

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