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A Tecnologia Como Forma de Controle Burocrático: Uma Análise Crítica do Uso dos Sistemas de Segurança de Informática em uma. Empresa de Alta Tecnologia


In this article we prevent bureaucracy as the result of psychological defenses in operation. In fact, tendencies for bureaucratization of human relations in the workplace are the result of externalized interpersonal defense mechanisms to avoid personalization of the workplace and face-a-face interactions. Self-systems are learned defensive activities against anxiety and fear caused by the loss of security of self-esteem. A threatening (potentially anxiety ridden) environment, perceived by the person or group of people, will activate security operations of self-systems, resulting in some distortion of reality and cognition. The psychoanalysis of organizations highlights the frequently paradoxical behavior of managers and workers. We conceptualize paradox as the simultaneous existence in the organization of two inconsistent states, such as “empowerment and conformance”: “old and new”. We show that in the organizational context, there are the intended consequences of the action, which are directed toward improving performance and profit. On the other hand, there are the unintended consequences of the same action, which may actually undermine performance, profit and cancel out the intended “positive” consequences. In our case study, we analyze the paradox produced by the implementation of an Internet Security System at a Brazilian High Tech Company. We exemplify a paradox between the dimensions “bureaucratic control” X “autonomy”. This paradox increased the organization' stress level and social actors self defense mechanisms. We will describe and analyze some of de unintended consequences produced by social actors self defense mechanisms and resistance-to-change phenomenon in this case.

Psycodynamics; Organizational change; Paradox; Technology

Editora Mackenzie; Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie Rua da Consolação, 896, Edifício Rev. Modesto Carvalhosa, Térreo - Coordenação da RAM, Consolação - São Paulo - SP - Brasil - cep 01302-907 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil