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Determining factors of organizational ambidexterity in academic performance in private higher education institutions

Fatores determinantes da ambidestria organizacional no desempenho acadêmico nas instituições de ensino superior privadas



This research aims to measure the impacts of determining factors of organizational ambidexterity on academic performance in private higher education institutions (HEIs) in Brazil.


This study investigates predictive, mediating, and moderating relationships in a model that has yet to be explored in the literature.


This theoretical-empirical research uses questionnaires containing 172 Brazilian private HEIs and analyzes them through structural equation modeling.


The results indicated that entrepreneurial orientation positively influences academic performance directly or is mediated by organizational ambidexterity. Learning orientation does not directly influence academic performance, but the result is significant when mediated by organizational ambidexterity. Although not substantial, market turbulence shows a medium moderation in the relationship between ambidexterity and performance. The indirect path between entrepreneurial orientation and academic performance mediated by organizational ambidexterity was stronger than the direct path without the mediation of ambidexterity. In conclusion, ambidexterity is presented as a relevant construct to mediate entrepreneurial orientation and learning orientation in the performance of private HEIs in Brazil under conditions of market pressure.

entrepreneurial orientation; learning orientation; organizational ambidexterity; academic performance; higher education institutions

Editora Mackenzie; Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie Rua da Consolação, 896, Edifício Rev. Modesto Carvalhosa, Térreo - Coordenação da RAM, Consolação - São Paulo - SP - Brasil - cep 01302-907 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil