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The purpose of this paper is to present a critical study of waste generation associated with the consumption of gadgets, whose shortened life cycle causes rapid replacement and disposal. Its theoretical basis is the systemic approach, as proposed by the theory of system dynamics supported by conceptual modeling human thinking representation oriented model (Modelo Orientado à Representação do Pensamento Humano – Morph). The methodology employed is based on the Schumpeterian approach. Based on Morph, a conceptual model comprised of the main variables in the scenario of industrial production, in an environment of innovation and rapid product obsolescence was organized. In order to enable us to analyze the dynamics of these variables, this scenario was simulated using a piece of software, supported on system dynamics methodology, which recreated the dynamics of the market for production and product replacement. The inductive method was used to compose the conceptual model, based on a classical economic approach. Such approach allowed us to test e some assumptions by experimentation, after simulation. In this scope, we aim an empirical study on innovation scenario and an analysis of its dynamics, targeting future scenarios. The simulated model allowed the building of three scenarios and it was possible to observe that the lack of concern for the recycling of products not only impacts negatively the production factors, but it also deplees them. It also demonstrates that recycling these gadgets is beneficial for the maintenance of production factors and it does not affect the innovation achieved, producing a balance in the system. The findings in this study result in practical implications on a new interpretation regarding the creation of value by introducing innovation, considering the paradox of loss by the depletion of natural resources. Its theoretical contribution is to describe the scenario of innovation, enabling us to interact with variables and simulating different scenarios for a better understanding of the findings. The development of this research, based on variables of a theoretical model, is instructional and it aims to influence the forming of opinions, assisting, but not being the only instrument, decision-making in production.

Sustainability; System dynamics; Morph; Innovation; Technology

Editora Mackenzie; Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie Rua da Consolação, 896, Edifício Rev. Modesto Carvalhosa, Térreo - Coordenação da RAM, Consolação - São Paulo - SP - Brasil - cep 01302-907 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil