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Realization of personal values in the organizational environment (RVP): looking at the relationships between individuals and organization beyond the personal values

This article presents a new construct called Realization of Personal Values in the Organizational Environment (RVP) to understand the relationships between individuals and organizations. Personal values (VP) are desirable goals that vary in importance and serve as guiding principles in people's lives, while RVP is the realization of such goals in the organization where they work in carrying out daily activities. Understanding which are the personal attributes such as personal values, which define culture, structure, processes and organizational goals, this study sought to examine relationships between PV, RVP and organizational values perceived as practiced (VO), the latter defined as the organization's goals. This article exploratory and quantitative type, used three questionnaires based on theory of basic values. The first two, for the measurement of personal values and realization of personal values in the organizational environment, have been developed for the study, from the portrait value questionnaire in its Brazilian version of 40 items, while for the measure of organizational values it employed the organizational values inventory. The non-probability sample was formed by employees of three private companies in the services sector, comprising 231 valid cases. In data processing it was used descriptive statistics, correlation analysis and multiple linear regression, besides multidimensional scaling to verify the validation of theoretical constructs VP and RVP. The results show that organizational values , viewed as the organization's goals, are more influenced by realization of personal values of its members than by the expectation of its realization, aligned of the Theory Attraction-Selection-Attrition (ASA) by Schneider (1987) and Schneider, Goldstein and Smith (1995) that people to realize their personal values , and thus they remain in the organization and setting goals to be achieved by them. The studies also show that employees get goals prioritized by the organizations, from domain of market, practicing personal values that are in opposite motivational types, from self-transcendence. The article aims to contribute to the theoretical discussion about organizational values , enabling managers to reflect on other ways of understanding the relation employee- organization that is not addressing fit between personal and organizational values , a recurring theme in both the academic and business circles.

Realization of personal values; Organizational values; Personal values; ASA; Services

Editora Mackenzie; Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie Rua da Consolação, 896, Edifício Rev. Modesto Carvalhosa, Térreo - Coordenação da RAM, Consolação - São Paulo - SP - Brasil - cep 01302-907 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil