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Dear readers,

This issue of Revista de Administração Mackenzie (RAM) is totally published in the English language, a landmark we need to register in its history. We hope this could be the increased process of carrying the knowledge associated with the articles beyond the borders of Brazilian academic researchers.

The first article by Hilka Pelizza Vier Machado, Sebastião Gazola, Joiceli dos Santos Fabrício, and Miguel Eduardo Moreno Anez, "Women entrepreneurs: reasons and difficulties for starting in business", is intended to describe the main reasons and difficulties for women to establish businesses and to identify possible differences between those that go into industry and those that establish commerce or service businesses. Results revealed that the two groups assigned the same level of importance to the reasons for business establishment: improvement difficulty in the previous job; desire to financially help offspring; re-entry into the labor market; earning lot of money. The analysis showed no significant difference in importance level assigned to eight difficulties for the establishment of business.

Vanessa Amaral Prestes, Carmem Ligia Iochins Grisci, and Aline Mendonça Fraga elaborated the article "Lifestyles of workers in the expatriation context". The objective was to highlight and analyze lifestyles of expatriate workers. Data collection was carried out by a focus group with managers of the same company who shared similar expatriation experiences. The transcribed material was submitted to content analysis. The ways of moving around the city, the routine and the leisure activities, the sightseeing trips, the expatriation valuation and the abnegation as a way of life were observed according to control-stimulation perception.

"Balancing work, study, and home: a research with master's students in a Brazilian university" is the article elaborated by Amanda Magri Eller, Bruno Felix Von Borell de Araujo, and Diana Abreu Von Borell de Araujo. The objective was to understand the tactics that nontraditional students use to manage the boundaries between work, home and study. The originality of this study relies on the transfer of the focus from the conflict to the balance between work, home, and study. It also breaks new ground by directing attention to the micro level of individual action, in contrast to literature that traditionally studied organizational actions. The analysis allowed identifying 18 tactics that respondents employ to negotiate the level of permeability between the boundaries between work, school, and home. These tactics were classified as behavioral, communicative, physical and temporal.

Aline Fábia Guerra de Moraes, Danilo Cortez Gomes, and Diogo Henrique Helal present "Brazilian jeitinho and culture: an analysis of the films Elite squad 1 and 2". This study tried to observe the representations of the Brazilian jeitinho, a typical feature of Brazilian culture, through the analyses of the movies Elite squad and Elite squad: the enemy within. The article corroborates the ongoing debate in the field and offers alternatives for the study of Business Administration, by using film analysis as a technique. It is of utmost importance to evidence that analyzes such as this, contribute to Business Administration by, when well situated, aiding in the comprehension of themes and concepts, leading students and readers to obtain new reflections and new perspectives about the subjects in question.

"Capital structure of Brazil, Russia, India, and China by economic crisis" was elaborated by Edilson dos Santos Silva, Josete Florencio dos Santos, Fernanda Finotti Cordeiro Perobelli, and Wilson Toshiro Nakamura. The study contributes to the literature by examining the financial capital structure of emerging market companies in a context of crisis, in addition to using a robust econometric tool - the quantile regression. The results indicate financing strategies, according to the theories of Pecking Order and Trade-off according to the level of debt.

The article "Relationship between organizational slack and innovation in companies of BM&FBovespa" was elaborated by Eduardo Vinícius Bassi Murro, Guilherme Bittencourt Teixeira, Ilse Maria Beuren, Luciano Márcio Scherer, and Gerlando Augusto Sampaio Franco de Lima. The goal of this study is to identify the relationship of absorbed, non-absorbed and potential slack with the innovation of companies of sectors members of the sectoral ranking of innovation in the Brazilian Index of Innovation (IBI) listed in BM&FBovespa. By the application of the panel data model, the results demonstrate a significant relationship between organizational slack and innovation. The potential and absorbed slacks impact significantly and positively the innovative process. Non-absorbed slack influences positively, but with relatively smaller impact compared to other measures.

"Coordination of joint actions in Muriaé's (MG) clothing LPA" was elaborated by Cecilia Alves da Silva Antero, Bruno Tavares, Luiz Marcelo Antonialli, Afonso Augusto Teixeira de Freitas de Carvalho Lima, and Rodrigo Gava. This study proposes the analytical model for comprehending how coordinating happens, as well as indicate relations between the elements that compose it, and the implications for the way in which these elements are manifested in a local production arrangement (LPA) context. It consists in an advance for understanding governance in LPA. We suggest means of systematizing the coordination of joint actions and mitigating challenges regarding means of production and means of coordinating.

Ednei Rogério de Souza Zampese, Roberto Giro Moori, and Adilson Caldeira elaborated the article "Green marketing as a mediator between supply chain management and organizational performance". The objective was to explore and describe the mediation of green marketing in the relationship between supply chain management and corporate performance. The prior intention was to fill an epistemological gap about green marketing. As theoretical implications, the study reinforces positive correlations between the constructs used in the surveyed sector. It resorted to models previously developed that, combined, could be reproduced or falsified, the end to obtain convergent measurement models. As a practical application, it identified the involvement of employees in environmental issues, missions, and visions with explicit statements on energy and water saving and green marketing initiatives to improve the corporate image, such as obtaining environmental certifications.

Good reading!

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    May-Jun 2016
Editora Mackenzie; Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie Rua da Consolação, 896, Edifício Rev. Modesto Carvalhosa, Térreo - Coordenação da RAM, Consolação - São Paulo - SP - Brasil - cep 01302-907 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil