Open-access Laboratory predictors of survival in ovarian cancer


OBJECTIVE  To relate disease-free survival and overall survival with type I and type II ovarian cancer and preoperative laboratory parameters biomarkers.

METHODS  A retrospective study was carried out based on the collection of data from medical records of patients with ovarian tumors. Kaplan-Mayer curves were drawn based on the statistical analysis of the data and were compared using the Log-rank test.

RESULTS  Disease-free survival in type I ovarian cancer was significantly higher than in type II (p=0.0013), as well as in those with normal levels of CA-125 (p=0.0243) and with a platelet-lymphocyte ratio (PLR) lower than 200 (p=0.0038). The overall survival of patients with type I ovarian cancer was significantly higher than in patients with type II, as well as in patients with normal CA-125 serum levels (p=0.0039) and those with a preoperative fasting glucose of less than 100 mg/dL.

CONCLUSION  CA-125 levels may predict greater overall and disease-free survival. PLR < 200 may suggest greater disease-free survival, whereas normal fasting glucose may suggest greater overall survival.

survival; ovarian neoplasms; glucose; CA-125 Antigen

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