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Good practices for prone positioning at the bedside: Construction of a care protocol

Boas práticas da manobra de prona à beira do leito: construção de um protocolo de cuidados


Last year, interest in prone positioning to treat acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) resurfaced with the demonstration of a reduction in mortality by a large randomized clinical trial. Reports in the literature suggest that the incidence of adverse events is significantly reduced with a team trained and experienced in the process. The objective of this review is to revisit the current evidence in the literature, discuss and propose the construction of a protocol of care for these patients. A search was performed on the main electronic databases: Medline, Lilacs and Cochrane Library. Prone positioning is increasingly used in daily practice, with properly trained staff and a well established care protocol are essencial.

adult respiratory distress syndrome; acute respiratory distress syndrome; ventral decubitus; respiratory failure; intensive therapy

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