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SUMMARY OBJECTIVE: Increasing evidence suggests that exercise programs are of great value in the rehabilitation and survivorship of patients with cancer. However, challenges remain regarding maintaining patients more physically active. This study aimed to evaluate the impact of a supervised exercise program on quality of life, fatigue, physical performance, and levels of physical activity of patients with cancer. METHODS: An observational longitudinal study, with a 1-year prospective follow-up, was developed. SETTING: This is a university-based outpatient rehabilitation program in a high-complexity cancer care center in Sao Paulo. RESULTS: After the program, patients showed a significant gain in quality of life (p<0.0001), physical performance (p<0.0001), and improvement in fatigue (p<0.0001). After 12 months, 81.1% of the patients remained active, and only 4.5% declared themselves to be sedentary. CONCLUSION: The results of this study confirm that exercise programs are an important tool in the rehabilitation of patients with cancer and that an initial supervised exercise program, in combination with follow-ups, can help increase the levels of physical activity of this population. CLINICAL REHABILITATION IMPACT: This study provides additional information on the outcomes that are expected with the provision of a supervised physical exercise program in the rehabilitation care of patients with cancer and that additional follow-ups could further benefit this population.Resumo em Inglês:
SUMMARY BACKGROUND: Chemotherapy with doxorubicin may lead to left ventricular dysfunction. There is a controversial recommendation that biomarkers can predict ventricular dysfunction, which is one of the most feared manifestations of anthracycline cardiotoxicity. OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to evaluate the behavior of biomarkers such as Troponin I, type B natriuretic peptide, creatine phosphokinase fraction MB, and myoglobin in predicting cardiotoxicity in a cohort of women with breast cancer undergoing chemotherapy with anthracycline. METHODS: This is an observational, prospective, longitudinal, unicentric study, which included 40 women with breast cancer, whose therapeutic proposal included treatment with doxorubicin. The protocol had a clinical follow-up of 12 months. Biomarkers such as Troponin I, type B natriuretic peptide, creatine phosphokinase fraction MB, and myoglobin were measured pre-chemotherapy and after the first, third, fourth, and sixth cycles of chemotherapy. RESULTS: There was a progressive increase in type B natriuretic peptide and myoglobin values in all chemotherapy cycles. Although creatine phosphokinase fraction MB showed a sustained increase, this increase was not statistically significant. Troponin, type B natriuretic peptide, myoglobin, and creatine phosphokinase fraction MB were the cardiotoxicity markers with the earliest changes, with a significant increase after the first chemotherapy session. However, they were not able to predict cardiotoxicity. CONCLUSION: Troponin I, type B natriuretic peptide, myoglobin, and creatine phosphokinase fraction MB are elevated during chemotherapy with doxorubicin, but they were not able to predict cardiotoxicity according to established clinical and echocardiographic criteria. The incidence of subclinical cardiotoxicity resulting from the administration of doxorubicin was 12.5%.Resumo em Inglês:
SUMMARY In the emergency care of cancer patients, in addition to cancer-related factors, two aspects influence the outcome: (1) where the patient is treated and (2) who will perform the surgery. In Brazil, a significant proportion of patients with surgical oncological emergencies will be operated on in general hospitals by surgeons without training in oncological surgery. OBJECTIVE: The objective was to discuss quality indicators and propose the creation of an urgent oncological surgery advanced life support course. METHODS: Review of articles on the topic. RESULTS: Generally, nonelective resections are associated with higher rates of morbidity and mortality, as well as lower rates of cancer-specific survival. In comparison to elective procedures, the reduced number of harvested lymph nodes and the higher rate of positive margins suggest a compromised degree of radicality in the emergency scenario. CONCLUSION: Among modifiable factors is the training of the emergency surgeon. Enhancing the practice of oncological surgery in emergency settings constitutes a formidable undertaking that entails collaboration across various medical specialties and warrants endorsement and support from medical societies and educational institutions. It is time to establish a national registry encompassing oncological emergencies, develop quality indicators tailored to the national context, and foster the establishment of specialized training programs aimed at enhancing the proficiency of physicians serving in emergency services catering to cancer patients.Resumo em Inglês:
SUMMARY OBJECTIVE: The radical change in the treatment of breast cancer has promoted the necessity for more comprehensive training of the professionals involved, ensuring the preservation of oncological safety while also allowing for cosmetic interventions to benefit breast cancer survivors. The aim of this study was to present the methods employed in the training of breast surgeons, highlighting the importance of oncoplasty and breast reconstruction. METHODS: A literature review was conducted in two databases, identifying articles related to medical education in the context of oncoplastic surgery and breast reconstruction. We also assessed the Brazilian experience in oncoplastic centers. RESULTS: The basis for educational discussions was derived from 16 articles. We observed approaches that included hands-on courses utilizing simulator models, porcine models, cadaver labs, and fellowship programs. Positive outcomes were observed in Brazil, a fact based on seven oncoplasty training centers for senior mastologists and five training centers for junior mastologists. From 2009 to 2023, an estimated 452 seniors and 42 juniors received training, representing approximately 30% of mastologists in Brazil who have acquired training and experience in oncoplasty. CONCLUSION: Despite the limited number of publications on training methods, oncoplastic centers have made significant progress in Brazil, establishing a successful model that can be replicated in other countries.