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Natural regeneration in a fragment of a seasonal semideciduous forest in Viçosa - Minas Gerais

Natural regeneration of tree species at different toposequences was assessed in an area of 40 ha in Viçosa-MG.( 20º 45'S and 42º 55' W), preserved since 1965, with minimum altitude of 730 m and maximum of 870 m. The soil was classified as Red-yellow alico Latisol and the vegetation was characterized as semideciduous forest.The 1.0 samplings consisted of 40 sub-units (samples with 5 x 5 m). These sub-units were inserted in the middle samples (10 x 25 m).previously evaluated the phyto-sociology of the tree community distributed in the toposequence's different: plan (5.07 ha - 5 sub-units), lean (13.2 ha - 15 sub-units), ravine (17.28 ha - 17 sub-units) and top (2.43 ha - 3 sub-units). Was developed with heights divided in three categories (1 - individuals with minimum height 1 <2 m; 2 - individuals with minimum heights 2 < 3 m; 3 - individuals with heigts > 3 m). The inclusion level was of CAP < 15,0 cm. 957 individuals were observed, belonging to 30 families, 72 genery and 91 species. The regeneration presented 31 species in the three size classes. This result allows saying that possibly, these species, will be present in the future forest. The species with better acting in the total natural regeneration for height class were: Psychotria sessilis, Siparuna arianeae, Anadenathera macrocarpa, Nectandra saligna, Piptadenia gonoacantha, Nectandra rigida, Bauhinia forficata, Psycotria carthagenensis, Miconia pusilliflora and Mollinedia floribunda. These species had presented efficient in what concerns the succession process in the area. Psycotria sessilis and Siparuna arianeae, with 254 and 76 individuals respectively, get the attention for their aggressive presence in the regeneration process, for they be typical of the sub-forest . For the analysis of Correspondence carried through in the toposequence, it was since the ravine and plan had had greater floristic similarity of what excessively.

Toposequence; correspondence analysis; Floristics

Sociedade de Investigações Florestais Universidade Federal de Viçosa, CEP: 36570-900 - Viçosa - Minas Gerais - Brazil, Tel: (55 31) 3612-3959 - Viçosa - MG - Brazil