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Structure and floristic composition of a tree community in a submontane Atlantic Forest remnant in Rio Bonito, RJ, Brazil (Rio Vermelho Forest)

This work describes the floristic composition and forest structure of a tree community in a Submontane Ombrofilous Dense Atlantic forest (Rio Vermelho Forest) and compares this forest to other remnant forests in the region. Eight 100 m x 5 m plots were allocated and all trees > 5 cm DBH were sampled. A total of 106 species was sampled, distributed in 77 genus and 32 families. The richest families in number of species were Leguminosae (13 species) and Lauraceae (8). Monimiaceae (13% of trees) and Leguminosae (11%) had the highest densities. The most important species (cover value) were Siparuna guianensis, Apuleia leiocarpa, Cupania oblongifolia and Machaerium brasiliensis. These species are common in secondary Atlantic forests. The species diversity (H' = 3,91 nats.ind-1) can be considered within the values found for secondary Atlantic forests. Based on the floristic data and the high values found for standing dead trees, trees supporting lianas, number of multiple stems and number of early secondary species and the low number of large trees, this forest can be classified as a secondary forest in an intermediate regenerating status. However, this forest still has a considerable richness and diversity with some endangered tree species such as Melanoxylon brauna and Dalbergia nigra. Due to its ecological importance for the local flora and fauna and the fragmentation process in the region, this remnant forest should be considered as a priority area for establishment of conservation and management practices.

Atlantic Forest; secondary forest; phytosociology

Sociedade de Investigações Florestais Universidade Federal de Viçosa, CEP: 36570-900 - Viçosa - Minas Gerais - Brazil, Tel: (55 31) 3612-3959 - Viçosa - MG - Brazil