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Influence of forest disturbance in the spatial distribution of the number of individuals of three species of Araucaria Forest assessed by geostatistical

The objective of this study was to analyze and represent the spatial distribution of individuals of three species of Araucaria Forest (FOM) under disturbance caused by human actions, using geostatistic and kriging interpolation, as well as to investigate the influence of the disturbance forest in the result obtained with this methodology. Data were obtained on a phytosociological survey conducted in 2007, containing 45 sample units (su) of 500 m², where individuals were measured with DBH > 10 cm. The fragment located in General Carneiro, PR, Brazil, went through cycles of timber, yerba mate, tree fern, grazing and seed collection, which caused opening large gaps, containing high density bamboo. Later the area was transformed into Private Reserve of Natural Heritage. The condition of forest change in desorder, affect the results obtained for the spatial distribution of individuals of D. sellowiana, M. scabrella and I. paraguariensis (tree fern, bracatinga and yerba mate) by su. Although be detected high spatial dependence (> 75%) was also observed drop in spatial continuity for the distribution of these species. It's concluded that, in these condition, geostatistics and kriging are not indicated, due to inadequate use given of the forest, other techniques may be used for interpolation to avoid the extrapolation of the averages in the sample for total area of the fragment. However, due to its sensitivity to changes in forests, geoestatistical analyzes should be tried as to their use in assessing the responsiveness of the forest impactful events of great magnitude.

Disturbance in forest; Spatial distribution of species; Interpolator

Sociedade de Investigações Florestais Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Departamento de Engenharia Florestal, Avenida Purdue, s/nº - Campus Universitário UFV, CEP: 36570-900, Tel.: (+55 31) 3612-3959 - Viçosa - MG - Brazil