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Effects of temperature and substrate on Myracrodruon urundeuva Fr. All. (Anacardiacea) seed germination

Myracrodruon urundeuva Fr. All. (Anacardiaceae) is a native tree specie with excellent physical, chemical and biological properties. However, due to predatory exploration, it is in the official list of Brazilian species threatened with extinction. This work aimed at studying the germination of M. urundeuva seeds in different conditions of substrate and temperature regime. The experiment was a completely randomized design in a 8 x 7 factorial arrangement (7 temperatures 25, 27, 30, 35, 20-27, 20-30 and 20-35ºC; and 8 substrates - sowing in and on: blotting paper, sand, vermiculite and coconut fiber) with four replications with 25 seeds. The following parameters were analyzed: germination (%), first germination count (%), germination speed index, average time of germination (days), and length (cm) of hipocotyl and primary root. Constant temperatures gave the shortest average time of seed germination and favored hipocotyl development. The best results for germination were obtained at 25 and 27ºC in all substrates, except for sowing in between blotting paper at 27ºC. The vermiculite and coconut fiber substrates allowed satisfactory germinative performance and did not require daily remoisten, proving to be suitable for the evaluation of the physiological quality of M. urundeuva seeds.

Forest seeds; aroeira-do-sertão; vigor

Sociedade de Investigações Florestais Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Departamento de Engenharia Florestal, Avenida Purdue, s/nº - Campus Universitário UFV, CEP: 36570-900, Tel.: (+55 31) 3612-3959 - Viçosa - MG - Brazil