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Levels of natural regeneration in dry land forest in Amapa Brazil

This study aimed to identify natural regeneration in dense ombrophilous phytophysiognomy of the State Forest of Amapá, describing relations between vertical stratums. The study area is located in Porto Grande/AP, eastern Amazon. Three conglomerates were implanted, equidistant at 2.500 m, for natural regeneration estimative. We used 100 plots of 10 x 10 m for study of saplings (5.0 < DBH (diameter at 1.30 m soil) < 10.0 cm) and sticks (5 x 5 m) (2.5 < DBH <5.0 cm) in each conclomerate. We collected the heights and popular names. The heights were divided into three classes of regeneration to estimate phytosociological parameters of frequency and density, as well as regeneration by size class and overall. Diversity was estimated by Shannon Index. Floristic similarity between sticks and saplings was also analyzed. The inventory included 2,700 individuals belonging to 38 botanical families, 93 genera and 141 species of trees, with 6 undetermined. The Shannon index was 4.21 (saplings) and 4.11 nats.ind.-1 (sticks). It has been found the occurrence of 33 common species in three classes of regeneration. The total natural regeneration varied from 10.3 to 0.1% (sticks) and 5.6 to 0.1% (saplings). The species with the lowest percentages were Indeterminate, Vouacapoua americana, Carapa guianensis, Virola calophylla and Manilkara huberi. Thus, it is evident that species are developing their successional process efficiently, ensuring conservation of phytophysiognomy in the region.

Height classes; Floristic similarity; Sampling methods

Sociedade de Investigações Florestais Universidade Federal de Viçosa, CEP: 36570-900 - Viçosa - Minas Gerais - Brazil, Tel: (55 31) 3612-3959 - Viçosa - MG - Brazil