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Evalution of logistic performance of wood hauling using petri net in a forest industry of Minas Gerais

The present work aimed at using the model of logistic performance evaluation of productive chains (ADELCAP) centered in the operational cycle time elements of wood transport, seeking to optimize the resources, to guarantee a continuous flow of supplying and to assure an appropriate volume of wood entrance in the industry. The wood transport cycle time consists of wood loading, wood hauling, wood unloading, garage and wood unhauling. A cellulose producing company in the State of Minas Gerais was used as case study. Initially, the logistics and supply chain of the company was diagnosed to know the main existent obstacles along the chain; defining their preliminary vary key parameters, based on the characterization of their structure and operation; finally, the main directors that condition their efficiency and competitiveness were identified and evaluated. The model of chain logistics of wood transport used the Temporal Petri Net for working with two times that correspond to a sensitization period. Their properties are as follows: simulation (working with hypothetical scenarios), dynamic (exit values depend on the entrance values); determinist (exit variables are not random); continuous (time is measured by real numbers); and temporal in the transitions. Scenarios, with the same variations in the two wood-producing regionals were created, and simulations with the JARP and ARP software were carried out to evaluate the operational and economic performance. The variations applied to the scenarios were: improvement of the forest roads; increase of loader numbers, and improvement of garage efficiency. For both regionals, the scenario with the three variations (Scenario 7) presented the largest reduction in cycle times of wood transport in relation to the current situation, being 19.24% and 21.48%, respectively, for Rio Doce and Cocais das Estrelas. The analyzed operational cost is the value paid for the freight, not including the investment costs. Both regionals, Rio Doce and Cocais das Estrelas, presented a larger reduction in the Scenario 7, of 20.09% and 21.22%, respectively.

Logistic; Petri Nets and log transportation cycle time

Sociedade de Investigações Florestais Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Departamento de Engenharia Florestal, Avenida Purdue, s/nº - Campus Universitário UFV, CEP: 36570-900, Tel.: (+55 31) 3612-3959 - Viçosa - MG - Brazil