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Structural changes and edaphic characteristics in different succession stages of Tabuleiro riparian forest, ES

The objective of this work was to analyze tree community of three riparian successional forest stages in Environment Protection Area of Lagoa do Jacunem, in Serra, Espírito Santo. For the structural characterization, 60 plots of 10 m² were used, totalizing 0.6 ha of the sampled. The plots were equally distributed among each succession stage, where it was included specimens with CBH > 15 cm at 1.30 m from the soil. In each stage, it was also collected composed samples of soil for posterior chemical analyses. The areas presented dystrophic soils and therefore low in nutrients and high acidity. It was sampled a total of 851 individuals, distributed in 79 species. The diversity (H') of species was gradually increasing its values, being 2.70 in the initial stage, 2.88 in the middle stage, and 2.96 in advanced stage, respectively. The equability J' was 0.77 in the initial and middle stages, and 0.73 in the advanced stage. The density decreased significantly (ANOVA; F=6.55; P <0.01) towards more advanced seral. The values of total basal area varied significantly among successional stages (ANOVA; F=24.87; P<0.0000001). These results evidenced the structural characteristics and differentiated diversity according to the stage of succession where each fragment was.

Atlantica Forest; Forest succession; Dystrophic soils

Sociedade de Investigações Florestais Universidade Federal de Viçosa, CEP: 36570-900 - Viçosa - Minas Gerais - Brazil, Tel: (55 31) 3612-3959 - Viçosa - MG - Brazil