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Dear RAUSP readers,

Happy New Year to us all!

The first edition of 2017 is composed by 10 articles. Also brings the ThinBox, with a valuable issue – Agribusiness Systems Analysis: origin, evolution and research perspectives, written by Decio Zylbersztajn, in which they revisit the concept of agribusiness systems and also suggests new topics of research in this area.

In the Marketing area, we have two articles. In the first one, the authors Danielle Montovani Lucena da Silva and Fábio Henrique Silva Galvão, introduce A model of integration among prediction tools: applied study to road freight transportation, in which they develop a model of analysis from the scenery using different tools to support the decision making in the investments and validate the instruments in the road transportation sector charges in Rio Grande do Sul state, Brazil. In the second one, Brand priming effect on consumers’ financial risk taking behavior, by Danielle Montovani Lucena da Silva and Fábio Henrique Silva Galvão, is based on the theory perspective of the brand priming. From two experiments in the context of sports brands, the authors proposed that brands associated with daring personality can influence consumers to make more risky decisions, allowing predict the probability of greater aversion or propensity to consumer's risk in these situations.

The Sustainability area is marked by two articles. The article from Glauce Nascimento, Claudia Affonso Silva de Araujo and Luciana Albuquerque Alves, Corporate sustainability practices in accredited Brazilian hospitals: a degree-of-maturity assessment of the environmental dimension, check the maturity of the Brazilian hospitals according to sustainability practices. The second, Eco-innovation and technological cooperation in cassava processing companies: structural equation modeling, written by Eliana Cunico, Claudia Brito Silva Cirani, Evandro Luiz Lopes and Charbel José Chiapetta Jabbour, investigate if the cassava processing companies in Brazil generates eco-innovations through technological cooperation and the degree of participation of stakeholders in these interactions.

In Strategy & Business Economics are introduced three articles. In The level of influence of trust, commitment, cooperation, and power in the interorganizational relationships of Brazilian credit cooperatives, the authors Denise Maria Martins, Ana Cristina de Faria, Leandro Campi Prearo and Alessandro Gustavo Souza Arruda analyze the trust builders, commitment, cooperation and power, highlighting relevant aspects of the alignment of the relationships between individual credit unions and their central credit in Brazil.

In the article Degree of equity ownership in cross-border acquisitions of Brazilian firms by multinationals: a strategic response to institutional distance, Manuel Anibal Silva Portugal Vasconcelos Ferreira, Simone César da Silva Vicente and Felipe Mendes Borini and Martinho Isnard Ribeiro de Almeida, try to analyze the way which the foreign multinational companies answer to the uncertainties in the acquisitions of Brazilian companies, with the institutional differences that separate the countries of origin and destination of investments. Finally, Ticket consumption forecast for Brazilian championship games, by Adriana Bruscato Bortoluzzo, Mauricio Mesquita Bortoluzzo Sergio Jurandyr Machado, Tatiana Terabayashi Melhado, Peter Iaropoli Trinity and Bruno Santos Pereira, aims to analyze and predict the consumption of tickets for football matches in Brazilian stadiums using different measures of forecast.

The area of Studies on Governance is represented by the article Governance in agribusiness organizations: challenges in the management of rural family firms, by Cláudio Pinheiro Machado Filho, Silvia Morales de Queiroz Caleman and Christiano Franca da Cunha. In this article, from a sample for convenience and not probabilistic, they seek to understand the evolution of governance process in the rural properties in Brazil and your relationships with management practices.

In the Human Resources & Organizations area, the authors Renata Gomes de Jesus and Diva Ester Okazaki Rowe, in the article Translation, adaptation and obtainment of evidence of validity of the scale of perceived sacrifices associated with leaving to the Brazilian context: a study among teachers of basic, technical and technological education, validated and adapted the Powell and Meyer scale to analyze how teachers realize the sacrifices associated with the output in an organization, in a Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology in Brazil.

Finally, in Public Management, Marcos de Moraes Sousa and Tomás de Aquino Guimarães describe the perceptions of judges and managers of Brazilian labor courts related to resources and capabilities associated with the development and adoption of innovation in their article named The adoption of innovations in Brazilian labor courts from the perspective of judges and court managers.

We wish an excellent 2017 to all our readers: a new year of many accomplishments and achievements.

Good reading!

Maria Sylvia Macchione Saes

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    Jan-Mar 2017
Departamento de Administração da Faculdade de Economia, Administração e Contabilidade da Universidade de São Paulo Avenida Professor Luciano Gualberto, 908, sala F184, 05508-900 São Paulo / SP Brasil, Tel./Fax 55 11 3818-4002 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil