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Dinâmica do componente arbóreo de uma mata de galeria inundável (Brasília, Distrito Federal) em um período de oito anos

(Dynamics of the arboreal component in a swamp gallery forest (Brasília, Federal District) over an eight year period). Gallery forests play an important role in supporting the water resources and biodiversity of the Brazilian Central Plateau, but they have been under strong anthropic impact. Those that occur in poorly drained soils are little studied, with negative consequences for their conservation. The aim of this work was to evaluate the floristic and structural dynamics of a swamp gallery forest fragment at Fazenda Sucupira (15°54'22" S; 48°00'34" W), Brasília, Federal District, over an eight year period (2000 to 2008). Two measurements were carried out in 40 plots (0.8 ha) of 20 × 10 m. All individuals with DAP ³ 3.0 cm were recorded. The first measurement registered 3,048 individuals, distributed in 50 species, 41 genera (32 families). In the second measurement 2,728 individuals were found, belonging to 59 species, 48 genera (36 families). In 2008 there was a reduction of 320 individuals but an addition of 9 species, 7 genera and 4 families. The monitoring period showed high rates of mortality (4.25% year-1) and recruitment (3.67% year-1), changes in the importance of many species, without significant modification of the diversity index: H' = 2.84 nats ind.-1, J' = 0.73 in 2000 and H' = 3.02 nats ind.-1, J' = 0.74 in 2008. This unique type of gallery forest seems to be dynamic in its floristic community, without detectable effects on structure and diversity. More studies focused on community dynamic, for longer periods are still needed for a better understanding of the swamp forest environment in Central Brazil, and to generate information for conservation action plans.

Cerrado; flood; riparian forest; swamp forest; tree community

Sociedade Botânica de São Paulo Caixa Postal 57088, 04089-972 São Paulo SP - Brasil, Tel.: (55 11) 5584-6300 - ext. 225, Fax: (55 11) 577.3678 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil