Over a two-year period, four palm swamp communities near Uberlândia, MG, Brazil, were studied for their floristic composition. Transects were randomly established to cross the following zones: palm swamp border (dryish soils), middle area (intermediate soil moisture), and lower zone (with permanently satured soils). The transects were censused each month and voucher herbarium specimens were collected and identified by means of keys, comparisons with identified material at HUFU, IBGE and UB, and with the help of specialists for some families. Voucher specimens were deposited at HUFU. A total of 526 species, 250 genera and 89 families were collected. The five families with highest number of species were: Poaceae (64), Asteraceae (63), Cyperaceae (54), Melastomataceae (27) e Fabaceae (23). In the palm swamp border, 361 species were collected, 168 of which were exclusive to this zone. A total of 300 species were collected in the middle zone, of which 75 were exclusive to this area. The lower zone had the lowest species diversity, with 52 exclusive species from a total of 136 taxa. The great richness found in the palm swamp possibly is due to soil differences, especially those related to humidity.
Cerrado biome; floristic composition; palm swamp; wetland