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CD-34 cytophotometric expression in colon adenocarcinoma

Angiogenesis is considered to be one of the mechanisms responsible for the homeostatic balance among cells. During cell malignant degeneration, the unbalanced cell proliferation mechanisms demonstrate to be an important factor in cancer evolution and CD-34 is one important marker. OBJECTIVE - To evaluate CD-34 biomarker expression through cytophotometric analysis of colon adenocarcinoma samples; to verify the presence of tumor marker expression in different stages of tumor samples according to Dukes modified classification; to determine eventual difference in CD-34 expression while tumor location is either in right or left colon. METHODS - Nineteen samples were submitted to an immunohistochemical method, using anti-CD-34 monoclonal antibody. Marked slides were analyzed by SAMBA system using Immuno 4 software. Biomarker expression consisted in label index and optical density. The parameters considered under investigation were tumor expression, its intensity, correlations to Dukes' classification and tumor's side. RESULTS - The mean rate of CD-34 expression was 66.54, and optical density 43.60. Regarding Dukes' classification, 12 samples B-type presented label index 67.95 and optical density 43.21; seven C-type, label index was 64.12 and optical density 44.27. It was not possible to identify any difference related to Dukes' classification. Tumor side reflected significant difference in label index, but not in optical density. Eleven samples on the left presented 72.08 of label index and 46.70 of optical density. Eight right, demonstrated label index of 58.93 and optical density of 39.44. CONCLUSIONS - CD-34 marker presented a low expression as an angiogenesis marker in colon tumors with no difference between Duke's tumors type-B and type-C. The tumor had higher angiogenic activity in the right than in left colon.

Colon cancer; Angiogenesis; CD-34; Immunohistochemistry

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