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Polypoid retal carcinoid tumor: case report

Carcinoid tumors are neoplasms that arise from the Lieberkühn glands of the gastrointestinal tract, most frequently the cecal appendix. The rectal presentation is rare, especially the polypoid one. The treatment depends on its dimensions, presence of metastatic disease and parietal invasion.This article presents a case of a patient of 43 years old with anal pruritus for the last 18 months. Proctologic examination showed a sessile polyp with 0,5 cm of diameter at 7 cm from anal verge, endoscopically excised. The hystopathological study diagnosed a carcinoid tumor by imunohystochemical study. The patient was submitted to an endoanal excision of the scar as a complementation to treatment. The specimen did not demonstrate any residual lesions.

Tumor; polyp; carcinoid; rectum

Cidade Editora Científica Ltda Av . Marechal Câmara, 160- sala 916 - Ed Orly - 20020-080 - Rio de Janeiro - Rj , Tel 2240 8927 , Fax 21 22205803 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil