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Magnification colonoscopy images: analysis of variation interobservers for pit patern and comparison of endoscopy and histopatologic findings

Colonoscopy with magnified view is the most reliable nonbiopsy method for distinguishing non-neoplastic from neoplastic colorectal lesions. This study analysed lhe interobserver concordance in diagnosis of pit patem, with 3 experients endoscopists using Kudo Classification and correlating the this aspects with histological ones. A total of 213 magnificated images injuries (polipoides and plain) had been collected of 161 independent observing patients consecutive and presented tres that had expressed opinion on the predominant standard of criptas. All the injuries had been completely ressected and send for histopatológico study. The analysis esteem statistics of Kappa showed that the indice of general agreement for standards of criptas between the 3 observers was 84%; sensitivity 91.4%; specificity 67.2% positive preditivo value 86.6%; negative preditivo value 79.3%; e index of Kappa of 0,61%. Although the interobserver reproduction of pit patern are good, the image for colonoscopia with magnificação, does not have to substitute the histopatologic study, therefore it does not differentiate with the necessary security neoplastic injuries of non neoplastic.

Magnification colonoscopy; neoplastic colorectal lesions; pit patem; Kudo classification

Cidade Editora Científica Ltda Av . Marechal Câmara, 160- sala 916 - Ed Orly - 20020-080 - Rio de Janeiro - Rj , Tel 2240 8927 , Fax 21 22205803 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil