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Efficacy and Optimal Feeding Level of Rumex Nervosus Leaves on Blood Biochemistry, Carcass Characteristics, Productivity Indices, and Anticoccidial Indicators of Broiler Chickens Infected or Not Infected with Eimeria Tenella


The current study investigated the efficacy and optimal feeding level of Rumex nervosus leaves (RNL) in broilers infected and uninfected with Eimeria tenella. In a factorial design of 2 (coccidial challenge or not) 5 (feed treatments), 250-day-old broiler chicks were randomly assigned to one of ten groups and reared for 28 days. Intestinal measurements, carcass traits, serum biochemical indices, leukograms, performance and anticoccidial indicators were investigated. All selected parameters were not significantly (p>0.05) altered by the interactions between the experimental diet and challenge at 7 days post-infection, with the exception of serum levels of albumin and globulin, as well as the anticoccidial index. Infected broilers had a lower performance indicator, poorer production efficiency, poor anticoccidial indices, heavier gizzard, longer and heavier small intestine, shorter cecum, and higher proportion of eosinophils compared with uninfected broilers. The RNL had marked anticoccidial efficacy at a dose of 5 g. The current study found that Rumex nervosus leaf powder had mild to marked, dose-dependent anticoccidial preventive efficacy in broilers. However, further studies are needed to fully understand the anticoccidial mechanisms.

Anticoccidial efficiency, broiler chickens; Rumex nervosus leaves; performance indicators; small intestine


The poultry industry is one of the most important agricultural subsectors in the world, contributing to meet the increasing demand for meat and eggs (Neethirajan, 2022Neethirajan S. Automated tracking systems for the assessment of farmed poultry. Animals 2022;12(3):232.
). In recent decades, the enormous production sometimes led to an increase in diseases such as microbial or parasitic diseases. In broiler chickens, Eimeriosis caused by intestinal protozoa results in high mortality, stunted growth, and poor feed conversion. Coccidiosis leads to economic losses of up to $3 billion worldwide (Khater et al., 2020Khater HF, Ziam H, Abbas A, et al. Avian coccidiosis: recent advances in alternative control strategies and vaccine development. Agrobiological Records 2020;1:11-25.
). Eimeria tenella, Eimeria necatrix, Eimeria maxima, Eimeria acervulina, Eimeria brunetti, Eimeria praecox, and Eimeria mitis cause avian coccidiosis. The incidence of intestinal lesions is determined by the Eimeria species. Eimeria tenella, for example, can penetrate and damage cecal cells (López-Osorio et al., 2020López-Osorio S, Chaparro-Gutiérrez JJ, Gómez-Osorio LM. Overview of poultry Eimeria life cycle and host-parasite interactions. Frontiers in Veterinary Science 2020;7:384.
). A natural product such as garlic has been used as a natural feed additive for prophylaxis and cure of coccidiosis to reduce economic losses caused by Eimeria tenella (Kuraa et al., 2021Kuraa HMM, Nageib BR, El-Hendy AHM, Hassanin AA-FA. Evaluation of prophylactic and anticoccidial effects of black seed and garlic extracts in rabbits. World 2021;11(1):124-37.
). The use of feed additives has played an important role in improving production, growth efficiency, disease prevention, and feed utilization.

Measures to control coccidia in broiler chickens are currently primarily single coccidia control measures or vaccines. However, when ionophores are used alone, infestation with Eimeria tenella results in increased mortality and reduced growth performance, and when chemical coccidial drugs are used alone, there is a risk of developing drug resistance, limiting their efficacy (Harfoush et al., 2010Harfoush M, Hegazy A, Soliman A, et al. Drug resistance evaluation of some commonly used anti-coccidial drugs in broiler chickens. Journal of the Egyptian Society of Parasitology 2010;40(2):337-48.
). When coccidial vaccines are used alone, chickens are at higher risk of enteritis at younger ages and at higher risks of necrotic enteritis with age due to inadequate coccidiosis prevention and control, and they have lower production performance (Williams, 2002Williams R. Anticoccidial vaccines for broiler chickens: pathways to success. Avian Pathology 2002;31(4):317-53.
). In addition, the effects of a single vaccine and/or combinations with different coccidiostats on broiler chickens are varied (Lei et al., 2022Lei T, Wu D, Song Z, et al. Research note: effects of different anticoccidial regimens on the growth performance, hematological parameters, immune response, and intestinal coccidial lesion scores of yellow-feathered broilers. Poultry Science 2022;101(10):102019.
). Due to growing concerns about drug resistance, researchers are forced to search for natural, safe, and non-therapeutic alternatives to synthetic ionophores, such as herbs and essential oils (Hussein et al., 2019Hussein E, Suliman G, Al-Owaimer A, et al. Effects of stock, sex, and muscle type on carcass characteristics and meat quality attributes of parent broiler breeders and broiler chickens. Poultry Science 2019;98(12):6586-92.
; Mustafa et al., 2021Mustafa A, Bai S, Zeng Q, et al. Effect of organic acids on growth performance, intestinal morphology, and immunity of broiler chickens with and without coccidial challenge. AMB Express 2021;11(1):1-18.
; Liu et al., 2022Liu H, Chen P, Lv X, et al. Effects of chlorogenic acid on performance, anticoccidial indicators, immunity, antioxidant status, and intestinal barrier function in coccidia-infected broilers. Animals 2022;12(8):963.

Natural strategies have been investigated for use in poultry production recently. Supplementing poultry feed with natural products containing bioactive components has shown promising results (Alagawany et al., 2019Alagawany M, Elnesr S, Farag M. Use of liquorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra) in poultry nutrition: Global impacts on performance, carcass and meat quality. World's Poultry Science Journal. 2019;75(2):293-304.
; Gado et al., 2019Gado AR, Ellakany HF, Elbestawy AR, et al. Herbal medicine additives as powerful agents to control and prevent avian influenza virus in poultry-a review. Annals of Animal Science 2019;1(19):905-35.
; El-Hack et al., 2020El-Hack A, Mohamed E, Alagawany M, et al. Ginger and Its derivatives as promising alternatives to antibiotics in poultry feed. Animals 2020;10(3):452.
; Liu et al., 2022Liu H, Chen P, Lv X, et al. Effects of chlorogenic acid on performance, anticoccidial indicators, immunity, antioxidant status, and intestinal barrier function in coccidia-infected broilers. Animals 2022;12(8):963.
). The coccidial inhibitory effect of 3,4,5-trihydroxybenzoic acid can be enhanced by the addition of oregano extracts to improve animal performance and eliminate adverse effects in coccidiosis-infected broilers for 34 days (Nawarathne et al., 2022Nawarathne SR, Kim D-M, Cho H-M, et al. Combinatorial effect of dietary oregano extracts and 3, 4, 5-trihydroxy benzoic acid on growth performance and elimination of coccidiosis in broiler chickens. The Journal of Poultry Science 2022; 59(3):233-46.
). Several of the approximately 200 species of the genus Rumex are considered good sources of traditional medicines for the treatment of inflammation, cancer, and various bacterial infections due to bioactive compounds, particularly quercetin 3-O-glucoside, nepodin, emodin, trans-resveratrol, and torachryson (Vasas et al., 2015Vasas A, Orbán-Gyapai O, Hohmann J. The Genus Rumex: Review of traditional uses, phytochemistry and pharmacology. Journal of Ethnopharmacology 2015;175:198-228.
). Rumex nervosus “Othrob”, a medicinal plant of the family Polygonaceae, has traditionally biological and pharmacological properties for the treatment of various diseases (Nigussie, 2020Nigussie G. Isolation and characterization of the roots of rumex nervosus. Journal of Tropical Pharmacy and Chemistry 52020;5(1):39-50.
) and acts as an antiparasitic (Ali et al., 2016Ali A, Nasser A, Al-Sokari SS, et al. In vitro antiprotozoal activity of five plant extracts from Albaha region. World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research 2016;5(3):338-46.).

Previous studies using RNL as an extract included pharmacognostic studies such as Al-Sunafi (2016Al-Sunafi SMY. Pharmacognostical Study of Rumex nervosus Vahl. Family (Polygonaceae) growing in Yemen [thesis]. Gizé: Cairo University; 2016.), in vitro antimicrobial and antioxidant studies such as Desta et al. (2016Desta KT, Lee WS, Lee SJ, et al. Antioxidant activities and liquid chromatography with electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry characterization and quantification of the polyphenolic contents of Rumex nervosus Vahl leaves and stems. Journal of Separation Science 2016;39(8):1433-41.
) and AlMousa et al. (2022AlMousa LA, AlFaris NA, Alshammari GM, et al. Antioxidant and antimicrobial potential of two extracts from Capparis spinosa L. and Rumex nervosus and molecular docking investigation of selected major compounds. Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences 2022;29(8):103346.
), and in vitro and in vivo studies such as Al-Quraishy et al. (2020Al-Quraishy S, Qasem MA, Al-Shaebi EM, et al. Rumex nervosus changed the oxidative status of chicken caecum infected with Eimeria tenella. Journal of King Saud University-Science 2020;32(3):2207-11.
) and Qasem et al. (2020Qasem MA, Dkhil MA, Al-Shaebi EM, Murshed M, Mares M, Al-Quraishy S. Rumex nervosus leaf extracts enhance the regulation of goblet cells and the inflammatory response during infection of chickens with Eimeria tenella. Journal of King Saud University-Science 2020;32(3):1818-23.
). Thus, our research contributed to the knowledge on the efficacy of dietary Rumex nervosus leaves powders as an alternative to salinomycin in broilers infected with Eimeria tenella and compared it with uninfected broiler chickens. Previously, RNL extract was administered orally as a therapeutic agent after Eimeria tenella oocysts infected broilers chickens to affect the final stage of the parasite’s life cycle, whereas here RNL was administered with broiler chick feed as a preventive agent to affect the parasite’s early stages of life. Therefore, this study was conducted to determine the effects of Rumex nervosus leaves on intestinal measurements, carcass traits, serum biochemical indices, leukogram, and anticoccidial index in broilers infected and uninfected with Eimeria tenella.


Ethical Approval

Parameters were taken in accordance with Saudi Arabian standards for the use of animals and with the approval of the KSU Animal Care and Welfare Committee (KSU-SE-20-44).

Birds and experimental diets

The study was conducted at the Animal Production Experimental Farm of King Saud University (KSU), in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. A total of 250 one-day-old, mixed-sex Ross 308 broiler chicks (45.71 ± 0.02 g) were obtained from a local hatchery (Al Khumasia Company) distributed into 50 cages and reared for 28 days. At 21 days of age, Eimeria tenella oocysts were orally administered into the five replicate cages of each positive group. The 1 mL suspension of distilled water contained 4*104 sporulated oocysts/chicken of Eimeria tenella and were injected directly into the pharynx into each of the five replicate cages of the positive groups at 21 days of age using a long injector pipette (Lee et al., 2012; Al-Shaibani et al., 2020Al-Shaibani I, Al-Khadher A, AlHibah A. Anticoccidial Activity of Allium sativum and Punica granatum against experimentally induced Eimeria tenella infection in broiler chickens. Asian Journal of Research in Animal and Veterinary Sciences 2020;3(2):20-9.
). Thus, five replicate cages per treatment with five birds (2♀ and 3♂) per cage were randomly assigned to ten groups (Figure 1) in 2 (coccidial challenge or not) × 5 (feeding treatments):

Figure 1
Experimental design illustration.

1 g Rumex nervosus leaves (RNL)/kg, without coccidia challenge (negative 1 g RNL).

1 g RNL/kg, with coccidia challenge (positive 1 g RNL).

3 g RNL/kg, without coccidia challenge (negative 3 g RNL).

3 g RNL/kg, with coccidia challenge (positive 3 g RNL).

5 g RNL/kg, without coccidia challenge (negative 5 g RNL).

5 g RNL/kg, with coccidia challenge (positive 5 g RNL).

66 mg/kg Salinomycin, without coccidia challenge. Salinomycin as standard anticoccidial ionophore drug (negative Salinomycin).

66 mg/kg Salinomycin, with coccidiosis challenge (positive Salinomycin).

Basal diet without coccidia challenge (negative control).

Basal diet with coccidia challenge (positive control).

The ingredients, chemical composition, and energy value of broilers diets are described in our previous paper (Qaid et al., 2021Qaid MM, Al-Mufarrej SI, Azzam MM, et al. Effect of rumex nervosus leaf powder on the breast meat quality, carcass traits, and performance indices of eimeria tenella oocyst-infected broiler chickens. Animals 2021;11(6):1551.
b). Feed and water were provided ad libitum throughout the study. Housing conditions were set at 33 oC on the first day of chick life. Thereafter, the temperature was gradually decreased by about 0.5oC per day until it reached 22 oC at 21 days of age, and then remained at this temperature for the rest of the growth cycle in the poultry house (Maiorka et al., 2006Maiorka A, Dahlke F, Morgulis MSFA. Broiler adaptation to post-hatching period. Ciencia Rural 2006;36(2):701-8.
; Zahraa, 2008Zahraa H. Effects of commutative heat stress on immunoresponses in broiler chickens reared in closed system. International Journal of Poultry Science 2008;7:964-8.
). The relative humidity was 65-85%. An illumination program (23L “23 h on”:1D”1 h off”) was used as the photoperiod.

Measurement of blood parameters

From 10 birds per group (5 from the challenged and 5 from the non-challenged groups), blood samples were collected at 28 days of age from the wing vein in tubes without EDTA. For biochemical analysis, serum was separated by centrifugation at 3000 x g for 15 minutes. The serum was aspirated with a pipette and stored in Eppendorf tubes at 20°C until analysis. Total protein (TP), albumin (ALB), glucose (GLU), total cholesterol (CHOL), alanine aminotransferase (ALT), aspirate aminotransferase (AST), and creatinine were measured spectrophotometrically (Randox, U.K.) using reagent kits (Randox, London, U.K.). Serum globulin levels were calculated by subtracting albumin levels from total protein levels (Alqhtani et al., 2022Alqhtani AH, Qaid MM, Al-Garadi MA, et al. Efficacy of Rumex nervosus leaves or Cinnamomum verum bark as natural growth promoters on the growth performance, immune responsiveness, and serum biochemical profile of broiler chickens. Italian Journal of Animal Science 2022;21(1):792-801.
). For the determination of leukocyte differential count, a drop of fresh blood was prepared, smeared, and stained with Giemsa stain. Leukograms (heterophils, lymphocytes, eosinophils, basophils, and monocytes) were counted in 100 cells per field using a microscope (Nikon Corp., Japan), and the ratio of heterophils to lymphocytes was calculated (Qaid et al., 2016Qaid M, Albatshan H, Shafey T, et al. Effect of stocking density on the performance and immunity of 1-to 14-d-old broiler chicks. Brazilian Journal of Poultry Science 2016;18:683-92.
; Abdelhady et al., 2021Abdelhady AY, El-Safty SA, Hashim M, et al. Comparative evaluation of single or combined anticoccidials on performance, antioxidant status, immune response, and intestinal architecture of broiler chickens challenged with mixed Eimeria species. Poultry Science 2021;100(6):101162.

Slaughter variables and small intestine measurements

At 28 days of age (7 dpi), one bird from each replicate pen was randomly selected and weighed individually (n = 10 birds/treatment). Birds were slaughtered by severing the jugular vein with a sharp knife. Slaughter weight (SW) and carcass weight (CW) were recorded to calculate carcass yield (CY; (CW/SW)*100). Bursa, spleen, thymus, proventriculus, gizzard, heart, liver, and pancreas, were all weighed. In addition the pectoral muscle without skin with whole legs (thighs with drumsticks) and keel bone were also weighed. All organ weights were expressed in g/100 g carcass weight. For example, gizzard yield (GY = (GW/CW)*100) was calculated as GW relative to CW. Total weight and length of small intestine and its parts were separated and measured.

Performance and anticoccidial indicators

Growth performance and production efficiency factor (PEF) was measured on day 28 (7 dpi) as described in (Qaid et al., 2021Qaid MM, Al-Mufarrej SI, Azzam MM, et al. Effect of rumex nervosus leaf powder on the breast meat quality, carcass traits, and performance indices of eimeria tenella oocyst-infected broiler chickens. Animals 2021;11(6):1551.

The sporulated oocysts were collected from the cecum of naturally infected Baladi chickens and passaged three times in healthy broilers at two weeks of age to assess oocyst infectivity, oocyst value, and confirm the site of lesion. After oocyte collection, the species of Eimeria isolates were validated by amplification of the internal transcribed spacer 1 (ITS-1) partial area and sequence analysis. To evaluate the efficacy or anticoccidial index (ACI) of RNL powder in each group, relative weight gain, survival rate, Oocysts value, and lesion scores were calculated as anti-coccidial indicators according to the formula described by Nouri (2022Nouri A. Anticoccidial and immunogenic effectivity of encapsulated organic acids and anticoccidial drugs in broilers infected with Eimeria spp. Scientific Reports 2022;12(1):1-15.
). Briefly, an ACI value below 120 was evaluated as inactive anticoccidial effect, 120 to 140 as mild or slight, 140 to 160 as moderate, 160 to 180 as marked and above 180 as excellent.

Statistical analysis

Data were analyzed with ANOVA for a randomized complete block design (RCBD) using the general linear models (GLM) of SAS software (SAS, 2012SAS. SAS Institute/OR 9.3 User's guide: nathematical programming examples. Cary: SAS Institute; 2012.). A 5*2 factorial design was used to analyze the data, which included five levels of treatment and two levels of challenge, and their interactions. The model equation is described below:

γ i j =   μ   + T i + C j + T i j + ε i j

Where Y ij is the individual observation, μ is the general experimental mean, T i is the main effect of the i th treatment, C j is the main effect of the th challenge; TC ij is the effect of the interaction of dietary treatment and coccidial challenge, e ijk is a random error. When the fixed effects means and their interactions were significant, Duncan’s multiple range test with a 5% probability was used to separate them.


The bioactive components of RNL (Gallic acid was detected with the highest concentration in RNL extracts and other 11 volatile compounds in different ratios) were detected in our previous study using GCMS and HPLC analysis (Qaid et al., 2021Qaid MM, Al-Mufarrej SI, Azzam MM, et al. Effect of rumex nervosus leaf powder on the breast meat quality, carcass traits, and performance indices of eimeria tenella oocyst-infected broiler chickens. Animals 2021;11(6):1551.
a). Also, the total phenolics in the leaves of Rumex nervosus were found to be 171.15 mg GAE/g for RNL (Al-Garadi et al., 2022Al-Garadi MA, Qaid MM, Alqhtani AH, et al. In vitro phytochemical analysis and antibacterial and antifungal efficacy assessment of ethanolic and aqueous extracts of Rumex nervosus leaves against selected bacteria and fungi. Veterinary World 2022;15(11).
). In addition, proximity analysis revealed that the nutritional value of this shrub is present in different ratios (Qaid et al., 2021a).

The interaction effects of total protein, globulin, and anticoccidial index differed significantly (p<0.05) as shown in Figures 2 and 3, whereas other parameters did not differ (p?γτ;0.05), and thus the illustration of interactions in both infected and non-infected conditions was not required.

Figure 2
Effect of interaction between experimental diets treatments and Eimeria tenella challenge on total protein (g/dl; SEM±1.22) and globulin (g/dl; SEM±0.39) at the seventh day of infection at the seventh day of infection.

Figure 3
Oocysts number of infected birds groups shed in gram of feces.

Leukogram and serum biochemical indices

The biochemical indices analyzed in serum blood collected on the 7th dpi are shown in Table 1. The experimental treatments, challenge, and interactions had no significant effect on TP, albumin, globulin, albumin to globulin ratio, glucose, cholesterol, creatinine, ALT, and AST. However, the interaction between experimental diet and coccidial challenge resulted in significantly higher levels of TP (p=0.0098) and globulin (p=0.0128) in the infected non-supplemented RNL group (positive control) compared to other groups (Figure 2). However, the significant differences in TP and globulin were within normal range.

Table 1
Serum biochemistry parameters at 28 d (7 d post inoculation) of broiler chickens fed diets containing different levels of Rumex nervuses leaves and challenged with Eimeria tenella oocysts.

As shown in Table 2, a leukogram of chicken blood collected 7 dpi revealed no significant differences between treatments, challenged bird, or their interaction. However, the treatments had a significant effect on heterophil, eosinophil, and H/L ratio. Lower RNL doses decreased heterophil and H/L ratios, possibly indicating that RNL relieves stress when compared to control, especially at lower doses. In addition, the blood of infected chickens had more eosinophils than that of uninfected chickens, suggesting the presence of parasite effects.

Table 2
Leukogram of blood samples taken on the seventh day of infection (28 days of age) in broiler chickens fed Rumex nervosus leaves and challenged with Eimeria tenella oocysts.

Slaughter variables

At the 7th dpi, there was no significant association between treatments, challenge, and their interactions on avian slaughter (Table 3). On the other hand, the treatments had a significant (p?λτ;0.05) effect on breast, and coccidial challenge had a significant (p?λτ;0.05) effect on gizzard. Compared to non-infected broilers, the infected birds had the highest gizzard weight relative to dressed weight. The control group had the highest percentage of breast weight, while the birds treated with 3 g RNL without coccidial challenge had the lowest percentage.

Table 3
Effect of experimental diets treatments and Eimeria tenella challenge on broiler chicken carcass traits based on dressed carcass weight (% DCW) at 28 days of age.

Small intestine measurements

The morphometric parameters of the intestinal data after 28 days (7th dpi) are shown in Table 4. There were no significant differences in total or partial intestinal length or intestinal weight or intestinal relative weight (IRW) due to treatment or the treatment-challenge interaction (p>0.05). However, there were significant differences in total intestinal length, percent cecal length, and jejunum and ileum weight percentage due to experimental diet. Salinomycin-treated birds had a lower percentage of cecal length than the other RNL treatment groups. On the other hand, cocccidial challenge had an effect on total weight and length of the small intestine as well as the percentage of duodenal weight (p<0.05). Challenged fowl had longer and heavier total small intestine and lower percent of jejunum length. Challenged birds had a higher IRW than non-challenged birds.

Table 4
Dietary Rumex nervosus leaves supplementation and anticoccidial effects on small intestine measurements at 28d of broiler chicken challenged with Eimeria tenella oocysts.

Performance indicators and production efficiency factor

The impact of diet, challenge, and their interactions on the performance indicators and production efficiency factor (PEF) of the birds’ exposure to Eimeria tenella oocysts at 7 dpi are shown in Table 5. Infestation had a significant effect (p?λτ;0.05) on body weight, body weight gain (BWG), feed intake, feed conversion ratio, and PEF. Non-infected chickens gained more weight, consumed more feed, had better feed conversion, and had higher PEF than infected chickens. Diet and the interaction between diet and challenge had no effect (p?γτ;0.05) on performance indicators or the production efficiency factor.

Table 5
Effect of experimental diets treatments and Eimeria tenella challenge on growth performance and production efficiency factor (PEF) of broiler chicken at the seventh day of infection.

Anticoccidial indicators

The amount of oocysts shed on feces in infected bird groups decreased with increasing RNL dose as compared to infected untreated bird groups (Figure 3). The effects of diet, challenge, and their interactions on anticoccidial indicators of broiler chickens’ exposure to Eimeria tenella oocysts at 7 dpi are shown in Table 6. Infection had a significant effect (p?λτ;0.05) on Log10/g excreta, relative ratio of BWG, survival rate, lesion score, Oocyst value, and anticoccidial index (ACI). Infected chickens had a higher discharge of fecal Eimeria tenella oocysts per gram, a lower relative ratio of BWG, higher mortality, a higher lesion score, and a higher active anticoccidial index (133.7) than non-infected chickens. Diet and the interaction between diet and challenge had no effect (p?γτ;0.05) on Anticoccidial indicators. However, anticoccidial index was affected by diet and challenge interaction (Figure 4). The anticoccidial index of all uninfected groups indicating that no lesions or Eiemeria tenella oocysts were found in their feces. The interaction effect of the experimental diet and coccidial challenge resulted in marked ACI efficacy (marked anticoccidial index) of salinomycin at a dose of 66 mg and RNL at a dose of 5 g. The results of the current study showed that Rumex nervosus leaves powder as a natural product exhibited dose-dependent anticoccidial preventive efficacy in challenged birds (mild, marked and excellent) in broilers at doses of 1 g, 3 g and 5 g, respectively. Results showed broilers fed RNL as a natural feed additive reduced numerically fecal oocyte count and cecal lesion scores to a degree comparable or equivalent to salinomycin.

Table 6
Effect of experimental diets treatments and Eimeria tenella challenge on anticoccidial indicators at the seventh day of infection.

Figure 4
Effect of interaction between experimental diets treatments and Eimeria tenella challenge on anticoccidial index (ACI) at the seventh day of infection.


Phenolic compounds are secondary plant metabolites containing an aromatic ring and one or more hydroxyl substituents. Our previous in vitro study Al-Garadi et al. (2022Al-Garadi MA, Qaid MM, Alqhtani AH, et al. In vitro phytochemical analysis and antibacterial and antifungal efficacy assessment of ethanolic and aqueous extracts of Rumex nervosus leaves against selected bacteria and fungi. Veterinary World 2022;15(11).
), found that total phenolic content was 171.15 mg GAE/g in the ethanolic extract for RNL. The chemical composition of the leaves of RN was investigated in the current study using HPLC and GC-MS analysis, which led to the identification of gallic acid and 13 compounds, respectively. Gallic acid is a phenolic compound found in plants and foods and has a variety of activities such as antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and antimicrobial properties. As a result, natural or synthetic antioxidants are commonly used in the poultry industry as feed supplements to reduce oxidative stress caused by the high production of free radicals during the host cell immune response to Eimeria sporozoite invasion and inflammation (Zhu et al., 2019Zhu Q, Sun J, Peng M, et al. Effect of berberine on oxidative stress caused by Eimeria tenella in chicken. Indian Journal Animal Health 2019;58(2):175-86.
; Al-Quraishy et al., 2020Al-Quraishy S, Qasem MA, Al-Shaebi EM, et al. Rumex nervosus changed the oxidative status of chicken caecum infected with Eimeria tenella. Journal of King Saud University-Science 2020;32(3):2207-11.
; Adjei-Mensah and Atuahene, 2022Adjei-Mensah B, Atuahene C. Avian coccidiosis and anticoccidial potential of garlic (Allium sativum L.) in broiler production: a review. Journal of Applied Poultry Research 2022;32(1):1-13.

Nutritional analysis revealed that RNL contained 13.63% crude protein and 52.91% carbohydrate, which resulted in a higher nutritional value (327.66 Kcal/100 g) in this study. According to the pharmacognostic study of Al-Sunafi (2016Al-Sunafi SMY. Pharmacognostical Study of Rumex nervosus Vahl. Family (Polygonaceae) growing in Yemen [thesis]. Gizé: Cairo University; 2016.) on RNL grown in Yemen, there were no adverse effects of the currently used anticoccidial drugs on broiler chickens or even in humans. He found that the ethanolic extract 70% of RNL is not toxic up to a dose of 7.1 g/kg body weight. We believe that RNL can be considered non-toxic at the dose ranges used. Consistent with previous findings (Ashraf et al., 2020Ashraf A, Shahardar R, Bulbul K, et al. Anticoccidial efficacy of Curcuma longa (turmeric) and Zingiber officinale (ginger) in goats in central Kashmir. Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry 2020;9(4S):354-60.; Lahlou et al., 2021Lahlou RA, Bounechada M, Mohammedi A, et al. Dietary use of Rosmarinus officinalis and Thymus vulgaris as anticoccidial alternatives in poultry. Animal Feed Science and Technology 2021;273:114826.
; Nouri, 2022Nouri A. Anticoccidial and immunogenic effectivity of encapsulated organic acids and anticoccidial drugs in broilers infected with Eimeria spp. Scientific Reports 2022;12(1):1-15.
), the natural product and an anticoccidial such as salinomycin significantly had mild to marked anticoccidial efficacy, including suppression of oocysts in feces, reduction of lesion levels in the cecum, and increase in anticoccidial efficacy. Amprolium, a thiamine antagonist with a high affinity for maturing first-generation schizonts, was tested (McDougald et al., 1997McDougald L, Fuller L, Mattiello R. A survey of coccidia on 43 poultry farms in Argentina. Avian Diseases 1997:41(4):923-9.). While salinomycin interferes with the early life cycle of the parasite during initial nuclear replication by destroying or significantly delaying schizonts maturation, it reduces activity against oocyst shedding at the asexual stage by 80-90% compared to controls (Chappel, 1979Chappel L. The site of action of the anticoccidial salinomycin (Coxistac)[Chicks infected with Eimeria acervulina, Eimeria maxima, Eimeria tenella]. Journal of Parasitology 1979;65(1):137-43.). In this study, RNL was administered as a preventive agent with broiler feed to affect the early stage of the parasite’s life cycle; however, further studies are needed to determine if RNL has the same mode of action as salinomycin in destroying early-stage oocysts of Eimeria tenella. Although RNL, especially at a dosage of 5 g, is a similar effective agent to salinomycin that increased production efficiency while reducing the number of Eimeria tenella oocysts shed in feces and coccidiosis symptoms in infected birds, further studies are needed to understand the mechanism of RNL action on both the host and the parasite.

Many studies have found that coccidial challenge has negative effects on broiler health and performance (Al-Shaibani et al., 2020Al-Shaibani I, Al-Khadher A, AlHibah A. Anticoccidial Activity of Allium sativum and Punica granatum against experimentally induced Eimeria tenella infection in broiler chickens. Asian Journal of Research in Animal and Veterinary Sciences 2020;3(2):20-9.
; Balta et al., 2021Balta I, Marcu A, Linton M, et al. The in vitro and in vivo anti-virulent effect of organic acid mixtures against Eimeria tenella and Eimeria bovis. Scientific Reports 2021;11(1):1-11.
; Beski, 2023Beski SSM. Anti-coccidial effects of dietary chamomile against experimentally induced coccidiosis in broiler chicken. Czech Journal of Animal Science 2023;68(1):30-43.
). It is critical to develop effective remedies against coccidiosis in animals. The poultry manufacturing is under increasing pressure to reduce the use of anticoccidiosis drugs and to search for natural sources of agents that improve immune function in animal.

The efficacy of anticoccidial products derived from natural herbs in the treatment of coccidiosis has already been demonstrated (Lan et al., 2016Lan L, Zuo B, Ding H, et al. Anticoccidial evaluation of a traditional chinese medicine-Brucea javanica-in broilers. Poultry Science 2016;95(4):811-8.
; Al-Shaibani et al., 2020Al-Shaibani I, Al-Khadher A, AlHibah A. Anticoccidial Activity of Allium sativum and Punica granatum against experimentally induced Eimeria tenella infection in broiler chickens. Asian Journal of Research in Animal and Veterinary Sciences 2020;3(2):20-9.
; Balta et al., 2021Balta I, Marcu A, Linton M, et al. The in vitro and in vivo anti-virulent effect of organic acid mixtures against Eimeria tenella and Eimeria bovis. Scientific Reports 2021;11(1):1-11.
; Beski, 2023Beski SSM. Anti-coccidial effects of dietary chamomile against experimentally induced coccidiosis in broiler chicken. Czech Journal of Animal Science 2023;68(1):30-43.
). In this study, the main effect of Eimeria infection resulted in significant weight loss and low feed intake, as well as a negative effect on FCR and PEF in broiler chickens. This could be due to the coccidia infection leading to poor nutrient absorption, reduced immune response, and then intestinal tissue damage (Chapman, 2014Chapman H. Milestones in avian coccidiosis research: a review. Poultry Science 2014;93(3):501-11.
; Mehlhorn, 2014Mehlhorn H. Encyclopedic reference of parasitology. 6th ed. In: Mehlhorn H, editor. Encyclopedic reference of parasitology: biology, structure, function / diseases, treatment, therapy. Berlin: Springer Press; 2014.; Beski, 2023).

The relative weight of the lymphatic system organs can be used to assess immune function; the greater the weight of these organs, the stronger the immune functions (Ravis et al., 1988Ravis W, Parsons D, Wang S. Buffer and pH effects on propranolol binding by human albumin and ?1-acid glycoprotein. Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology 1988;40(7):459-63.
). In this study, neither RNL treatments nor Eimeria infection had an effect on lymphoid organs compared with broilers not infected with Eimeriad. In the current study, the relative weight of cecum atrophy and intestine increased significantly in infected animals, demonstrating the deleterious effects of infection. Abudabos et al. (2017Abudabos AM, Alyemni AH, Swilam EO, et al. Comparative anticoccidial effect of some natural products against Eimeria spp. infection on performance traits, intestinal lesion and occyte number in broiler. Pakistan Journal of Zoology 2017;49(6):1989-95. https://
) confirmed our results and documented that the relative weight of the intestine increased significantly in infected birds.

Serum biochemical parameters can provide information about the physiological state of the body and nutrient metabolism. Serum albumin, total protein and glucose levels were within the ranges of 0.8-2 g/dL and 2.5-4.5 g/dL and (200-250 mg/dL), respectively, as reported by Campbell (2004Campbell T. Clinical chemistry of birds. Veterinary Hematology and Clinical Chemistry 2004;2:582-98.) and Thaxton et al. (2006Thaxton J, Dozier W, Branton S, et al. Stocking density and physiological adaptive responses of broilers. Poultry Science 2006;85(5):819-24.
). Serum albumin, glucose, cholesterol, creatinine, and the enzymes ALT and AST were not affected by Eimeria infection in this study. In addition, according to Toghyani et al. (2011Toghyani M, Toghyani M, Gheisari A, et al. Evaluation of cinnamon and garlic as antibiotic growth promoter substitutions on performance, immune responses, serum biochemical and haematological parameters in broiler chicks. Livestock Science 2011;138(1):167-73.
) the dietary treatments had no effect on serum protein, albumin, or triglyceride levels. Feeding phytogenic feed additives increased serum albumin, total protein, and cholesterol levels (Al-Kassie, 2009Al-Kassie GA. Influence of two plant extracts derived from thyme and cinnamon on broiler performance. Pakistan Veterinary Journal 2009;29(4):169-73.
; Amad et al., 2013Amad AA, Wendler K, Zentek J. Effects of a phytogenic feed additive on growth performance, selected blood criteria and jejunal morphology in broiler chickens. Emirates Journal of Food and Agriculture 2013:549-54.
; Sadek et al., 2014Sadek K, Ahmed H, Ayoub M, et al. Evaluation of digestarom and thyme as phytogenic feed additives for broiler chickens. European Poultry Science 2014;78:1-12.
; Khafaji, 2018Khafaji S. Study the effect of ceylon cinnamon (cinnamomumzeylanicum) powder on some physiological parameters in broiler chicks. Journal of Global Pharma Technology 2018;10(07):236-42.). Serum cholesterol levels were highest in the positive salinomycin treated group and lowest in the negative salinomycin treated group, indicating a treatment-challenge interaction. Since the additives and challenge had no negative effects on the safety profile of the chickens, serum levels of ALT and AST were present at low levels in the bloodstream and were not affected in this study, indicating normal hepatic metabolic function without liver or muscle damage (Brancaccio et al., 2010Brancaccio P, Lippi G, Maffulli N. Biochemical markers of muscular damage. Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine (CCLM) 2010;48(6):757-67.
; Wang et al., 2013Wang C, Zhang T, Cui X, et al. Hepatoprotective effects of a chinese herbal formula, longyin decoction, on carbon-tetrachloride-induced liver injury in chickens. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2013;2013:392743.
). Infected chickens had more eosinophils than uninfected chickens, which is consistent with the results of Ahmad et al. (2020Ahmad Z, Hafeez A, Ullah Q, et al. Protective effect of Aloe vera on growth performance, leucocyte count and intestinal injury in broiler chicken infected with coccidiosis. Journal of Applied Animal Research 2020;48(1):252-6.
), but not with the results of Nahed et al. (2020Nahed A, Shewita RS, Abd El-Hack ME, et al. Effect of essential oils on the immune response to some viral vaccines in broiler chickens, with special reference to Newcastle disease virus. Poultry Science 2020;99(6):2944-54.
) and El-Maddawy et al. (2022El-Maddawy ZK, El-Sawy AE-SF, Ashoura NR, et al. Use of zinc oxide nanoparticles as anticoccidial agents in broiler chickens along with its impact on growth performance, antioxidant status, and hematobiochemical profile. Life 2022;12(1):74.
), where there was no change in the percentage of eosinophils. Lower RNL doses decreased heterophil and H/L ratios, possibly indicating that RNL relieves stress compared with control, especially at lower doses. Toghyani et al. (2011) found that administration of antibiotics or thyme powder had no effect on the H/L ratio. In addition, Ali (2010Ali NA. Influence of adding different levels of Thymus vulgaris leaves powder to the diet on certain blood traits of broiler chickens. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference TAE; 2010. p. 107.) found that the addition of Thymus vulgaris leaves powder to the diet of broiler chicken resulted in a decrease in the H/L ratio.

At 7 dpi, the anticoccidial index of all uninfected groups was excellent, indicating that no lesions or Eiemeria tenella oocysts were found in their feces and that their relative weight gain was higher. Rumex nervosus leaves powder, as a natural product, demonstrated dose-dependent anticoccidial preventive efficacy in challenged birds (mild, marked, and excellent) in broilers at doses of 1 g, 3 g, and 5 g, respectively. The results showed that broilers fed RNL as a natural feed additive reduced fecal oocyte count and cecal lesion scores to the same extent as salinomycin.

In parallel with the effects of coccidiosis on relative weight gain and productive efficiency, anticoccidial index were affected by coccidial challenge, which is in agreement with Beski (2023Beski SSM. Anti-coccidial effects of dietary chamomile against experimentally induced coccidiosis in broiler chicken. Czech Journal of Animal Science 2023;68(1):30-43.
) and Dubey (2019Dubey JP. Coccidiosis in livestock, poultry, companion animals and humans. London: CRC Press; 2019.). As a result, the anticoccidial efficacy, growth performance, and productive efficiency of RNL should be considered in future prescriptions for both growth and health. Further research is needed, either alone or in combination with other natural products, to determine if the consequences of coccidial challenge can be reduced, thus contributing to improved performance. The presence of agents that change microflora modulation, reduce fecal oocyst excretion, reduce intestinal inflammation, enhance immune system, and enhance antioxidant status may be associated with the effects of RNL as an anticoccidiosis herb on PEF compared to controls (Ali et al., 2020; Khater et al., 2020Khater HF, Ziam H, Abbas A, et al. Avian coccidiosis: recent advances in alternative control strategies and vaccine development. Agrobiological Records 2020;1:11-25.
; Yang et al., 2020Yang C, Kennes YM, Lepp D, et al. Effects of encapsulated cinnamaldehyde and citral on the performance and cecal microbiota of broilers vaccinated or not vaccinated against coccidiosis. Poultry Science 2020;99(2):936-48.
; Habibi et al., 2022Habibi H, Ghahtan N, Tohidi S, et al. Effect of composition of medicinal plants on growth performance, gut bacteria, hematological parameters, anticoccidial index, and optimum anticoccidial activity in domestic chicken. Comparative Clinical Pathology 2022;(31):1-9.

Supplementary Table S1
Ingredients and calculated nutrients of broilers starter and finisher diets.


In conclusion, the current study indicated that RNL powder, particularly at high dose, had a marked anticoccidial efficacy in the prevention and control of coccidiosis in coccidia-infected broiler chickens by reducing oocyst shedding and decreasing cecal lesion levels, comparable to that of the anticoccidial drug salinomycin. Regardless of coccidial challenge, the current investigation found that RNL treated groups at level 1 g had a numerical improvement in production efficiency when compared to groups treated with RNL at high levels (3 g or 5 g). Considering all these factors, RNL feed has the potential to be used as a health-promoting and production-enhancing agent that can alleviate the effects of coccidia and improve the production efficiency of broilers.


The authors extend their appreciation to the Deputyship for Research and Innovation, “Ministry of Education” in Saudi Arabia for funding this research (IFKSUOR3-202-3).


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Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    28 Aug 2023
  • Date of issue


  • Received
    16 Mar 2023
  • Accepted
    11 July 2023
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