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Brazilian Journal of Poultry Science, Volume: 23, Número: 3, Publicado: 2021
  • Effects of the Inclusion of Dietary Organic Acid Supplementation with Anti-Coccidium Vaccine on Growth Performance, Digestibility, Fecal Microbial, and Chicken Fecal Noxious Gas Emissions Original Article

    Sureshkumar, S; Park, JH; Kim, IH

    Resumo em Inglês:

    ABSTRACT A total of 792 conventional healthy 1-day-old Ross 308 broilers chicks (mixed gender) with average body weight of 42.30±1.14 g (mean ± SD) were used in the experiment, which lasted for 35 days. Chicks were randomly allotted into one of four treatment diets, each one having 11 replicate cages with 18 birds each, being fed corn-soybean meal (SBM) based diets. Dietary treatments were CON (basal diet with unvaccinated birds); OA = CON + 0.1% organic acids; ACB = CON + anti-coccidium vaccine; OAACV = CON + 0.1% organic acid + anti-coccidium vaccine. Significant results were observed, with improved body weight (p=0.059; 0.064; 0.034) during days 1-7, 8-21, and overall, respectively. Significant effects were also observed on the feed conversion ratio (p=0.037) through the overall experiment, with no effects on feed intake on OAACV as compared to other treatment groups. Total track digestibility of dry matter (p=0.049) improved significantly in the OAACV treatment group. Additionally, beneficial effects were observed in the OAACV treatment group, with improvements in fecal microbial population (increased lactobacillus) and reduced NH3 gas emissions. Broilers fed the OAACV treatment tended to display reduced drip loss in the meat samples analyzed on days 5 and 7 (p=0.067, 0.072). In summary, our findings revealed that dietary inclusion of organic acid supplementation with anti-coccidium had a beneficial effect on broilers affected by coccidian infection, also improving growth performance, digestibility, fecal Lactobacillus counts, and reducing NH3.
  • Detection of Mycoplasma Synoviae and Other Pathogens in Laying Hens with Respiratory Signs in the Rearing and Production Phases Original Article

    Silva, RL; Figueira, AA; Silva, MM; Dias, TS; Machado, LS; Soares, NM; Nascimento, ER; Pereira, VLA

    Resumo em Inglês:

    ABSTRACT The present study aimed to investigate the occurrence of Mycoplasma synoviae (MS), M. gallisepticum (MG), Ornitobacterium rhinotracheale (OR), Avibacterium paragallinarum (AP), Pasteurella multocida (PM) and Infectious Bronchitis Virus (IBV) in laying hens with respiratory clinical signs in two phases of production. 140 tracheal swabs and 140 blood samples were collected from laying hens in the rearing and production phases, the chickens belonged to six farms (A-F) located in the state of São Paulo, Brazil. The samples were analyzed by PCR for MG, MS, OR, AP, PM and IBV and by ELISA for MG and MS. The highest frequencies observed by PCR were for MS at farms B and C with 95 and 100% positivity, followed by MG at farms D and E with 35% and 65%, IBV with 35% at farm F and ORT with 15% at farm A. All flocks were positive for MG and MS in serology. Although MG and IBV have been detected, this can be explained by the vaccination protocols, since live attenuated vaccines are widely used for immunization against these pathogens. It was also possible to detect OR and AP thorugh PCR in some flocks. The occurrence of several etiological agents that cause respiratory diseases in laying hens was confirmed by PCR and serology, with MS being the most prevalent and being present in all farms studied.
  • Effect of Essential Oil and Organic Acid on Performance, Gut Health, Bacterial Count and Serological Parameters in Broiler Original Article

    Iqbal, H; Rahman, A; Khanum, S; Arshad, M; Badar, IH; Asif, AR; Hayat, Z; Iqbal, MA

    Resumo em Inglês:

    ABSTRACT A total of 1500 day old broiler chicks were grouped into five treatments; each treatment group further consisted of six replicates. Group A was given a control diet having antibiotics. Group B and C were offered essential oil blend at the proportion of 0.1 g/kg and organic acid at the dose rate of 1g/kg. Group D was given both essential oil 0.1 g/kg and organic acid 1g/kg in combination. Group E was offered only a basal diet without antibiotics and considered as a negative control. The trial lasted for 35 days. Results indicated that the body weight gain and feed conversion ratio (FCR) exhibited significant improvement but insignificant in the case of feed consumption. Bodyweight and FCR were better in group B, followed by C. Carcass characteristics like eviscerated weight and giblet weight were also improved in group B while dressed weight showed insignificant results. Total cholesterol and high-density lipoproteins (HDL) were unaffected by the treatments; however, increased blood glucose levels and decreased low-density lipoproteins (LDL) concentration were significantly noticed. Treatment groups have no effect on antibody titer against ND at the end of the trial. In gut morphology, significantly higher villus height was observed in group C, but villus width and crypt depth remained unaffected. In conclusion, essential oil and organic acids have improved performance, carcass parameters, serum biochemistry, gut health, and decreased bacterial count.
  • Effect of Weather Conditions on the Fatty Acid Composition of Medium-Growth Chicken Reared in Organic Production System Original Article

    Sarmiento-García, A; Revilla, I; Palacios-Riocerezo, C; González-Martín, I

    Resumo em Inglês:

    ABSTRACT A total of 160 medium-sized one-day-old male chicks reared in organic conditions were studied individually from the first day of their life until slaughter (120 days). Two weather periods were considered, being period C colder than period H. A total of 24 chickens per period were randomly selected, then the breast muscle (m. Pectoralis major) was extracted for analysis. Individual fatty acids were measured by gas chromatography and expressed in grams per 100 g of fat. From the values obtained, total lipid fractions were calculated. Near infrared spectroscopy spectra (NIRS) were recorded on the surface of the breast without manipulating. Breast from chicken reared in H period had significantly lower (p<0.05) saturated fatty acids / polyunsaturated fatty acids (SFA / PUFA) ratio, and increased (p<0.05) content in PUFA and n-6. However, no significant differences were observed on the content of individual fatty acid. NIR system was not able to correctly classify the samples according to the breeding period.
  • Active Surveillance and Risk Assessment of Avian Influenza Virus Subtype H9 from Non-Vaccinated Commercial Broilers of Pakistan Original Article

    Hasni, MS; Chaudhary, M; Mushtaq, MH; Durrani, AZ; Rashid, HB; Ali, M; Ahmed, M; Sattar, H; Aqib, AI; Zhang, H

    Resumo em Inglês:

    ABSTRACT A cross-sectional study was conducted to investigate seroprevalence and virus prevalence of the H9 subtype of avian influenza virus in non-vaccinated broiler farms of dense poultry-populated districts, Lahore and Sheikhupura of Punjab-Pakistan. A convenient sampling method was adopted for collection of blood (n=500) and oropharyngeal swab (n=500) samples from 25 broiler farms of each district for hemagglutination inhibition assay and RT-PCR test, respectively. Proportional estimates were calculated using R software and overall seroprevalence of H9 was estimated at 36.3% (95% CI 33.3-39), with no significant difference (p>0.05) between Lahore (37.2 %, 95% CI=31.2-39.59) and Sheikhupura (35.4%, 95% CI= 29.64-39.76). RT-PCR identified 2% (4/200) pool level viral prevalence. None of the farms from Lahore districts were RT-PCR positive for H9. Simple logistic regression followed by multivariable analysis, identified the presence of foot bath/dipping area at the entrance (OR=0.7, 95% CI=0.52-0.93) and availability of rubber shoes for visitors (OR=0.36, 95% CI 0.26-0.48) as protective factors. History of respiratory signs (OR=1.51, 95%=CI 1.12-2.04), history of sudden death in past flocks (OR=3.26, 95% CI=2.41-4.41), and birds previously infected with avian influenza virus (OR=1.33, 95% CI=1-1.76) were significant risk factors. Negligence in preventive measures at farms level was associated with the spread of H9 infection between the farms. To control future outbreaks, biosecurity and continuous monitoring of non-vaccinated flocks are suggested.
  • Prediction of Egg Weight from External Egg Traits of Guinea Fowl Using Multiple Linear Regression and Regression Tree Methods Original Article

    Portillo-Salgado, R; Cigarroa-Vázquez, FA; Ruiz-Sesma, B; Mendoza-Nazar, P; Hernández-Marín, A; Esponda-Hernández, W; Bautista-Ortega, J

    Resumo em Inglês:

    ABSTRACT The study was done to predict egg weight from the external traits of the Guinea fowl egg using the statistical methods of multiple linear regression (MLR) and regression tree analysis (RTA). A total of 110 eggs from a flock of 23-week-old Guinea fowl were evaluated. Egg weight (EW) and external traits: eggshell weight (ESW), egg polar diameter (EPD), egg equatorial diameter (EED), egg shape index (ESI), and egg surface area (ESA) were measured. Descriptive statistics, Pearson correlation coefficients, and regression equations using the MLR were obtained; additionally, a RTA was done using the CHAID algorithm with the SPSS software (IBM ver. 22). EW presented positive correlations (p<0.0001) with ESA (r = 0.72), EPD (r = 0.65), and EED (r = 0.49). EW can be predicted through MLR using ESA as a predictor variable (R2 = 72%). Predictive accuracy improves when adding EPD and EED traits to the model (R2 = 75%). The RTA built a diagram using ESA, EED, and EPD as significant independent variables; of these, the most important variable was ESA (F = 50,295, df1 = 4, and df2 = 105; Adj. p<0.000) and the variation explained for EW was 74%. Likewise, the RTA showed that the highest egg weight (41.818 g) is obtained from eggs with a surface area > 59.03 cm2 and a polar diameter > 5.10 cm. The proposed statistical methods can be used to reliably predict the egg weight of Guinea fowl.
  • Impact of Selenium-Supplemented Diets on Egg Morphometry and Quality in Four Varieties of Indigenous Aseel Chicken Original Article

    Khan, MT; Rehman, MS; Abbas, M; Shafiq, M; Akram, MA; Rauf, M; Gondal, MA; Sharif, A; Raziq, F; Bughio, E; Liaqat, S; Farooq, Z

    Resumo em Inglês:

    ABSTRACT The present study aimed at evaluating the effects of dietary selenium (Se) supplementation on egg morphometric and quality traits in Aseel chicken. In total, 84 adult molted Aseel hens, comprising 4 varieties (Lakha, Mushki, Peshawari, and Mianwali), were divided into 3 dietary treatments (organic at 0.30 ppm, inorganic at 0.30 ppm, and without selenium) with 7 replicates (1 bird in each) under randomized complete block design. Data were analyzed using factorial ANOVA and means were compared using Duncan’s Multiple Range Test. The results indicated greater egg length in Mushki and Mianwali, lower egg breadth in Lakha, the highest (p≤0.05) egg volume and surface area in Mianwali, and higher shape index in Lakha and Peshawari. Lakha had the highest Haugh unit and lower eggshell thickness with and without membrane than the other three varieties. Interaction of Se sources and Aseel varieties exhibited the highest (p≤0.05) egg volume and surface area in Mianwali variety when fed on organic Se supplemented diet. Similarly, the interaction showed the highest eggshell thickness with membrane in Peshawari and without membrane in Mianwali when fed on inorganic Se supplemented diet. From the findings, it can be concluded that egg physical characteristics of Mianwali variety hens can be improved by the supplementation of Se-enriched yeast, as an organic Se source, in the diet.
  • Enterococcus Spp. Survival Through the Use of Standard Protocol for Clostridium Sp. Isolation Original Article

    Massoli, MCB; Cardozo, MV; Ferroni, LB; Casagrande, MF; Nascimento, GM; Pollo, AS; Iturrino, RPS

    Resumo em Inglês:

    ABSTRACT The genera Clostridium and Enterococcus are very different from each other, both morphologically and physiologically. Due to the high resistance by the sporulation capacity of Clostridium species, the thermal shock is a characteristic tool used for the isolation and identification of these microorganisms, this way, it would eliminate any other bacteria that did not present spores. The objective of this work is to show that Enterococcus sp. resist the temperature treatment and grow in culture media used for the isolation of Clostridium sp. For this, the present study initially attempted to identify reducing sulfite clostridia in poultry products, through the use of specific culture media and heat shock treatment. However, the PCR did not detect the presence of Clostridium sp. Then, sequencing of the 16S rDNA region was performed, which showed that the reducing sulfite colonies that were being isolated were, actually, Enterococcus spp. With this, some tests were carried out using different temperature and time combinations in the thermal shock, as well as the use of five different selective and differential culture media, in an attempt to eliminate any contaminants, but all without success, because these bacteria resisted to all modification. Therefore, the standard protocol for the isolation of bacteria of the genus Clostridium does not eliminate Enterococcus, which can lead to failures in the quantification and qualification of sulfite reducing microorganisms, a fact that can significantly affect food safety and animal health.
  • Evaluation of Heat Stress Through Temperature and Pupillary Dilatation of the Guinea Fowl (Numida Meleagris) in a Controlled Environment Original Article

    Marques, JI; Leite, PG; Furtado, DA; Oliveira, AG

    Resumo em Inglês:

    ABSTRACT The commercial exploitation of guinea fowl (Numidia meleagris) is a viable alternative for small rural properties in arid and semi-arid regions, as they are rustic birds and capable of withstanding the climatic adversities of these regions. The objective of this study was to evaluate the pupillary temperature, smaller pupillary diameter, larger pupillary diameter and pupil area of guinea fowl housed in a controlled environment, under two air temperatures: 26 ºC (thermal comfort zone) and 32 ºC (above the thermal comfort zone). The birds were distributed in a completely randomized design, with two treatments (air temperatures) and four replications (experimental box), with twelve birds each. The increase in air temperature resulted in a significant average increase (P < 0.05) of 6.0, 17.9, 18.6 and 38.4%, respectively, in pupillary temperature, smaller pupillary diameter, larger pupillary diameter and pupillary area of birds, being these measurements accurate in evaluation of thermal stress in homeothermic animals.
  • Statistical Prediction of the Peak Point (Time) Required for Release of Maximum Number of Sporocysts after Eimeria Tenella Oocyst Excystation Original Article

    Cha, JO; Shim, KS; Lee, HW; Kim, HC

    Resumo em Inglês:

    ABSTRACT The excystation of sporozoites from the oocyst of genus Eimeria is essential for conducting successful in vitro assays on the parasite. We tried to find the most efficient excystation conditions using glass beads for the in vitro excystation of E. tenella oocysts. The oocyst suspension was mixed with glass beads in a ratio of 1:1, and vortexed by various combinations of vortexing times and speeds in a Vortex Mixer. We analyzed the sporocyst-release data by regression analysis, and the peak point (duration) of excystation was predicted after differentiation of the obtained regression equation. The results indicated that the 1-mm glass beads at 2,000 rpm could release the maximum number of sporocysts in 1.64 min. Thus, excystation of E. tenella oocysts was considered to be the most effective under these conditions. Our data presented the best conditions for efficient excystation of E. tenella oocysts.
  • Effects of Heat Stress on Expression of Heat Shock Proteins in the Small Intestine of Wenchang Chicks Original Article

    Yu, ZQ; Tian, JY; Wen, J; Chen, Z

    Resumo em Inglês:

    ABSTRACT In this study, immunohistochemistry and real-time fluorescent-based quantitative PCR were used to evaluate the expression of heat shock protein (HSP) 60, HSP70, and HSP90 in the small intestine of Wenchang chicks. Compared with the control group (CK), the positive expression of HSP60 and HSP60 mRNA in the heat stress group (HS) were initially higher and subsequently lower in the duodenum (p<0.01). In the HS jejunum, the levels of HSP60 were higher (p<0.01) and the HSP60 mRNA was lower (p<0.05). Whereas the levels of HSP60 in the HS ileum were higher (p<0.05) and then lower (p<0.01), and the HSP60 mRNA was higher (p<0.01). The levels of HSP70 were higher (p<0.01) and the HSP70 mRNA was lower in the duodenum (p<0.05), while the expression of both HSP70 and HSP70 mRNA was higher in the jejunum (p<0.01) and the ileum (p<0.05) of the HS. In the HS duodenum the levels of HSP90 were lower and then higher (p<0.01), and the HSP90 mRNA was higher (p<0.01). The expression of both HSP90 and HSP90 mRNA was higher in the HS jejunum (p<0.05). The levels of HSP90 were lower while the HSP90 mRNA was higher in the HS ileum (p<0.01). These results indicate that heat stress disturbed the expression of HSP60, HSP70, and HSP90 in the small intestine of chicks.
  • Analysis of Different Production Systems in Laying Hen Enterprises with Analytic Hierarchy Process in Turkey Original Article

    Tuncel, S; Sipahi, C; Akçay, A; Altin, O; Sariözkan, S; Gökdai, A; Şahin, TS; Arikan, MS

    Resumo em Inglês:

    ABSTRACT The present study aimed to evaluated the enterprises engaged in conventional cage, enriched cage, free-range and organic egg production in Turkey in terms of four different criteria (profit, investment cost, animal welfare/health and sales/marketing) using the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP). For this purpose, the questionnaires through face-to-face interviews were conducted with a total of 64 producers who had been determined by random sampling method from 5 different regions included 17 Provinces between November 2016 and March 2019, and primary data were obtained. As a result, it has been found strategically significant that enterprises, to be engaged at the level of 47.0%, 20.0%, 18.0% and 15.0% in conventional, enriched, free-range and organic cage systems, respectively, in the market in terms of profit, investment cost, animal welfare/health and sales /marketing criteria. In addition, in the enterprises within the scope of the research, the profit, investment cost, sales/marketing and animal welfare/health criteria were determined as the dominant criteria at the level of 53.5%, 22.0%, 13.5% and 11.0% respectively. In conclusion, the conventional cage system is dominant with the rates of 55.0% for profit and 53.0% for investment cost criteria, and both of the conventional and enriched systems in terms of sales/marketing criteria are 38.5% dominant and the organic system in terms of animal welfare/health is 46.0% dominant.
  • Influence of Low and High-density Diets with Yeast Supplementation on Feed Intake, Nutrient Digestibility, Egg Production and Egg Quality in Hy-line Brown Laying Hens Original Article

    Thanapal, P; Hong, IK; Kim, IH

    Resumo em Inglês:

    ABSTRACT A total of 432 laying hens (40 weeks old) were used in a 10- weeks feeding trial. The birds were randomly assigned to 1 of 4 treatments with 18 replications (6 birds per replication) in a 2×2 factorial arrangement with low-density diet (LD), and high density (HD) diets supplemented with or without (0.1 %) of yeast. Laying hens feed intake during the 5th, 6th and 10th weeks has significantly increased (p<0.05) in LD diet and HD diet supplemented with (0.1 %) of yeast supplementation. However, egg production and broken rate was not affected with or without yeast and density diet. The quality of egg and shell color during the 5th, 6th, and 7th weeks has significantly reduced (p<0.05) by yeast supplementation with HD and LD diet. Eggshell strength was significantly improved at week 4, moreover albumin height was also significantly improved by yeast supplementation diets at week 5. During week 1 and 2 the yolk color was higher in LD diet and HD diet compared with yeast supplementation. However, eggshell strength was significantly improved on HD diets than LD diets during the 4th and 7th weeks. Eggshell color and albumen height were significantly decreased in laying hens fed HD or LD diets during week 5 and 6. The apparent total tract digestibility (ATTD) of dry matter (DM), nitrogen (N), and Energy was not affected (p<0.05) by laying hens fed with or without yeast and HD than LD diets. In summary, 0.1% of yeast supplementation proved a positive impact on feed intake and egg quality of layer chicken.
  • Superdosing Phytases in the Diets of Light Laying Hens: Productive Performance and Bone Quality Original Article

    Farias, MRS; Leite, SCB; Silva, HP; Pacheco, DB; Alves, GC; Abreu, CG; Freitas, ER

    Resumo em Inglês:

    ABSTRACT Two experiments were carried out with the objective of evaluating the effect of superdosing of two phytases on performance, egg quality, digestive organ biometry and bone quality of light hens in the first (58 weeks) and second (87 weeks) productive cycle. In the first cycle, 270 light hens were used, in which a completely randomized design was adopted in a 2 x 2 + 1 factorial scheme (bacterial phytase or fungal phytase x 450 FTUs or 900 FTUs + control diet). In the second cycle, 270 hens were used, following the same design as the previous experiment. The performance and quality of the eggs were evaluated in both cycles, and the biometry of the digestive organs and bone characteristics were also evaluated in the first experiment. There was no effect in the comparison between the means for the performance and egg quality (in both experiments), or for the biometric variables and bone characteristics (first experiment). There was no significant interaction between the factors for any of the variables in the two experiments. In the first experiment, egg production was higher with bacterial phytase and egg weight with fungal phytase. The mineral matter showed greater value with 450 FTUs. It is recommended to use bacterial phytase produced from Escherichia coli as it improves the performance of light laying hens. The dosage of 450 FTUs improves the mineral content of light laying hens and the use of phytase in the laying hen diet implies a lower feed cost.
  • Effects of Male Selection for Body Weight on Performance of Offsprings in Broiler Pure-Lines Original Article

    Sarica, M; Erensoy, K; Oğuzhan, E; Yeter, B; Camci, Ö

    Resumo em Inglês:

    ABSTRACT This study aimed to determine the effects of the variation in body weight (BW) in pure lines even after selection on the BW and feed conversion ratio (FCR) of offsprings in broiler pure-lines. The males of the dam (A1) and sire (B1) line were grouped according to their BW after selection at the 6th and 12 th weeks of age. In the sire lines, the heaviest males at six weeks of age were selected (300), and the selected males were divided into three groups in terms of BW as average (B11: 100 males), high (B12: 100 males), and the highest (B13: 100 males). In the dam lines, the selected males were divided into three groups as an average (A11: 100 males), low (A12: 100 males), and high BW (A13: 100 males). In the dam line, offsprings of males with average and high BW had the highest BW at 42 days of age compared to the low BW group (p<0.05). However, there was no statistically significant difference in BW between the BW groups in the offsprings of the sire line. Offsprings of dam line males with average and higher than average BW had better FCR values. However, there was no significant change in FCR between the offsprings of the sire line BW groups. As a result, it is thought that by preserving the variation at a certain level in future generations, a significant improvement can be achieved in the BW and FCR by selecting heavier males.
  • Effects of Dietary Fiber on Growth Performance, Fat Deposition, Fat Metabolism, and Expression of Lipoprotein Lipase Mrna in Two Breeds of Geese Original Article

    Jia, FY; Guo, W; Sun, L; Zhang, T; Xu, B; Teng, Z; Lou, YJ; Tao, D; Zhou, H; Zhang, D; Gao, Y

    Resumo em Inglês:

    ABSTRACT The present study was conducted to investigate the effects of dietary fiber on growth performance, fat deposition, serum lipids, fat metabolism, and mRNA (messenger RNA) expression of lipoprotein lipase (LPL) in Jilin white and Carlos geese. Sixty Jilin white and sixty Carlos geese aged six-weeks and of similar health and weight (average weight 313.11g) were selected. Geese of each breed were randomly divided into two groups (n=30), and with each group containing three replicate subgroups of 10 geese. The diet was supplemented with 8% or 11% fiber (corn straw powder). The Jilin white geese are divided into A1 (8%) and A2 (11%) groups, and Carlos geese are divided into B1 (8%) and B2 (11%) groups. The experiment lasted 35 days. The results showed that high dietary fiber can significantly (p<0.05) increase average daily feed intake (ADFI), significantly (p<0.05) reduce final weight (FW) and average daily gain (ADG) of both varieties, and increase LPL mRNA expression levels in abdominal fat, liver, sebum, and urethral glands. High dietary fiber accelerates intestinal peristalsis, affects the absorption of other nutrients, reduces the available energy value of the absorbed feed, and increases fat loss. Compared with the to Carlos geese, high dietary fiber content had a more significant effect on the live, slaughter, and sebum weights and sebum percentage of the Jilin white geese, indicating that the Carlos geese have higher requirements for dietary fiber content. High fiber content will reduce the growth performance, slaughter performance, and fat deposition of geese.
  • Dust in the Housing of Laying Hens: A case study Original Article

    Santos, AM; Furtado, DA; Morais, FTL; Silva, RC; Lopes Neto, JP

    Resumo em Inglês:

    ABSTRACT As dust particles in laying poultry houses can have negative effects on health and on the environment, this study aimed to measure and compare dust concentrations in egg production sheds. The experiment was carried out in three sheds: Californian shed (G1), conventional closed shed with artificial ventilation (G2) and conventional closed shed without artificial ventilation (G3), and the birds housed were in the 22nd week of housing, in Cuité, Paraíba, Brazil. The dust particles were collected by a gravimetric pump, attached to the workers’ clothes, at the height of the respiratory zone, being removed at the end of the working day. Using the evaluation methodologies (total or breathable dust) according to NIOSH (1998), weighing was performed with sample concentration calculation, then the particle size was measured by microscopy according to the methodology described by Feret (Santos, 2001), with diameter of function obtained using an optical microscope, and particles classified by size (inhalable <100 µm, thoracic <25 µm and breathable <10 µm). Considering the limit of concentration x exposure time of 3.0 mg/m3, according to ACGIH (2013), the sheds had the following values: G1-0.98 mg/m3, G2-1.45 mg/m3 and G3-1.13 mg/m3. In the classification of particles by size, the highest frequencies were 83% thoracic, 13% inhalable, and 4% breathable. With the results presented, the implementation of the Respiratory Protection Program - PPR is suggested.
  • Net Energy Prediction Equations Used in Chinese Yellow Chickens for Energy Evaluation Technical Note

    Zou, Y; Liu, S; Peng, Y; Chen, D; Tan, H

    Resumo em Inglês:

    ABSTRACT This study assessed whether the net energy (NE) system is beneficial for determining the efficiency of feed utilization in Chinese Yellow Chickens. A total of 5,600 male Chinese Yellow Chickens were assigned to eight dietary treatments (ten replicate pens per treatment and 70 chickens per pen) of differing apparent metabolizable energy (AME) and NE values. A highly significant linear correlation between dietary energy and feed conversion ratios (FCR) was observed (p<0.01). The linear regression equation between metabolizable energy (ME) and FCR was: AME=−1435.5×F/G+6278.2, where R²=0.8272. The linear regression equation between NE and FCR was NE=−1350.1×F/G+5340.9, and R²=0.9551. The R² of FCR (0.9551) for diets formulated using NE values was higher than the R² of FCR (0.8272) for diets prepared on the basis of the ME system. We conclude that the NE system is more accurate than the AME system for determining the energy requirements of Chinese Yellow Chickens.
  • ERRATAS Errata

Fundação de Apoio à Ciência e Tecnologia Avicolas Rua Barão de Paranapanema, 146 - Sala 72, Bloco A, Bosque., CEP: 13026-010. , Tel.: +55 (19) 3255-8500 - Campinas - SP - Brazil