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Brazilian Journal of Poultry Science, Volume: 26, Número: 1, Publicado: 2024
  • Identification of Genes Affected Blue Eggshell Coloration in Xuefeng Black-Bone Chickens Original Article

    Zi, Q; Li, P; Lei, J; Qu, X; He, C; Yao, Y; Zou, X; Guo, S

    Resumo em Inglês:

    ABSTRACT Blue eggshells have become economically valuable due to their higher popularity among consumers when compared with eggs of other colors, particularly in East Asia. However, eggshell colors vary widely and gradually become lighter with the increase of age. Therefore, to determine the association between DNA methylation and gene expression on the molecular mechanism of eggshell color variation in Xuefeng Black-bone chickens, we collected the shell glands from chickens that produced dark blue eggshells and light blue eggshells, respectively, and performed whole genome bisulfite sequencing (WGBS) and RNA sequencing (RNA-Seq) on them. The results showed that in the context of CG, DNA methylation levels were the highest compared to CHG and CHH contexts, and were negatively correlated with gene expression levels in three different gene regions in all samples, while there was no significant correlation in the contexts of CHG and CHH. Furthermore, when disregarding the location of coding genes, a total of 55 genes will show differences not only in expression levels but also in DNA methylation levels, and among the majority of differential expression genes (n=50), the DNA methylation levels in the gene body region were the highest. GO analysis and KEGG pathway analysis were performed in these genes and the results showed that the genes NR1H4 and HEPHL1, ABCA4 and ABCA12, and the pathways, cell adhesion molecular, ABC transporters, ECM-receptor interaction, and neuroactive ligand-receptor interaction, may affect the color variation of the blue eggshell of Xuefeng Black-bone chickens.
  • Wild Birds as Reservoirs of Multidrug-Resistant Enterobacteria in Mulungu, Brazil Original Article

    Beleza, AJF; Maciel, WC; Carreira, AS; Marques, AR; Lima, BP; Nogueira, CHG; Freitas, CMP; Silva, ING; Ribeiro, LR; Melo, LS; Pascoal Fº, NM; Teixeira, RSC; Vasconcelos, RH

    Resumo em Inglês:

    ABSTRACT Caatinga is a biome unique to Brazil, where degradation caused by anthropogenic actions has led to loss of biodiversity and put many species at risk of extinction. The Ceará state is located within the Caatinga and has a rich avifauna. It comprises 433 species, including 13 species that are in danger of extinction, which are found in the Baturité Massif. The aim of this study was to investigate the frequency and diversity of enterobacteria in wild birds and determine their susceptibility to antimicrobials. Cloacal swab samples were collected from 50 individuals of 28 different species, including the Ceara Gnatheter (Conopophaga cearae) and the Red-necked Tanager (Tangara cyanocephala), which are classified as vulnerable (VU) by the Brazilian Ministry of the Environment. A total of 55 isolates belonging to 14 different species of Enterobacteriaceae were identified. Among them, Pantoea agglomerans and Escherichia coli were the most prevalent species with isolation rates of 36% and 26%, respectively. The highest rate of antimicrobial resistance found was to ampicillin (41.8%), followed by nalidixic acid (36.3%) and amoxicillin associated with clavulanic acid (32.7%). Drugs that presented best efficacy were tobramycin (96.4%), ciprofloxacin (92.6%), and tetracycline (90.9%). Multidrug resistance was observed in 23.5% of the analyzed strains. This research provides important information about the composition of the cloacal microbiota of wild birds in Mulungu, Brazil, as well as their health status. Additionally, these results demonstrate that they harbor multidrug-resistant strains of Enterobacteriaceae.
  • Eggshell Quality Comparison between Blue-Shelled and White-Shelled Eggs of Brown Tsaiya Ducks Original Article

    Chen, YH; Liu, JY; Chen, YS; Ye, JC; Lo, NW; Lee, SM

    Resumo em Inglês:

    ABSTRACT This study aimed to compare the egg quality between the bluish-shelled (BSh) and whitish-shelled (WSh) eggs of Taiwanese Tsaiya ducks. Experiments were conducted to determine eggshell thickness and strength, heat absorption capability, and egg yolk lipid peroxidation. Our results showed that the eggshell thickness and strength of BSh eggs were higher than that of WSh eggs during both the autumn and winter seasons (p<0.05). The egg surface temperature in either indoors and outdoors conditions was higher in the BSh group than in the WSh group. The extent of lipid peroxidation was determined to analyze the anti-oxidative ability of egg yolk. When eggs were stored at room temperature in autumn for 0 day and 7 days, the levels of thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) in BSh eggs (1.21±1.04 and 1.49±0.69, respectively) were lower than those of WSh eggs (3.42±1.32 and 3.74±1.86, respectively) (p<0.05). Moreover, TBARs in the BSh group stored at 4°C for 14 days were also lower than those of the WSh group, indicating that despite the heat absorption capability of BSh eggs being higher, the anti-oxidative ability remained sound. Then, we determined serum red blood cells, which are the original source of the anti-oxidant component biliverdin in the egg shell. The results showed that the levels of red blood cells and packed cell volume in the BSh group were higher than those of the WSh group (p<0.05). All in all, we suggest that BSh eggs with higher eggshell thickness and strength and antioxidant capacity may possess greater quality and shelf life.
  • Assessment of the Climate Change Impact on Broiler Chickens in Northern Tunisia Original Article

    MN, El Melki; A, Ayemen; K, El Moueddeb; S, Khlifi

    Resumo em Inglês:

    ABSTRACT Climate change continues to influence global ecosystems, raising concerns for livestock. This study assesses the impacts of climate change on broiler chickens in northern Tunisia, focusing on well-being and mortality rates during summer. Historical data from the NRMCM5.1 and MPIESM1.2 models, were utilized, covering 1970 to 1997. Projections for 2041-2070 under the RCP4.5 and RCP8.5 emissions scenarios were examined, providing insight into future challenges. The Temperature-Humidity Index (THI) and Temperature-Humidity-Velocity Index (THVI) served as thermal comfort indicators. The research utilized temperature and relative air humidity data from two models and scenarios (RCP4.5 and RCP8.5) as inputs for the DCP system, thus evaluating comfort parameters (THI and THVI). The analysis involved calculating annual temperature and humidity averages at the system’s output for each grid and region. Historical and projected data were employed to assess mortality levels by identifying heatwave periods, which had an average duration of 2.7 consecutive days with THI exceeding 30.6°C. The analysis showed significant increases in THI and THVI in the RCP8.5 pessimistic scenario, indicating a risk of heat stress. Mortality rates were used as a measure of the vulnerability of the poultry industry to climate change, and the projections showed substantial average increases of 2.2°C for THI and 1.5°C for THVI.. The RCP4.5 and RCP8.5 scenarios predicted an increase in mortality for the period 2041-2070, with averages increasing from 0.8 to 1.3 for RCP8.5 and from 0.6 to 1.1 for RCP4.5, highlighting the need for adaptation strategies to ensure sustainability in poultry farming.
  • The Effects of Breed and Body Mass Index on the Incidence of Arrested Laying Associated with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome in Geese Original Article

    FTÖ, Bulut; H, Doğan; E, Erdem

    Resumo em Inglês:

    ABSTRACT This exploratory study aimed to investigate the effects of breed and body mass index (BMI) on arrested-laying (AL) associated with polycystic ovarian syndrome (AL-PCOS) in geese. Moreover, detailed pathological assessments in geese with AL were also performed. Mast geese and Large gray geese were reared under intensive feeding conditions. Observations during the laying season showed that all AL cases (n:8) (7.84%) were in Mast geese (n:102) fed with energy and protein-dense feeds. Necropsy revealed that all Mast geese with AL also had PCOS (8/8). In Mast geese, a significant difference was observed in body weight (BW) (p<0.0001) and BMI (p<0.0001) between the AL-PCOS group and the regular laying group. Follicle classifications detected by necropsy in AL-PCOS geese showed that among the Mast geese with AL-PCOS (n=8), two had atretic and cystic follicles (25%), four had type-1 and type-2 follicles (50%), and two had necrotic type-3 follicles (25%). The research data revealed that AL-PCOS might be correlated with breed and BMI, and that overfeeding and high BMI might increase AL- PCOS in breeds with high egg production, such as Mast geese. Therefore, it is crucial for farms raising high-yielding breeds such as Mast geese to strictly follow the laying periods and feeding regimes for high profitability. No previous reports had ever investigated AL-PCOS in geese, making this study the first of its kind. Moreover, the current study is also among the few presenting data on geese reproductive physiology and pathology.
  • Comb Color Analysis of Broilers Through the Video Surveillance System of a Poultry House Original Article

    TY, Wei; TH, Lin; YC, Tsai

    Resumo em Inglês:

    ABSTRACT Livestock and poultry production are critical agricultural industries. Intelligence in the poultry industry has received increasing attention in recent years. An intelligent monitoring system was implemented to manage the poultry house and improve its feeding conditions. Experts can remotely diagnose the health of chickens using a monitor screen. An intelligent video surveillance system was used in this study to evaluate the physical appearance of broilers in a poultry house. Comb color was studied during the long chicken growth phase, and color changes were statistically analyzed. The video surveillance system includes meticulously color-calibrated cameras with an additional YOLOv4 algorithm for comb detection and color recovery. The image data was stored for up to 90 days and then analyzed to understand comb color behavior during growth. This study develops a technique for automatically extracting comb colors that can assist professionals in making color-related broiler health diagnoses in the future.
  • Effect of Dietary Almond Hull on Growth Performance, Nutrient Digestibility, Organ Weight, Caecum Microbial Counts, and Noxious Gas Emission in Broilers. Original Article

    GS, Ahammad; CB, Lim; IH, Kim

    Resumo em Inglês:

    ABSTRACT This study was conducted to investigate the impact of a diet supplemented with almond hulls on growth performance, nutrient utilization, cecum microbiota, noxious gas emissions, and the organ weight of broilers. A total of 540, one-day-old Ross-308 broilers were used in this 35-day-long feeding trial. All birds were divided into 3 treatment groups of 10 replicates, each with 18 chicks (18 birds/replication), according to a completely randomized design. The Tukey’s test was used to compare the differences among the 3 treatments. The dietary treatments were a basal diet supplemented with 0%, 1%, and 2% almond hull, respectively. The body weight gain (BWG) of broilers supplemented with almond hull improved (p<0.05) during days 1-7 and in the overall period, whereas it tended to increase (p<0.10) during days 22-35. Additionally, feed intake (FI) tended to increase (p<0.10) during days 1-7 and in the overall experiment period. However, the feed conversion ratio (FCR) remained unchanged (p>0.05) through the supplementation of almond hull up to 2%. The nutrient digestibility of nitrogen and energy tended to increase (p<0.10), whereas the digestibility of dry matter was unchanged (p>0.05). Inclusion of almond hull in broiler diets showed a tendency to decrease (p<0.10) caecal Salmonella count. Moreover, broilers fed a diet supplemented with almond hull decreased (p<0.05) their excreted NH3 emissions. Similar (p>0.05) organ weights were found in broilers with a 2% almond hull-supplemented diet as compared to the control diet. In summary, incorporating up to 2% of almond hulls into broiler diets can enhance growth performance, increase nutrient digestibility, and reduce both microbial count and noxious gas emissions, thereby establishing almond hulls as a promising ingredient for broiler feed.
  • Substituting Zinc Bacitracin Antibiotics with Symbiotics for Post-Peak Laying Hens Original Article

    Oliveira, DP; Rabello, CBV; Santos, MJB; Silva, WA; Ribeiro, AG; Silva, DA; Manso, HECCC; Ventura, WRLM; Silva Jr, RV; Siqueira, MA; Souza, LFA; Lima, TS

    Resumo em Inglês:

    ABSTRACT The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of adding symbiotics to the diet of laying hens in the post-peak laying period on performance variables, egg quality, and nutrient digestibility. One hundred and ninety-eight 70-week-old Dekalb White laying hens were distributed in a completely randomized design with 6 treatments, each with 6 replications of 5 and 6 birds. The treatments were: corn and soybean meal (CSM); CSM + meat and bone meal (MBM); MBM + 0.05% zinc bacitracin additive (ZnBac); MBM + 0.1% Symbiotics in three phases: layer-type chick, pullet, and laying hen (Symb-S; Symb-G and Symb-L). Data were compared by Orthogonal Contrast. The CSM treatment showed better shell thickness when compared to MBM, and a better percentage of albumen. RF and BacZn showed better yolk coloration. ZnBac showed better yolk weight when compared to Symb-S. CSM and ZnBac increased red and yellow yolk colors and Symb-G had an effect for luminosity. The gross energy apparent metabolizability coefficient (GEAMC) was better for CSM and Simb-G. The crude protein apparent metabolizability coefficient (CPAMC) was better with MBM. The dry matter apparent metabolizability coefficient (DMAMC) was better for MBM, Symb-S, and Symb-L. Thus, it is possible to replace antibiotics with symbiotics for laying hens in the post-peak phase.
  • The Influence of Different Production Systems on the Welfare of a New Commercial Layer Hen Hybrid Original Article

    Kursun, K; Abdallah, N; Boga, YE; Baylan, M

    Resumo em Inglês:

    ABSTRACT This study was conducted to investigate the influence of two different production systems on the welfare of a new Turkish egg-laying hybrid known as Akbay. A total of 180 Akbay hens at the 80th week of production either reared in a free-range system or conventional cages were used. Live body weight at the 80th week of production was recorded, as well as the weight of immune organs and liver. Plumage damage, foot lesions, stress, and fear were examined. It was observed that the live body weight at the 80th week of production was significantly (p<0.05) higher in the free-range birds as compared to those housed in cages. The rectal temperature was statistically higher (p<0.05) in hens reared in the free-range systems than in those housed in the conventional cages. The percentage of hens with mild to severe foot lesions was higher in the free-range system than in the conventional cages. Plumage damages were more common and severe among hens in cages than among free-range hens. No significant differences were recorded for tonic immobility (TI), the duration of the first head movement, and the number of inductions during TI. The fluctuating asymmetry of the leg and the weight of immune organs and liver were also not significantly different between the housing systems. The housing of laying hens in free range systems improved live body weight with a reduction in stress and feather damage. However, it is suggested that further research should aim at improving the foot lesion issues associated with this housing system.
  • Evaluation of the Performance of a New Pentavalent Vaccine in Poultry Original Article

    Muniz, EC; Freitas, CMB; Godoi, BC; Barbosa, CC; Aoki, SM; Salles, GBC; Lima Neto, AJ; Vogt, JR

    Resumo em Inglês:

    ABSTRACT Viral inactivated vaccines play a fundamental role in animal heath, both for individual protection and for the induction of antibodies that will be passively transmitted to the progeny. Depending on the field challenges, it is eventually necessary to combine more than one etiology. Inactivated polyvalent vaccines with appropriate combinations to ensure adequate and balanced responses may induce a satisfactory and long-lasting immune response. This study aimed to evaluate the antibody responses of a new oil-based inactivated pentavalent viral vaccine for intramuscular administration containing a newly developed immunomodulator, and compare it with conventional vaccines through antibody responses to the same antigens by ELISA in successive weeks after administration. Mortality rate, weight gain, egg production and hatching were also determined to evaluate safety. The results obtained revealed significant differences (p<0.05) between the group that received the new vaccine and the control group, presenting persistent and long-lasting IgG (IgY) antibodies in specific pathogen free (SPF) chickens for 146 days. In addition, there was a statistically significant (p<0.05) difference in the serological response of the new pentavalent vaccine in commercial poultry in relation to the monovalent commercial vaccines for infectious bronchitis, avian metapneumovirus, Newcastle disease, Gumboro, and reovirus fractions. There was no change in the productive parameters evaluated when compared to the conventional vaccine or the control.
  • Effect of Oregano Essential Oil and Rosemary Extract Inclusion with Aloe vera Gel on the Quality and Storage Stability of Cooked Chicken Meat Original Article

    Al-Hijazeen, MA; Ibrahim, RW

    Resumo em Inglês:

    ABSTRACT This study investigated the effect of adding Origanum syriacum L. essential oil and Rosmarinus officinalis L. extract incorporated with 5 % of Aloe barbadensis miller gel on the quality and storage stability of cooked chicken meat. The experiment included five treatments: 1) Control (No additives); 2) 600 ppm of Rosemary Extract (RE); 3) 500 ppm of Oregano essential oil (OE); 4) Combination of 600 RE and 500 ppm OE (CM); and 5) 200 ppm Sodium nitrite (E-250). Lipid and protein oxidation, sensory panel assessment, and other related parameters were evaluated at different storage times. No significant differences (p>0.05) were found among treatments regarding both ultimate pH and cooking loss %. All additives showed significant (p<0.05) effect at decreasing both TBARS and total carbonyl values. However, the combination of RE and OE showed the highest significant (p<0.05) preservative effect compared to the other treatments. Moreover, the CM treatment showed the highest antioxidant effect, decreasing total aldehydes (TA) formation. The sensory panel also showed that the CM treatment was the most effective additive at improving meat shelf life regarding the selected sensorial attributes. The OE effect was higher than the RE during storage time, and comparable to the E-250 regarding TBARS, DNPH, TA values, and current sensory attributes. The combination OE and RE incorporated with Aloe carrier gel was a successful replacement that could be used in the meat industry. In addition, the gel was a promising natural carrier for both OE and RE during storage.
  • Integrated Hydrogen Peroxide, Sono, and Heterogeneous Photocatalysis Technologies: A Novel Technique for Ammonia and Phosphorus Removal in Real Poultry Slaughterhouse Wastewater Original Article

    Yuceturk, GD

    Resumo em Inglês:

    ABSTRACT Poultry slaughterhouse wastewater (PSW) has substantial organic load and nutrient contents, which must be removed before discharge due to being sanitary and environmental hazards. The present study is the first to analyze the individual and synergistic influences of combined hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), different ultraviolet lights (UV-A/UV-C), inorganic compound catalysts of titanium and zinc oxides (TiO2/ZnO), and ultrasound (US) processes on ammonia and phosphorus elimination from PSW using a Taguchi L36 orthogonal array. The results showed that, compared to other processes in isolation, the integrated process of H2O2, US, and heterogeneous photocatalysis (HPC) is significantly more effective at treating PSW in terms of N4 + -N removal (52.0%) and PO4-P elimination (59.5%). Furthermore, electrical energy consumption at 2.67 g-1 N4 + -N US$ and 2.14 g-1 PO4-P US$ was determined to be the most significant factor in the operating cost of the system, while the average chemical cost under optimal conditions was 0.34 US$/g. In general, the results indicate that the effectiveness of removing pollutants is directly influenced by the pH, catalyst concentration, and duration of the operation. Additionally, the presence of different types of pollutants in real wastewater might lead to reduced nutrient removal efficiencies.
  • Effects of Methionine Deficiency on Nutrient Composition, No, Nos Activity and Mrna Expression in Nf-κb Signal Pathway of the Liver and Kidney in Broiler Original Article

    Mou, P; Li, J; Li, C; Liu, X; Luo, X; Huang, R; Zhang, Y; Wu, B

    Resumo em Inglês:

    ABSTRACT The study aimed to investigate the effect of methionine deficiency on conventional nutrient composition, NO and NOS activity in the liver and kidney, and expression of genes related to the NF-κB signal pathway. One hundred 1-day-old broilers were divided into control and methionine deficiency group, and provided with a standard diet. The methionine-deficient group was fed with a methionine-deficient diet for 42 days. Moisture content, protein content, and crude lipid content were determined by freeze drying, the Kjeldahl method, and the ether extraction method. The concentration of NO was measured using the nitrate reductase method, and the activity of NOS was measured using colorimetry. mRNA expression of related genes in the NF-κB signal pathway was detected by reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). The results showed the contents of crude protein and crude lipid in the liver and kidney of the methionine-deficient group were significantly higher than those in the control group (p<0.05 or p<0.01). There was no significant change in dry matter (p>0.05). Methionine deficiency resulted in significantly increased NO concentration and total nitric oxide synthase (TNOS) activities in the liver and kidney (p<0.01). In contrast, cNOS and inducible iNOS activities significantly decreased (p<0.01). The expression of NF-κB, TNF-α, IFN-γ, IL-1, and IL-6 mRNA, which are related to the NF-κB signal pathway of the methionine-deficient group, were significantly higher than those in the control group (p<0.05 or p<0.01). It is concluded that long-term feeding diets lacking methionine will lead to changes in nutrient composition and inflammatory injury of the liver and kidney.
  • Gut Microbiome Revealed the Dominant Microbes Affecting the Feed Efficiency of Wannan Yellow Chicken Original Article

    Q, Ji; K, He; J, Peng; P, Chang; X, Zhu; Z, Geng; X, Chen

    Resumo em Inglês:

    ABSTRACT Intestinal digestibility can be affected by the interaction between host and gut microbiota, which could influence feed efficiency in poultry. In this study, the performance of 1480 10-week-old Wannan Yellow chickens was recorded for 6 weeks, and the feed conversion ratio (FCR) was calculated. Thirteen 16-week-old chickens (7 in the high and 6 in the low FCR group) were selected for carcass performance, ileum structure, and microbiota composition analysis. The results showed that ileum weight and length were significantly higher (p<0.05) in the high feed conversion ratio (HFCR) group. However, compared with the low feed conversion ratio (LFCR) group, villus length was significantly lower (p<0.05) in the HFCR group. The microbial community between the HFCR and LFCR groups showed no differences, but the dominant microbiota varied between them. The proportions of Acidobacteria were significantly higher in the LFCR group compared with the HFCR group. At the species level, the content of most microbiota in the LFCR group was higher than in the HFCR group and most of these microbiotas are Lactobacillus. According to the results of RDA analysis, Lactobacillus was positively correlated with FCR, ileum length, ileum weight, and ileal villi length. These results suggested that a prominent effect of ileum microbiota on chicken feed efficiency, and that Lactobacillus could be used as a biomarker for improving the growth performance of Wannan yellow chickens.
  • Impairment in the Isolation of Mycoplasma synoviae in Mixed Infection with Mycoplasma gallinaceum in Laying Hens Original Article

    DS, Fialho; KSM, Silva; TS, Dias; GA, Costa; GR, Azevedo; ML, Barreto; NC, Cunha; ER, Nascimento; DLC, Abreu; VLA, Pereira

    Resumo em Inglês:

    ABSTRACT Avian mycoplasmosis is a disease of significant economic impact, potentially leading to restrictions on the international trade of poultry products. Mycoplasma synoviae (MS) and Mycoplasma gallisepticum (MG) are well-established as pathogenic, while Mycoplasma gallinaceum (Mgc) is considered commensal. Nevertheless, the latter can exacerbate clinical conditions in cases of co-infections with other pathogens. Due to the slow growth rates of MS and MG, they are susceptible to being outpaced by fast growing mycoplasmas, thereby complicating cultivation, and potentially yielding false-negative results. Thus, this study aimed to report a mixed infection of Mgc and MS in commercial laying hens and the compromised isolation of MS caused by this non-pathogenic mycoplasma. Twenty tracheal samples from chickens were collected, subjected to PCR, and cultured in a modified Frey’s medium. Samples displaying colonies compatible with mycoplasmas underwent three passages to obtain pure cultures. PCR-positive samples for the Mycoplasma spp., and negative ones for MS and MG, were subsequently subjected to DNA sequencing. All clinical samples tested via PCR were positive for MS (20/20) and negative for MG (0/20). During isolation, only five samples exhibited colonies with characteristic mycoplasma growth. However, PCR analysis of these cultures produced negative results for MS and MG, but were positive for Mycoplasma spp. DNA sequencing confirmed that all isolated strains were Mgc. Mgc displayed rapid growth, posing challenges to obtaining MS strains for isolation. The coexistence of MS and Mgc in the respiratory tract of commercial laying hens has the potential of inducing a synergistic effect on respiratory manifestations.
  • Quality of Eggs Covered with Biofilms Containing Different Levels of Andiroba Oil and Stored at Room Temperature Original Article

    JPF, Rufino; BS, Araújo; SB, Carneiro; ES, Lima; CC, Guimarães; JL, Silva Jr; FAL, Chaves; MAF, Mendonça; PQ, Costa Neto

    Resumo em Inglês:

    ABSTRACT The objective of the current study was to investigate the effects of different levels of andiroba oil (AO) in a bioproduct based on andiroba oil (BBAO) on the physical quality, bacteriological concentration, chemical composition, yolk lipid oxidation, and sensory characteristics when coating eggs and storing them for seven days at room temperature. The eggs were arranged in a completely randomized design, in which treatments consisted of a control group (eggs stored for seven days without the application of BBAO) and eggs covered with biofilms produced with BBAO with different levels of AO (1%, 5%, 10%, and 15%). Each treatment contained 50 eggs, and each egg was considered a replicate. Data collected were subjected to Tukey test and linear or polynomial regression at 0.05 statistical significance. The results indicate that the application of BBAO on eggs stored for 7 days at room temperature resulted in better (p<0.05) conservation of their physical quality and chemical composition, and a reduction (p<0.05) or elimination of bacteriological concentrations. This conservation effect became increasingly pronounced as the concentration of AO in the BBAO increased. However, it is crucial to consider the implications of BBAO on sensory characteristics, as higher concentrations of AO in BBAO lead to a decreased (p<0.05) sensory acceptance of the eggs. Therefore, it was concluded that the use of AO in the bioproduct, especially at high levels, can provide better conservation of the eggs for seven days at room temperature, particularly concerning the physical, chemical, and microbiological characteristics; however, it can also cause significant changes in sensory attributes.
  • Effects of Selenium-enriched Diets on the Growth Performance, Slaughter Characteristics, and Blood Biochemistry of Rhode Island Red Chicken Original Article

    Khan, MT; Ahmed, S; Azhar, M; Asad, T; Arslan, M; Raziq, F; Gondal, MA; Rauf, M; Liaqat, S; Nazir, S; Bachaya, H; Qumar, M; Faran, G; Abbasi, F; Farooq, Z; Wadood, F; Iqbal, ZM; Abbas, G; Bughio, E; Younas, U; Raja, IH; Nisa, Q

    Resumo em Inglês:

    ABSTRACT The goal of the current study was to determine how selenium-supplemented diets affected the growth performance, carcass traits, and blood biochemistry of Rhode Island Red (RIR) chickens. Organic and inorganic selenium (SE) was fed to the birds at 0.30ppm, whereas the control diet was not supplemented with selenium in either organic or inorganic form. A total of 225 day-old RIR chicks were indiscriminately distributed in three groups according to the experimental diets, in a completely randomized design. Each treatment group was repeated 5 times (replicates), and each replicate had 15 birds. Parameters of growth performance, carcass characteristics, and blood biochemistry were assessed. Birds fed an inorganic selenium-supplemented diet had higher feed intake than those fed an organic selenium-supplemented diet or the control diet, whereas birds fed an organic selenium-supplemented diet had higher body weight gains and better feed conversion ratios. Birds fed organic SE in the diet showed higher breast and thigh weight than those receiving inorganic Se, whereas dressing percentage, drumstick yield, and weights of liver, gizzard, heart, and wing were not significantly different across treatments. The organic Se group showed higher values for total protein and globulin in the blood relative to those fed inorganic Se and the control diet. Similarly, organic Se fed birds showed higher blood Se concentration than the other two groups. However, no significant differences in albumin, glucose, cholesterol, triglycerides, and uric acid were observed among the diets. These results lead to the conclusion that organic Se may be utilized in diets to improve the poor performance of RIR chicken.
  • Impact of Brachiaria decumbens Leaf Meal Supplementation on Broiler Chickens Raised in Tropical Environments in Terms of Growth Performance, Blood Biochemistry, and Stress Biomarkers Original Article

    Chung, ELT; Alghirani, MM; Kassim, NA; Ong, YL; Jesse, FFA; Sazili, AQ; Loh, TC

    Resumo em Inglês:

    ABSTRACT This study’s main objective was to determine the novel impact of supplementing Brachiaria decumbens leaf meal on the growth performance, blood biochemistry, and stress biomarkers of commercial broilers raised in hot and humid environments. A total of 300 male Ross 308 day-old broilers were divided into six different treatment groups at random. In Treatment 1, commercial diets without any additional additives were given to the broilers. In Treatment 2, broilers were fed commercial diets containing 100 mg/kg of the antibiotic oxytetracycline. Similar commercial diets supplemented with 25, 50, 75, and 100 mg/kg of B. decumbens leaf meal were respectively given to Treatments 3, 4, 5, and 6 without the use of antibiotics. Growth performance, serum lipid profiles, acute phase proteins, hormones, and heat shock proteins all differed significantly (p<0.05) among the treatments. The greatest final body weight, body weight gain, and lowest feed conversion ratio were generally seen in T3, for broilers supplemented with 25 mg/kg of B. decumbens leaf meal. Moreover, T3 broilers supplemented with 25 mg/kg of B. decumbens leaf meal showed the lowest AGP, corticosterone, and HSP 70 concentrations, while T6 broilers treated with 100 mg/kg of B. decumbens leaf meal had the lowest LDL and highest HDL values. The results of this study clearly demonstrate that supplementing broilers with B. decumbens leaf meal only requires a small amount to improve growth and reduce the effects of stress, but that a higher concentration is necessary to improve lipid profiles.
  • Effect of Blend of Essential Oils on Growth Performance, Carcass Characteristics, Meat Quality, Intestinal Morphology, Serum Biochemistry, and Immune Response of Broiler Chickens Original Article

    Khan, MT; Rehman, MF; Arslan, M; Javaid, A; Farooq, U; Asad, T; Nisa, Q; Azhar, M; Bughio, E; Liaqat, S; Aslam, S; Ali, F; Ali, H; Wadood, F; Gondal, MA; Rauf, M; Fouad, D; Ataya, FS; Safdar, M; Nazir, S; Magsi, AS; Qumar, M

    Resumo em Inglês:

    ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to assess the impact of a blend of essential oils from eucalyptus, citrus, bromohexene HCl, thymole and camphor on the growth performance, carcass characteristics, meat quality, intestinal morphology, serum biochemistry, and immune response of broiler chickens. A total of 240 day-old chicks were divided into four groups, each with six replicates containing ten birds. The experiment was conducted under a completely randomized design (CRD). Different concentrations of the oil blend (0mL/kg, 0.15mL/kg, 0.30mL/kg and 0.45mL/kg) were added to the diet. The findings showed that, in comparison to the other groups, the birds that were given a blend of essential oils at concentrations of 0.30 and 0.45 mL/kg showed improved weight gain, feed efficiency, carcass yield, villus height, crypt depth, and greater immune response against Newcastle disease vaccination (p<0.05). Nonetheless, there was no statistically significant difference in the yields of the breast and thighs, feed consumption, mortality, weights of the liver, wing, heart, and gizzard, or abdominal fat between the treatments. The addition of a blend of essential oils at the doses of 0.30 and 0.45 mL/kg significantly lowered the pH of the meat in comparison to the other groups (p<0.05). All blood biochemical markers, including total serum protein, albumin, globulin, glucose, cholesterol, triglyceride, and uric acid, revealed no variations between the treatments. In conclusion, adding 0.30mL/kg of a blend of essential oils to broiler diets may be the optimum level to improve overall performance without adversely affecting the blood biochemical profile.
  • The Effect of Different Transportation Distances and the Application of Electrical Stimulation on Meat Quality in Broilers Original Article

    Avcilar, ÖV

    Resumo em Inglês:

    ABSTRACT The aim of this study was to determine the meat quality characteristics of broilers that were brought to the slaughterhouse from different transport distances and received post-slaughter carcass electrical stimulation. For this purpose, broilers were transported to the slaughterhouse from different distances, from farms belonging to the same enterprise. Broilers coming from different distances were randomly divided into two subgroups after slaughter. Electrical stimulation was applied to one of the groups, on the pectoral muscle. After electrical stimulation, pH measurements of the carcasses were made in both groups in the first 15 minutes. The carcasses were then cut, and the breast and thigh meats were separated. Subsequently, these samples were kept at +4°C for 24 hours, and pH measurements, electrical conductivity, color parameters, cooking loss and texture profile analyses were made. For the breast meat samples, it was determined that the difference in transport distance between the groups caused a difference in crude protein, crude fat, and crude ash values. It was detected that as the transport distance to the slaughterhouse increased, the protein and ash values decreased, while the fat value increased. pH15min was measured to be lower in breast meat samples taken from a closer distance to the farm. In thigh meat samples, the difference in transport distance was significant in crude fat and crude ash values. It was determined that the difference between the groups in the values obtained as a result of the electrical stimulation applied after slaughter were not significant, except for redness values of thigh meat.
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