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Golden jubilee of cardiopulmonary bypasses in Brazil: a date to be celebrated


Golden jubilee of cardiopulmonary bypasses in Brazil: a date to be celebrated

Domingo Braile* * Editor RBCCV/BJCVS

In October, the first 50 years of cardiopulmonary surgery performed in Brazil is being celebrated. The work of cardiovascular pioneering surgeons, such as Dr. Hugo João Felipozzi, is an example of perseverance and dedication and deserves to be remembered.

The Brazilian Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery (BJCVS) / Revista Brasileira de Cirurgia Cardiovascular (RBCCV), aware that it can and should excel in its function by divulging activities of the Brazilian Cardiovascular Surgery Society (SBCCV) and publishing scientific works, highlights, in this volume, a special article about the life of Professor Felipozzi.

The authors Dr. Walter Gomes, Dr. João Saba and Dr. Enio Buffolo wrote a vigorous and exciting text stressing the important aspects of Professor Felipozzi's career, who died on November 5th, 2004, at 81 years old. It also narrates the innovations made by him and his staff, such as the construction of the first national devices that decisively contributed to solidify cardiovascular surgery in Brazil.

The high quality of work currently performed in Brazil, which makes our country an international reference in this area, has its roots in the stubbornness of Dr. Felipozzi and other pioneers such as the unforgettable Prof. Euryclides de Jesus Zerbini, head of the Medicine School of the University of São Paulo, who was able to place Brazil on the world scientific stage, and was also the pioneer of heart transplantation in Latin America. At that time, Prof. Zerbini founded a school for surgeons that today has offices all over the country and in other continents. Thus, besides the special article, another way to render homage to all those who dedicated themselves to improve our profession is to continue publishing high quality works.

To encourage authors to publish their research, we are always trying to improve our journal: whether providing conditions for associated editors, the editorial committee and reviewers to qualify more and more, or attempting to liken our journal with the best international publications.

The implementation of the electronic submission and evaluation system through this website ( has roused the interest of members of the SBCCV and professionals from other areas. By the middle of December, there were more than 110 people registered and we expect that this number will rise greatly over the next few months.

The freely accessible website has all publications since 1997 available and counts on tools that assist with research, including "Advanced Search" and links to DeCs and Mesh, to define the descriptors. Another interesting link is the one that accesses the "Vancouver Norms".

Recently, the latest Vancouver Norms, updated in October 2005, became available in Portuguese in our site ( The Norms serve as a basis for the submission of manuscripts to any journal in biomedicine, so it is important that authors access the link and print them in order to check whenever necessary. The same is true for the original version in English.

The website is constantly being developed and we are always looking for suggestions to improve it even more. The RBCCV is also available in the Scielo website ( and there is a link in the CTSNet. All of this renews our hope of being indexed in Medline. Remember that today we are only accepting manuscripts that are submitted through the website. The submission process is simple and there are instructions that guide authors at each step. If you have any doubts, please enter in contact with us.

Once more, the RBCCV was chosen by CNPq as one of the publications to receive the editorial assistance granted annually by the National Counsel of Technological and Scientific Development. The budget approved at the end of September was R$ 18,000, and will be made available within the next weeks. Even though the amount is less than previous years, it is extremely important to cover part of the expenses of the printing of the journal and for contracted staff.

The rest has been paid with advertising income and by the SBCCV, whose directorate has worked tirelessly to make the RBCCV possible. I have insisted on one point throughout my administration as editor; that is to stress the necessity that society members send their suggestions to attempt to increase our income. Thus, we will be able to achieve financial independence and invest not only in visual improvement of the journal, but specifically to increase the number of printed copies in order to reach cardiologists associated to SBC and not only cardiovascular surgeons.

It will not be easy, but we must fight for our objectives with everyone's collaboration. If it was not this way, Professors Hugo Felipozzi, Euryclides Zerbini and other pioneers would have given up when faced with the innumerous obstacles and the Brazilian Cardiovascular Surgery would be been put back decades when compared to the main international centers.

I would like to thank the reviewers, among associated editors, members of the editorial committee and "Ad-hoc" reviewers that in 2005, with their voluntary collaboration, evaluated dozens of manuscripts and suggested pertinent changes that were in general accepted by the authors, making it possible for the RBCCV to publish high quality articles. The names of all of them are included in this issue on page 454. This procedure will become standard at the end of each year as a simple way to thank everyone publicly.

I wish you a happy Christmas and that 2006 will be full of success with all dreams coming true.

My warmest regards,

  • *
    Editor RBCCV/BJCVS
  • Publication Dates

    • Publication in this collection
      11 Sept 2007
    • Date of issue
      Dec 2005
    Sociedade Brasileira de Cirurgia Cardiovascular Rua Afonso Celso, 1178 Vila Mariana, CEP: 04119-061 - São Paulo/SP Brazil, Tel +55 (11) 3849-0341, Tel +55 (11) 5096-0079 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil