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Experiência inicial da estimulação cardíaca artificial com marcapasso VDD de eletrodo único

The authors present an evaluation of the first results in the use of artificial cardiac stimulation, with a VDD single electrode pacemaker, (Dromos Biotronic). In 1995 26 VDD single electrode pacemaker implants were done. Twenty one patients were female, average age 59.8 years (range 01-77 years). A total AVB due to myocardiopathy secondary to Chagas disease was the first indication. All the patients used an SL 60/13 up electrode. A standard implant technique using intracavity pacers, always observing if the atrial sensors were in good position inside the atrial cavity getting good values of sensibility. The post-op was on an out patient basis and the pacemaker was analysed routinely. Echocardiograms and stress tests for evaluation of left ventricular function, exercise tolerance and the mantainace of the atrial sensibility in movament were done. All cases kept adequate atrial sensibility, with limits below 1.0 mv, kept synchronism of AV, and in consequence improvement of symptoms. Echocardiograms demonstrated an increase of ejection fraction with VDD model and stress test showed a better resistance to stress and AV synchronism in all patients. Artificial VDD cardiac stimulation with single electrode resulted to be an excellent alternative to the DDD stimulation, since it mantained the AV synchronism improved hemodinamic performance and consequently the functional class, without need of a second electrode and all the problems related to its management.

Pacemaker; Cardiac pacing; Heart block

Sociedade Brasileira de Cirurgia Cardiovascular Rua Afonso Celso, 1178 Vila Mariana, CEP: 04119-061 - São Paulo/SP Brazil, Tel +55 (11) 3849-0341, Tel +55 (11) 5096-0079 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil