Acessibilidade / Reportar erro

Words of Dr. Domingo Marcolino Braile


Words of Dr. Domingo Marcolino Braile

After a seeming frustrated attempt at indexing the Brazilian Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery (BJCVS) in Medline, we were not too discouraged but contacted several people who have influence in Scielo, Bireme and Capes. We also analyzed Brazilian journals that were recently accepted in the database of the United States in order to correct our mistakes and to resubmit our request for further assessment.

Happily, our effort was not in vain. I sent an e-mail to Dr. Sheldon Kotzin, Executive Editor of the Committee who selects journals asking for a meeting. He replied and said that it would be impossible due to some business and travel commitments, but praised the journal – in fact he praised all the journals indexed to the Lilacs and Scielo databases. He suggested that we should resubmit our request for another evaluation to the on-line system that Medline has made available. The e-mail of Dr. Sheldon follows:

Dr. Braile,

I truly think that your journal can receive a fair review for inclusion in Medline without a face to face meeting. Early June will be a busy time for me with several meetings and travels. I looked at your journal web site and I know that journals in Lilacs and Scielo are generally of excellent quality. I think you should submit an online application form that can be found at:

We will then schedule the journal for review. Please note that while I schedule journals for review, I do not participate in the discussion or vote. Thanks for your interest in Medline.


Thus, we will once again try to have our journal included in Medline after making the corrections suggested after the last attempt and we are optimistic that it will be accepted. The BJCVS was also included in a group of 15 journals selected by Scielo to be evaluated by the ISI, another important international database. The letter from the general coordinator of Scielo, Prof. Dr. Rogerio Meneghini to ISI when he sent our work, highlighted the importance of our journal, reflecting the high editorial level achieved by us.

We must continue to remind colleagues of the necessity of submitting their works, as we aim to publish 20 original articles, two review articles and two editorials in each issue. We know that this will be difficult to achieve, but we are certain that everyone involved is interested and will try their hardest to achieve this.

With the implementation by the Federal Medicine Council (FCM) and the Brazilian Medical Association (BMA) of a revalidation process for the specialist title using a points system, the publication of papers will also count for points. The final version should be defined this month, but the proposal recommends that:

a) Original articles in indexed journals will be worth 20 points;

b) Review articles in indexed journals will be worth 15 points;

c) Original articles in non-indexed journals will be worth 15 points;

d) Review articles in non-indexed journals will be worth 10 points;

e) Case Reports will be worth 5 points;

f) Chapters in a national or international books will be worth 25 points;

g) Complete edition of national or international book will be worth 40 points.

Our journal, as it is indexed, will be an important space for cardiovascular surgeons to validate their titles.

We also intend to give more value to the work of reviewers, who dedicate themselves in their free time to analyze works and to make suggestions giving improvements that are reflected in the final quality of the BJCVS. In the last edition of the year we are going to print a list of the names of all reviewers. This is very little in relation to the work performed by them, but at least it is public recognition of their importance.

In order to do make the review process quicker, we are implanting an electronic submission system, similar to the principal national and international scientific publications, as was announced in the last edition. The program will improve the flow of the manuscripts and also the on line availability of the electronic edition. Members of the society will soon receive by e-mail instructions on how to the register and about how to utilize the system. The person responsible for the system and the team of the BJCVS will be available to explain any possible doubts.

We want to take advantage of this moment to congratulate the Directorate of the Brazilian Society of Cardiovascular Surgery (BSCVS) and in particular Dr. Shariff Moysés for the excellent organization of the 32nd Brazilian Congress and 1st Latin-American Meeting of Cardiovascular Surgery, held in Vitoria – Espirito Santo, Brazil from 28 to 30 April.

I, personally, am sincerely thankful for being honored with the Prof. E.J. Zerbini Award for the Personality of 2004 Year. Congratulations to Doctors Luiz Carlos Bento de Souza, João Carlos Leal and José Wanderley Neto, whose works were respectively placed in first, second and third place in the Congress. As normal, we are publishing the abstracts of the oral presentations, interactive forums and works of the 1st Latin-American Meeting.

During the Congress I had the honor of participating in discussions aimed at founding the Journal of Latin-American Society of Cardiovascular Surgery. My suggestion to initially make the journal available on-line was accepted and in the future it can be produced as a traditional journal on paper. In respect to the language, after some discussions, there was a consensus that the electronic edition should be with the articles of the different journals of the affiliated societies in English.

We know there is still much to be discussed, but we feel the spark of the Latin-American Journal, a dream of many of us, was definitively lit and it will now be a question of time for the different points of view to converge into one and the publication to be transformed into a reality.

Some of the works of the congress have already been transformed into articles and will appear in the pages of this and future issues. We ask the authors who still did not adapt their works to the norms of the journal that they do this and send them to us as soon as possible. I would like to remind you, once again, that with the electronic edition ( available in English and Portuguese, the number of readers has increased substantially and we will be able to increase this even more with indexation in Medline. We count on the generous collaboration of all.

My warmest regards,

Domingo Braile


Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    11 Sept 2007
  • Date of issue
    June 2005
Sociedade Brasileira de Cirurgia Cardiovascular Rua Afonso Celso, 1178 Vila Mariana, CEP: 04119-061 - São Paulo/SP Brazil, Tel +55 (11) 3849-0341, Tel +55 (11) 5096-0079 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil