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BJCVS on social networks


BJCVS on social networks

Domingo M. Braile*

The term "social network" is in vogue today, with the growing universality of such tool on the Internet and the expansion of its access either via PCs, laptops, iPhones, tablets and smartphones.

But far from being a novelty, the concept of "social network" has ancient roots. The embryo of the banking system, created by the Templar Order, and the so-called Guild, can be cited as examples of this type of structure, which brings together people with common interests.

In the case of the Internet,, created in 1995, is considered the first social network. Accessed in the United States and Canada, the site's purpose was to enable reunions between friends who studied together, either in high school or college. The service was paid, but managed to do successfully and is online today [1]. However, the growth and popularization occurred in the XXI century. Currently, the great sensation among social networks is Facebook, created by Mark Zuckerberg in 2004, in collaboration with the Brazilian Eduardo Saverin, who has over 900 million users, according to The New York Times [2].

Scientific publications such as "Science", have discovered this "niche" and now use social networks to promote their most important articles, obtaining, through shares and the option to "enjoy" the dissemination of scientific knowledge, which is of fundamental importance for every scientist who believes in the advancement of science, as information to be disseminated widely and can not be restricted to laboratory benches or closed groups, and should be quickly known by the whole society. It is the Translational Medicine, which seeks to transform the research for benefit of man and nature!

Over the years, Brazilian Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery (BJCVS), has sought to keep up with technological innovations, added to the print edition, has pioneered the electronic publishing and submission, followed by editing in e-Pub format (for iPads, iPhones and the like) and flip (which has the same formatting of the printed edition, and can be read on PCs and notebooks), in the form of a print journal or PDF. Now moving us into the future, it is time to also be present in social networks.

So, since August BJCVS has its Facebook profile ( Access can also be done through our website ( by clicking the Facebook icon at the top of the page. Remembering that, to access, the user must also have a profile. Despite our recent entry in these weeks, over 100 people have "enjoyed" the journal in Brazil and abroad, and the trend is that this number has a significant growth in the coming months. Soon, we will be providing articles and videos, and other information related to BJCVS, this and other Social Networks. We invite the esteemed readers "to enjoy" our page.

The Facebook profile is just another facet of the importance of BJCVS in the national and international scene. The recent disclosure of the Impact Factor (1.239) positioned the journal as the sixth in the ranking of national scientific publications and the first of the surgical area. The Immediacy Index of 0.329 is the second highest among the top 20 Brazilian journals listed in ISI [3].

This growing number of citations is a reflection of hard work for the dissemination of BJCVS among cardiovascular surgeons and other health professionals, both in Brazil and abroad, in actions such as adoption of DOI, banners in Congress, expansion of the international reviewers and, fundamentally, the availability of content in English.

We have received more and more manuscripts, allowing better planning of issues and also enabling rejection of those whose content does not follow the minimum standards required by the Editorial Board. Our rejection rate is at around 40%, much higher than it was a few years ago. Moreover, the 60% who should be reviewed and subsequent published have had an increasing level, demonstrating the concern of the authors in developing well-grounded works, guided by the strictest scientific and ethical principles.

Thus, we can further raise the level of the articles that have been increasingly cited as our impact factor has been showing. To achieve index above 1.599, which is our goal for next year [3] and thus be classified by Capes as Qualis BI in Medicine I, II and III, we need more citations in journals indexed in Thomson Reuters (ISI), which can only be obtained with innovative studies of proven scientific relevance.

Although the ISI Impact Factor is the most widely used index for measuring the citations of scientific publications, there are other indicators. In the Relative Citation Database Potential, Scopus, another important database, the index of BJCVS referring to 2011 is 1.70 (Figure 1). This demonstrates that our journal has reached a solid status.

Translated into numbers, joining our site and the BJCVS website at Scielo (, we had, in August 2012, on average, more than 4,200 hits and nearly 382,000 pages viewed daily Internet users over 100 countries (Figure 2). Numbers are robust, giving us full conditions of dream flying higher.

In order to make this dream come into reality, we will continue working hard with the support of authors, reviewers, Associate Editors, Editorial Board Members and Senior Management of the Brazilian Society of Cardiovascular Surgery (BSCCV). We know the challenges are great, but we are aware that we can overcome them.

Remember that since the volume 27.2, the circulation of the print edition of BJCVS was reduced only being distributed to educational institutions, databases, sponsors, counterparts journals and partners which answered the pool held in May. Access to full content and the free online edition, which includes the entire collection of BJCVS since its first issue in 1986, is available to all interested parties, whose number has increased very significantly.

We emphasize in this issue the interesting article: Proposal of a Single Scientometric Index, with an emphasis on balancing the positive participation of the first author: H-FAC Index, authored by peer Francisco Gregori Júnior, Moacir Fernandes de Godoy and Francisco Ferreira Gregori [4]. This study introduces a new way of knowing the impact of scientific production of researchers, in addition to provide important information about the different markers that show the position of authors in the international ranking.

The articles available for testing by the Continuing Medical Education (CME) in this issue are: "Factors associated with survival in patients undergoing cardiac transplantation using retrograde blood microcardioplegia" (p. 347), "Valve-in-valve transcatheter implant: a change of selection?" (p. 355), "Long-term mortality in deep sternal infection after coronary artery bypass grafting" (p. 377) and "Influence of fresh frozen plasma as a trigger factor for kidney dysfunction in cardiovascular surgery" (p. 405).

My warmest regards,

Domingo M. Braile




  • 1
    » link
  • 2
    » link
  • 3. Braile DM. Novo fator de Impacto: 1,239. Meta é passar de 1,5 em 2013. Rev Bras Cir Cardiovasc. 2012;27(2):I-II.
  • 4. Gregori Júnior F, Godoy MF, Gregori FF. Proposta de um índice cientométrico individual, com ênfase na ponderação positiva da participação do primeiro autor: índice H-FAC. Rev Bras Cir Cardiovasc. 2012;27(3):370-6.

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    19 Dec 2012
  • Date of issue
    Sept 2012
Sociedade Brasileira de Cirurgia Cardiovascular Rua Afonso Celso, 1178 Vila Mariana, CEP: 04119-061 - São Paulo/SP Brazil, Tel +55 (11) 3849-0341, Tel +55 (11) 5096-0079 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil