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Longitudinal studies on somatic growth and motor performance: designs, challenges, and needs

The main objective of the present review of the literature was to provide an overview of the major longitudinal and mixed longitudinal studies focusing on somatic growth, biological maturation, and, more recently, physical performance. We selected studies conducted in the USA, Europe, and Portuguese speaking countries. First, the main theoretical considerations, general characteristics, study designs, statistical analyses, and methodological challenges of the data were presented. Next, we provided an overview of the most important longitudinal and mixed longitudinal studies. Finally, the major challenges of the ongoing studies were outlined.

Longitudinal designs; Motor performance; Somatic growth

Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Campus Universitário Trindade, Centro de Desportos - RBCDH, Zip postal: 88040-900 - Florianópolis, SC. Brasil, Fone/fax : (55 48) 3721-8562/(55 48) 3721-6348 - Florianópolis - SC - Brazil