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Evaluation of the Niterói Bicycle Policy: advances and challenges for a healthy and sustainable agenda


This article aims to present the results of the Niterói Bicycle Policy Evaluability study. It is a pre-evaluative approach whose methodological path adopted the following steps: i) Document analysis; ii) Construction of the theoretical-logical model; iii) Agreement on the model with interested actors; iv) Definition of evaluative questions. The study made it possible to present a feasible, measurable and realistic design of the policy with the following dimensions: Urban Mobility, Safety and Cycle Education, Accountability and Healthy and Sustainable City. The importance of spreading monitoring and evaluation actions is reinforced here as an essential movement to strengthen the cyclomobility policy as an alternative transport and health promoter.

Evaluation; Urban mobility; Cycling; Health promotion

Colégio Brasileiro de Ciências do Esporte Universidade de Brasilia - Campus Universitário Darcy Ribeiro, Faculdade de Educação Física, Asa Norte - CEP 70910-970 - Brasilia, DF - Brasil, Telefone: +55 (61) 3107-2542 - Brasília - DF - Brazil