Open-access Soccer, race and national identity: an analysis about the performance of players in black x white games


In Sao Paulo in commemoration of the day May 13th there was a soccer game between players self declared black or white. They were the Black X White games. The authors aimed to analyze the compliment to the performance of blacks in those games. They analyzed the material published by the Sao Paulo newspapers between the years 1927 and 1931, 1938 and 1939. It was concluded that games aimed at the integration and to challenge prejudice in Brazil. Consequently, there were positive stereotypes about the physical qualities of the "black race". Designed after the abolition, the ambiguous effect of that praise is in fact that it kept the black away from intellectual activities, indicating the soccer fields as one of their areas of integration in that liberal society.

KEYWORDS Soccer; Race; Press; National identity

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