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Anthropometry and somatotype: determinant factors in the selection of brazilian volleyball players

Objective: analyze the anthropometry and somatotype of Brazilian volleyball athletes. Methods: The sample was composed of 54 athletes convened for the national selections, 16 of the adult (25.6 ± 5, 3anos), 17 of juvenile (17.89 ± 0,32anos) and 21 under 17 (15.86 ± 0, 36anos). Heath and Carter Somatotype Method was used to collect somatotype. The statistical treatment used was descriptive with values of central tendency and derivates and the inferential ANOVA one-way and post hoc of Tukey. The spatial distance between the somatotypes (DES) was used to calculate the somatotype. Results: the height variable wasn't different between the selections, however, this difference is evident between the positions of the game. The somatotype of under 17 selection was different from the others.The adult selection was classified as ectomorphic-mesomorph (2.24 / 3,16 / 3.58), the juvenile as central (3.12 / 3.40 / 3.30) and under 17 as ecto-endomorphic (3.07 /2.25 / 3.81). Conclusion: the height and linearity are important variables in the selecions of athletes for high performance.

Anthropometry; somatotype; volleyball; performance

Colégio Brasileiro de Ciências do Esporte Avenida Esperança s/n, Câmpus Samambaia, CEP: 74690-900, Telefone: +55 (62) 3521-1513 - Brasília - DF - Brazil